json utility moduleΒΆ

First, import the module:

from dataIO import js

Create a dummy data:

data = {"name": "John", "age": 20, "favorite number": 3.1415926535}

Dump to file:

# by default overwrite is False, to prevent you overwrite existing file
js.dump(data, "data.json", overwrite=False)

# by default indent_format is False, it's faster, but not human readable
js.dump(data, "data.json", indent_format=True)

# by default it keeps all float decimal. You can name how much you want to keep
js.dump(data, "data.json", float_precision=2)

# by default enable_versose is True, if you don't want help information
# you can close it
js.dump(data, "data.json", enable_versose=False)

Dump and compress:

# you just need to change the file extension to .gz
js.dump(data, "data.json.gz")

If while you are overwriting existing file, it is been interrupted by some reason, then it left a incomplete file, and also you lose your old file! I believe you absolute wants to avoid that. In other word, you want atomic write (It fail, otherwise 100% complete), you can use safe_dump() instead:

js.safe_dump(data, "data.json")

Load from file:

data = js.load("data.json")

If you want a default value when data file not exist, you can do this:

data = js.load("data.json", default=dict())

If your data is json serializable, you can pretty print it:


At the end, I strongly recommend to install pymongo. Why? Because there’s a bson along with pymongo, and that is the most stable and compatible json extension in the community. (Because there’s a enterprise - 10gen, MongoDB company behind this) It compatible with datetime and bytes datatype, and perfectly support indent format and float precision. dataIO doens’t require bson, but you should try this for better features.