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Definition Parser

Script that parses the pipeline definition from the yaml schema


Activate the pipeline that was created

Parameters:etl (EtlPipeline) – pipeline object that needs to be activated

Creates the pipeline and add the steps specified to the pipeline

Parameters:definition (dict) – YAML definition parsed from the datapipeline

Function reads the yaml pipeline definitions.

Function reads the yaml pipeline definitions. We also remove the variables key as that was only used for yaml placeholders.

Parameters:file_path (str) – Path to the pipeline definition.
Returns:parsed yaml definition as dictionary.
Return type:dict
Raises:ETLInputError – If file_path extention is not yaml
dataduct.definition_parser.validate_pipeline(etl, force_overwrite=False)

Validates the pipeline that was created

  • etl (EtlPipeline) – pipeline object that needs to be validated
  • force_overwrite (bool) – delete if a pipeline of same name exists