Admin Integration

Handle list_editable

New in Django-Concurrency 0.6.

django-concurrency is able to handle conflicts in the admin’s changelist view when ModelAdmin.list_editable is enabled. To enable this feature simply extend your ModelAdmin from ConcurrentModelAdmin or use ConcurrencyListEditableMixin

Check admin’s action execution for concurrency

New in Django-Concurrency 0.6.

Extend your ModelAdmin with ConcurrencyActionMixin or use ConcurrentModelAdmin

Update existing actions templates to be managed by concurrency

New in Django-Concurrency 0.6.

You ca use the identity filter to pass both pk and version to your ModelAdmin. Each time you use {{ }} simply change to {{ obj|identity }}. So in the admin/delete_selected_confirmation.html will have:

{% for obj in queryset %}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ action_checkbox_name }}" value="{{ obj|identity }}" />
{% endfor %}