======= FilmMap ======= FilmMap is an API to find movies that are playing in the San Francisco area. Feel free to fork the repository and use it for your own data sets! Quick start ----------- 1. Add "filmmap" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'filmmap', ) 2. Include the filmmap URLconfs in your project urls.py like this:: urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^', include('filmmap.urls', namespace='filmmap')), url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)), ) 3. Run ``python manage.py syncdb`` to create the filmmap models. 4. Run ``python manage.py update_films https://data.sfgov.org/resource/yitu-d5am.json`` to update the films database. 5. Visit to run the application! 6. Feel free to fork the repository_ and create an API for your own data sets. Modify the api view in `views.py`, the the admin comment `update_films.py`, and the models in `models.py` to reflect your particular data set. .. _repository: http://github.com/Risto-Stevcev/django-filmmap