Overriding default settings =========================== *Django-geoportal* shares a few common settings between the template API and the admin API. They are defined in ``geoportal.utils`` and luckily they are easy to override from your project. *Django-geoportail* checks if those settings are defined in your Django project settings, and if no value is found it provides a default value. All the settings are prefixed by ``GEOPORTAL_`` to avoid conflicts with other apps. If you override a setting, its value will be used in the admin, the template system and the forms library, given that you haven't set it manually in the admin class or in the templatetag/widget options. .. _settings-ref: Settings reference ------------------ * ``GEOPORTAL_POINT_ZOOM``: the zoom value when a single point is displayed on a map. Default: ``14``. * ``GEOPORTAL_DEFAULT_LON``: the longitude of a new map. Default: ``2``. * ``GEOPORTAL_DEFAULT_LAT``: the latitude of a new map. Default: ``47``. * ``GEOPORTAL_DEFAULT_ZOOM``: the zoom level of a new map. Default: ``5``. * ``GEOPORTAL_DEFAULT_WIDTH``: the width of a map in the admin or in a template. Default: ``600``. * ``GEOPORTAL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT``: the height of a map in the admin or in a template. Default: ``400``. * ``GEOPORTAL_DEFAULT_COLOR``: the color of the drawing feature in the admin widget or the template map, in ``rrggbb`` format. Default: ``'ee9900'``, a light orange (OpenLayer's default value). * ``GEOPORTAL_DEFAULT_OPACITY``: the opacity of the inner part of a surface in the admin or the template maps. Default: ``0.4`` (OpenLayer's default value). * ``GEOPORTAL_API_KEY`` is a required setting and no map will show up until you set it to the key given by the IGN. See :ref:`ign-api-access`. * ``GEOPORTAL_MEDIA_URL`` points to the Geoportal Javascript library. The default value is ``http://api.ign.fr/geoportail/api/js/1.0/``, which is the hosted version. If you want to host it yourself, see :ref:`media-files`.