achilles.tables – Dynamic tables

class achilles.tables.Table(context=[{'False': False, 'None': None, 'True': True}])

Table block, displays a table of elements


List of Column elements defined for this table


Return a table object from its unique object id


Generator over Row elements for each item in object list

class achilles.tables.Column(verbose_name=None, accessor=<function default_accessor at 0x2aea938>, visible=<function <lambda> at 0x2aea9b0>)

Table column, extract information from objects and render it whitin the table

  • verbose_name – Column human-readable name
  • accessor – Function to access get data from the object
  • visible – Function giving visibility flag for the given row

Render column value for the given object

Parameters:obj – Object to read the value from

Dump cell for the given object

class achilles.tables.MergeColumn(columns, *args, **kwargs)

Merge some columns under the same cell

Parameters:columns – Tuple of name, column pairs for all merged

columns to show

class achilles.tables.ActionColumn(action, classes='', *args, **kwargs)

Action calling column, it will show a button that will can the given action on click, the action will get the the table and object in the row as arguments

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