

To get started using permissions, ensure that django-guardian is installed and configured correctly. Instead of using GuardianBackend in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS, set it up like so:


Start assigning permissions to objects (see assigning object permissions):

>>> from guardian.shortcuts import assign
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> joe = User.objects.create(username='joe')
>>> task = Task.objects.create(summary='Some job', content='')
>>> assign('view_task', joe, task)
>>> joe.has_perm('view_task', task)

So long as you have EmailBackend configured in your settings.py, you should be able to check object permissions on any of your models.

Mozilla Persona (Browser ID)

django-swingers comes with an authentication backend to support BrowserID authentication. If you wish to enable this, add swingers.auth.backends.PersonaBackend to the list of backends in your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.

Automatic model versioning

django-swingers implements an abstract model to transparently add auditing and versioning to any Django model that inherits from it.

Access tokens

django-swingers includes methods to request access tokens and can be set up to serve tokens to client consumers.

Serving access tokens

Setting up a project using django-swingers to serve access tokens to clients is simple, just create a new django project:

$ swingers-admin.py startproject -e py,txt,hgignore project_name

This will create a new project using DPaW’s project template, which will take care of setting up some sane defaults for running within the DPaW django application stack.

In settings.py, add swingers to your INSTALLED_APPS. Also, ensure you have set SERVICE_NAME. This is the name of your server. Make sure you have setup DATABASES to point to your database server.

Run manage.py syncdb --migrate on your project:

$ manage.py syncdb --migrate

In your urls.py add the following line:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'service-endpoint/', include('swingers.urls')),

Set up apache and point it to your project’s apache.conf, and restart the server. Check you can access the views at service-endpoint/ you set in urls.py. Everything should work as expected.

Requesting / retrieving access tokens

The process to request an access token and make requests for other services on the same server is a two-step process. It requires you to set up an ApplicationLink from the admin before requesting a token for a user.

Django-swingers is a library of common utilities, templates and other django customizations used throughout Department of Parks and Wildlife.

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