Django bindings to the Storymarket API ====================================== .. module:: django_storymarket :synopsis: Sync Django models to Storymarket .. currentmodule:: django_storymarket This library binds Django models to the `Storymarket API `_. You'll need a Storymarket account to use this library, and you'll need to generate an API token by visiting the `Developer API page `_. .. warning:: This library is, at best, of beta quality. It works, but is under-tested and -documented, prone to API changes, and likely has bugs. At this point in time it should be considered a sketch, not a finished work. Getting started --------------- First, add your Storymarket API key to your settings module:: STORYMARKET_API_KEY = '80ae06462d691445834ed2263677b795' And make sure ``"django_storymarket"`` is in your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and you've run ``syncdb``. Next, each model that you want to sync needs to have a converting function defined and registered. Here's an example:: import django_storymarket.converters from yourapp.models import ExampleStory def story_to_storymarket(api, obj): return { "type": "text", "title": obj.headline, "author": "jacobian", "org": api.orgs.get(12), "category": api.subcategories.get(12), "content": obj.body, } django_storymarket.converters.register(ExampleStory, story_to_storymarket) Of note here: * The conversion function takes an instance of the :class:`~storymarket.Storymarket` API object and the Django model to convert. * It must return a dictionary of converted data. This dictionary should be in the form described `in the python-storymarket documentation`__ with one additional key: the ``type`` of object to upload. This type must be one of ``"audio"``, ``"data"``, ``"photos"``, ``"text"``, or ``"video"``. * This dictionary *may* be overridden by users, but it also might not be, so it must contain a full, valid set of data. * Binary object types must return an additional ``blob`` field. Its value should be a string of binary data or a file-like object. __ You may define these functions and register them anywhere. However, if you place a ```` in any app directory it'll be loaded automatically and can be used as a convenient place to register converters. Finally, you need to hook the upload functions into the admin interface. ``django-storymarket`` ships with admin actions and a quasi-inline type. Together, these allow bulk uploads from changelist pages and individual uploads from object detail pages. Wire 'em into the admin like so:: from django.contrib import admin from django_storymarket.admin import (upload_to_storymarket, is_synced_to_storymarket, StorymarketUploaderInline) from yourapp.models import ExampleStory class ExampleStoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): actions = [upload_to_storymarket] list_display = ['headline', is_synced_to_storymarket] inlines = [StorymarketUploaderInline], ExampleStoryAdmin) Of course, each of these bits is optional; you can mix and match. Contributing ------------ Run tests with ``python test``. Development takes place `on GitHub `_; please file bugs/pull requests there. Development on this project was funded by the `Lawrence Journal-World `_ - thanks! Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`