######## Settings ######## The django-formrenderingtools settings are prefixed with "FORMRENDERINGTOOLS\_". It is recommended not to change the following settings if you are aware of the "convention over configuration" practice. These settings were originally created for the developer convenience and to enable tests. ******************************* FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_TEMPLATE_DIR ******************************* By default: .. code-block:: python FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_TEMPLATE_DIR_TEMPLATE_DIR = 'form_layouts' By default, the "form_layouts" template tag library searches for templates within the "form_layouts/" folder in template directories. You can change this behaviour by overriding FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_TEMPLATE_DIR in your project's settings. ********************************* FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT ********************************* By default: .. code-block:: python FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT = 'default' When you call a template tag without specifying the optional "layout" argument, then it fallbacks to settings.FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_DEFAULT_LAYOUT. *********************************** FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE *********************************** By default: .. code-block:: python FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = 'default.html' When you call a template tag without specifying the optional "template" argument, then it fallbacks to settings.FORMRENDERINGTOOLS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE.