.. _setup: Setup ===== You have to add the app to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and also include some URLs in your ``urlconf``: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'signup', ... ) .. code-block:: python urlpatterns = patterns('', ... url(r'^accounts/', include('signup.urls')), ... ) Settings -------- There are two settings specific to ``django-signup``. .. _setting-activation-days: ``SIGNUP_ACTIVATION_DAYS`` ************************** This controls for how many days an instance of :py:class:`signup.models.Validation` will be valid before being considered "expired". It is used on the :ref:`clear_expired_signups` management command. If not set in the user settings, the default value is **2 days**. ``SIGNUP_FORM_CLASS`` ********************* A string with the full dotted name of a class representing the form to be used on the signup page. If not specified, the :py:class:`signup.forms.DefaultUserCreationForm` class is used.