Introduction ============ Django-addons is a bunch of code that makes writing addon/plugins for your Django project much easier. Add django-addons to your Django project and you can drop all the addons to /MyDjangoProject/addons folder. Features: * Addons overview page * Automatic signal connecting of addons * Automatic URL discovery of addons * Template hooking system (inject code from addons to your main project) * Django-staticfiles to serve site media from each addon * Django-notifications support (automatic registration of noticetypes) * Per addon localization * Per addon settings * Disabling addons via ./ addons Tweaking your project ===================== In order to take advantage of django-addons you need to tweak your Django project a bit. Settings -------- Firstly you need to have a bunch of code in your settings to load addons: .. code-block:: python # Determines wether addon subsystem is enabled ENABLE_ADDONS = True # This is path of the addons folder, relative to Tx root # NB! No leading or trailing slashes! ADDONS_ROOT = "addons" # This is addons module prefix to filter them out of INSTALLED_APPS ADDONS_PREFIX = ADDONS_ROOT.replace("/", ".") # Subset of INSTALLED_APPS containing only addons without ADDONS_PREFIX ADDONS = [] # Disabled addons are described in this file # You can use './ addons' to enable and disable addons ADDONS_DISABLED_CONF = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ADDONS_ROOT, "disabled.conf")) # In ADDONS_DISABLED_CONF file there should be only one var ADDONS_DISABLED ADDONS_DISABLED = [] if os.path.isfile(ADDONS_DISABLED_CONF): execfile(ADDONS_DISABLED_CONF) # This piece of code scans ADDONS_ROOT and # register all found folders as Django applications. # Directories that start with "." or end # with ".disabled" are not registered for dir in sorted(os.listdir(ADDONS_ROOT)): if not dir in ADDONS_DISABLED and \ os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ADDONS_ROOT, dir)) and \ os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ADDONS_ROOT, dir, "")): mod = "%s.%s" % (ADDONS_PREFIX, dir) ADDONS.append(dir) if not mod in INSTALLED_APPS: INSTALLED_APPS.append(mod) # This allows doing magic like this in templates: # when # image.png is located in /tx/addons/pluginName/media/image.png if "STATICFILES_PREPEND_LABEL_APPS" in vars(): if not mod in STATICFILES_PREPEND_LABEL_APPS: STATICFILES_PREPEND_LABEL_APPS.append(mod) # Add addons' locale/ to the LOCALE_PATHS if "LOCALE_PATHS" in vars(): if not isinstance( LOCALE_PATHS, tuple): LOCALE_PATHS = LOCALE_PATHS, LOCALE_PATHS += os.path.join( ADDONS_ROOT, dir, 'locale/' ), # Load settings/00-base.conf for each addon settings_base = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ADDONS_ROOT, dir, "settings", "00-base.conf")) if os.path.isfile(settings_base): execfile(settings_base) ADDONS_PROVIDED = [] URLconf ------- In your main you should include at the topmost level following piece of code, so that addons could be able to override your project URLs. If you don't wish that, place it on the bottom. .. code-block:: python if settings.ENABLE_ADDONS: urlpatterns += patterns('', (r'', include('django_addons.urls'))) Debugging --------- When debugging is enabled, django-addons adds a page under /addons where you can see status of each addon and some debugging information. Developing addons ================= Addon structure --------------- Addon is basically a Django app living inside /MyDjangoProject/addons/: .. code-block:: bash /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/ /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/ /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/ /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/ /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/locale/*/*.po /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/settings/00-base.conf /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/templates/*.html /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/templatetags/*.py ... Metainfo -------- The file /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/ should contain metaclass with information about the addon: .. code-block:: python class Meta: title = "About page for Project X" author = "John Smith" description = "Adds about page under /about" url = "/about" Signals ------- /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/ .. code-block:: python from projects.signals import blah def my_cool_handler(): do_blah # NB! Django-Addons is looking for this function: def connect(): blah.connect(my_cool_handler) Template hooks -------------- /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/templates/*.html: Templates that **can** overload your Django project templates /MyDjangoProject/addons/example/templates/example/additional_buttons.html: Addon specific templates that should **not** overload your Django project templates. These can be included in your project code by: hook "additional_buttons.html" This way every file from each addon named "additional_buttons.html" will be merged together in your project templates Dependencies ------------ We suggest doing dependency checks in .. code-block:: python try: import Blah except ImportError raise AddonError("You need Blah to use this addon") Overriding behaviour -------------------- Inserting hooks into the main project has a major drawback - for each hook you lose significant amount of page loading time. At this point we suggest using jQuery to modify default behaviour where it makes sense - for example to modify every item of a list. Using jQuery to modify behaviour implies that you should have consistent 'id' attribute naming convention. You can for example load your jQuery code in the head segment and actually insert buttons, tabs etc. using the JS code itself. Internationalization -------------------- To internationalize your addon go to /MyDjangoProject/addon/example and run: .. code-block:: sh makemessages --all To generate *.mo files for the whole project in /MyDjangoProject run: .. code-block:: sh ./ compilemessages Issues ------ Signal execution order is not determined. Solution: Addons can emit their own signals and other addons can catch them to determine the order of execution. Signal dependencies -> Addon dependencies. The solution on the main project side is to provide signals for each small step so the addon would register themselves at the most logical point. With step-by-step signals there is no need to trap a part of your Django project code in addon to control it's behaviour. Conclusion: ordering of addons is out of the scope of addon subsystem. If addon1 handler needs addon2 handler to run first, then addon1 developer just includes it in their package and django-addons doesn't care about this. Coding tips ----------- Instead of importing models directly we strongly suggest using get_model function provided by Django. It also solves many other situations. For example if you want to access your addon model from your addon templatetags. With import statement you would write something like this .. code-block:: python from import MyModel But with get_model it's much nicer: .. code-block:: python MyModel = get_model('addon_name', 'MyModel') Disabling addons ---------------- By default all addons dropped in ADDONS_ROOT directory are enabled. You can optionally disable addons via management command 'addons': .. code-block:: bash # list addons ./ addons # enable addon ./ addons -e ADDON_NAME # disable addon ./ addons -d ADDON_NAME Information about disabled addons will be stored in ADDONS_ROOT/disabled.conf django-staticfiles ------------------ We're using `django-staticfiles `_ to serve /media folder from each plugin root. Lets say you have image.png in /MyDjangoProject/addons/MyPlugin/media/image.png. In the templates you can do something like this (be careful with slashes!): .. code-block:: html If you have DEBUG=True, the URLconf does it's magic and everything works fine without copying file. Note that this is not secure way to serve files. For real-life deployment you should set DEBUG=False and run the command .. code-block:: bash ./ build_static Note that after you have installed django-staticfiles, you should have something like this in your Django project's settings. .. code-block:: python # The absolute path to the directory that holds static files STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'static_media/static') # URL that handles the files served from STATIC_ROOT STATIC_URL = '/static_media/static/' # A sequence of directory names to be used when searching for media files # in installed apps, e.g. if an app has its media files in /media use STATICFILES_MEDIA_DIRNAMES = ('media',) # A sequence of app paths that should be prefixed with the label name. # For example, django.contrib.admin media files should be served from # admin/[js,css,images] rather than the media files getting served directly # from the static root. STATICFILES_PREPEND_LABEL_APPS = [] django-notification ------------------- We have implemented an autodiscover function for `django-notification `_ which looks for in each addon root. /MyDjangoProject/addons/ .. code-block:: python # This is the suggested way of doing thing at the moment # We'll probably move to signal based architecture once django-notification # guys will add the features what we need to make it happen from common.notifications import NOTICE_TYPES NOTICE_TYPES += [ blah ] TODO ---- * Dynamic addon loading using django.db.models.loading.load_app * Use django.db.models.loading.get_apps to get list of loaded addons * Addon dependency checking * Better hooking system