
Swingers’ built-in middleware classes.

Authentication middleware

class swingers.middleware.auth.AuthenticationMiddleware

Adds functionality including:

  • setting the request on our thread local storage _locals.
  • adds request.SITE_NAME and request.footer to the request object.
  • checks request.GET and the HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN header for an access token, and refreshes it if necessary.
  • redirects the user to settings.LOGIN_URL if they are unauthenticated and the url is not in settings.LOGIN_EXEMPT_URLS and settings.ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS is false.
  • sets access control headers on the response for cross-site request forgery protection, and allows content types other than JSONP to be served to the client.

To enable it in your application add it to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:

    # previous middleware classes

Transaction middleware

class swingers.middleware.transaction.ResponseStatusTransactionMiddleware

ResponseStatusTransactionMiddleware is almost exactly the same as Django’s included TransactionMiddleware, except it will rollback the transaction when the HTTP response status is an error. Response status codes that result in a rollback: >= 400, >=500. Use this if you don’t want to worry about transactions.


This is going to be deprecated since django’s transaction middleware superseedes this in Django 1.6

Caching middleware

class swingers.middleware.cache.UpdateCacheMiddleware

UpdateCacheMiddleware is similar to Django’s django.middleware.cache.UpdateCacheMiddleware (in fact it is its extension), it adds functionality to invalidate cache entries based on what db tables were written to in the current request.

Replace django.middleware.cache.UpdateCacheMiddleware with this if you don’t want to worry about caching too much. Think twice about using this if majority of your site is login protected and/or majority of requests are NOT read-only.

This middleware extends django’s UpdateCacheMiddleware and builds up an associative array of cache_key(request) to read db tables. It examines django.db.connection to determine which db tables were written to and consequently deletes all cache_keys that read from those db tables. It uses django’s caching middleware to determine the cache keys, fetch from cache, update cache, etc.

HTML middleware

class swingers.middleware.html.HtmlMinifyMiddleware

This is a customization of django-htmlmin’s htmlmin.middleware.HtmlMinifyMiddleware in that HTML is not minified when DEBUG toolbar is shown (uses SHOW_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK function in settings). If DEBUG toolbar is not used, default behaviour is preserved (minify when not DEBUG).

class swingers.middleware.html.JsCssCompressMiddleware

This is a piece of middleware has been made from a compressor filter based on the default JS and CSS filters from django-compressor. The features are:

  • Compresses both JS and CSS at once.
  • Skips non-CSS/non-JS HTML (unlike the default compressor that removes it).
  • It’s a convenient piece of middleware so it can applied across the entire application with very little effort.

To enable this piece of middleware, put JsCssCompressMiddleware into your settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and configure django-compressor according to its installation instructions <http://django-compressor.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>.

Django-swingers is a library of common utilities, templates and other django customizations used throughout Department of Parks and Wildlife.

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