
A collection of toys to skip the forplay with Django and go straight to the point: url and view decorators.

You will fall in love with it if you ever had the fantasm you could do:

def user_view(request, id)
    return {'users': users}

def ajax_user_view(request, id, context):
    return context

And yes, this is alpha software, but you already want it, so don't fight it !

So pip install django-quicky.

Url decorators

If you like micro frameworks like bottle, you probably miss the very easy way to declare a route.

Shhh, baby. Talk no more:

from django_quicky import routing

url, urlpatterns = routing()

def an_ordinary_view(request):

def an_ordinary_view(request):

Just declare your routing in the view. And use your view file in URL_ROOT or any include() like you would do with

Remember, the order you declare you routing matters as much as it does in

If you are in the mood for fancy stuff, like adding an url manually, just do:

urlpatterns.add_url(url, view, [kwargs, name, prefix])

And for an include:

urlpatterns.include(url, view, [name, prefix])

And since you often add the admin url:


Adding http error views is neither hard nor most of the time useful, but for consitency:

def http404(request):

Of course, your view needs to return the proper status code.

View decorators

Rendering template and json bore you to death ? Just say the word:

from django_quicky import view

def an_ordinary_view(request):
    return {'stuff': stuff}

def an_json_view(request):
    return {'stuff': stuff}

For the first one, the returned dictionary will be used as a context to render the template. For the second one, it will be serialised to JSON.


The view decorator should always be the first decorator to be applied. Only by doing so you garanti it will work with other decorators such as @login_required.

Conditional rendering

Because I know you like dirty talking and big words...

You can also declare alternative rendering:

from django_quicky import view

def common_views(request):
    return {'stuff': stuff}
def post_view(request, context):
    # do more stuff
    return context

def json_view(request, context):
    return context

The first view will be rendered as-is if it receives a normal GET request. The second vew will be rendered only for POST requests, but will be passed the result of the first view before. The second vew will be rendered only for AJAX requests, and as JSON, but will be passed the result of the first view before.

Just remember that alternative views must accept context as a parameter, because they will always receive the result of the main view.

Oh, and of you can define your own conditions:

def common_views(request):
    return {'stuff': stuff}

def conditional_view(request, context):
    # do more stuff
    return context

Super user middleware

Double authentification ? Short session timeout ? Permission issue ? Loooooooong password.

In, dev, just do:



You wil always be logged in as a super user. No password required. No timeout.

Serve static middleware

Serving static files in dev without worries:



And if you do want to test your site with DEBUG set to False, you can just remove the condition.

(Idea borrowed from the excellent django-annoying, but I stripped the internal test on DEBUG which is a pain for testing.)

Settings context processor

Because you always need access to settings in your template one day or the other, but most of the time, right now:


BTW, it's under the zlib licence.