************************ Google Analytics Backend ************************ Package Requirements -------------------- Required packages: * `google-api-python-client` * `openssl` * `httplib2` store configuration and model ============================= Requirements ------------ Google Analytics bakend uses `Service Account `_ access type to the Google API. Required is *Email address* and the public key file. To get the required credentials go to the `Google Developers Console `_, then *APIs & auth* and then select *Credentials*. If you don't have a key already press the *Create New Client ID* button and select *Service Account* option. Don't forget to download the private key file. .. note:: The email address you need is the email address generated for the *Service Account*, not your account email address. Add the generated service account email address to the list of permissions in the Account User Management in the Google Analytics Admin page. Configuration ------------- type is ``ga`` * ``email`` (required) – email address of the service account * ``key_file`` (required) – path to a private key file of the service account * ``account_id`` – ID of the account to be used * ``account_name`` – name of the account to be used * ``web_property`` – web property ID (first will be used by default) * ``view_id`` – Reporting view (profile) ID (first will be used by default) * ``category`` – category of cubes (property and view name will be used as default) * ``default_start_date`` – start date to be used if no bottom date range is specified. Format: ``yyyy-mm-dd`` * ``default_end_date`` – end date to be used if no end date is specified. Format: ``yyyy-mm-dd``. Specify either ``account_id`` or ``account_name``, not both. If none is specified then the first account in the account list is used. Example:: [store] type: ga email: 123456789012-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef@developer.gserviceaccount.com key_file: key.p12 web_property: UA-123456-7 Model ----- Google Analytics backend generates the model on-the-fly using the Analytics API. You have to specify that the provider is ``ga`` not the static model file itself: .. code-block:: javascript { "provider": "ga" }