Install Guide

Welcome to the Consent Install Guide.

Please note, this guide pertains to the forthcoming version 0.7 of Consent.

Prepare Operating System

Install System Packages

Using an account that has root privileges, install the following system packages (Debian package names).

$ sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper apache2 \
apache2-mpm-worker libc-bin libapache2-mod-wsgi build-essential \
python-dev locales hostname

Make sure the following Apache modules are enabled.

$ sudo a2enmod wsgi env alias

Create System User

If you would like to copy and paste the bash shell commands below, please set CONSENTUSER in the environment, for example to ‘consent’.


Now, create the Consent system user.

$ sudo adduser $CONSENTUSER --disabled-password

Add the Apache system user to the Consent user group. The Apache system user needs to be able to check for .htaccess files in the wsgi directory.

$ sudo addgroup www-data $CONSENTUSER

Prepare Database

Decide which database management system will be used by Consent. The choices are SQLite (default), PostgreSQL, and MySQL.

If you want to use PostreSQL or MySQL, then follow the sections below. If you want to use SQLite, there is no need to anything further to prepare the database.


If you want to use PostgreSQL, then install the PostgreSQL packages (pick the version of the -dev- package according to the version of PostgreSQL on your system).

$ sudo aptitude install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-X.X

Make sure the Consent system user can access the database via TCP/IP sockets with a password. If necessary, please refer to the PostgreSQL manual.

Remember the database username and password, and the name of the new database.


If you want to use MySQL, then install the MySQL packages.

$ sudo aptitude install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev

Make sure the Consent system user can access the database via TCP/IP sockets with a password. If necessary, please refer to the MySQL manual.

Remember the database username and password, and the name of the database.

Change System User

Change to the Consent system user.

$ sudo su $CONSENTUSER --login

Prepare Migration Data

If you are migrating from an older version of Consent, then prepare the migration data file by activating the old vitualenv and dumping the old data. Before dumping the data, set the path to the dump file in the environment, so the path can be reused when setting up the new service (below).

$ DUMPPATH=$HOME/consent-data-dump.json
$ source /path/to/old/consent/bin/activate
$ consent-admin --config /path/to/old/consent/etc/consent.conf migratedump $DUMPPATH
$ deactivate

Configure Apache

You can use the ‘apacheconfig path’ command of the ‘consent-admin’ program to locate the auto-generated Consent Apache configuration file.

$ consent-admin apacheconfig path

It is recommended to run the WSGI process with the process user and group as the Consent system user.

Now, create an Apache virtual host for the new Consent service. It is recommended to create a separate directory for Apache virtual host files.

$ mkdir $HOME/sites
$ echo "<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName $SITEHOST
    Include `consent-admin apacheconfig path`
    WSGIDaemonProcess $SITEHOST user=$USER group=$USER threads=15 maximum-requests=10000
" > sites/$SITEHOST

Exit the shell, return to the account that has root priveleges. Link to the Apache virtual host. Enable the Apache virtual host and restart Apache.

$ exit
$ SITEHOST=$CONSENTUSER.`dnsdomainname`
$ sudo ln -s /home/$CONSENTUSER/sites/$SITEHOST /etc/apache2/sites-available/$SITEHOST
$ sudo a2ensite $SITEHOST
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Visit Site

Configure your DNS so the site name can be resolved (or as a temporary fix, set the site host in your hosts file).

Check you can resolve the site name.

$ getent hosts $SITEHOST

Now, visit the Consent service in a browser.

$ www-browser http://$SITEHOST

For a new service, login with username ‘admin’, password ‘pass’. Please note, it is strongly recommended that you update this password immediately. If you are migrating, then login with previously established credentials.

Optionally, tail the Apache and Consent logs for errors. (Set the environment variables, as above, if necessary.)

$ RELEASE=consent-0.7
$ sudo tail -f /var/log/apache2/*log
$ sudo tail -f /home/$CONSENTUSER/services/$SERVICE/var/log/consent.log

Backup Site

Configure a cronjob to dump the domain data, and then rsync all files to a remote machine.

Then, you will be able to restore the site by following the instructions for migrating. You may wish to test that your backup is working by building and maintaining a “fail-over” site on a different machine.

Additional Notes

Please note, Consent should not be installed under DocumentRoot of the Apache installation, or any other directory exposed via Apache web server.

Production Service

It is recommended to run a production service with PostgreSQL. You may also wish to enable both model cacheing and access control memoisation (see Consent configuration file). You may also wish to adjust Apache MPM parameters and the WSGI process parameters to match your hardware.

Please note, a production service should be created freshly and not by reusing a service that has been used to run the test suite. Do not run the test suite against a production service.

Run Test Suite

If you wish to run the Consent test suite, then set the Consent configuration option ‘system_mode’ to ‘development’ before setting up the Consent service. Do not enable model cacheing, and do not enable access control memoisation.

It is recommended to repeat the above steps, starting from ‘Create System User’ perhaps with a system user name of ‘testconsent’ instead of ‘consent’.

The reason for creating a new user for each site is to make sure SSH access for each service is well separated (there can only be one authorized_users file per system user).

Now, the test suite can be executed by running the ‘consent-test’ program.

$ consent-test

The Consent software, and this install guide, have been tested with Python 2.6 on Debian 6, and with Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 12.10.

User Acceptance Testing

If you wish to create a user acceptance testing site for a new version of Consent, whilst leaving the current production service in operation, then repeat the above steps, Starting from ‘Create System User’ perhaps with a system user name of ‘acceptconsent’ instead of ‘consent’.