.. _index: ======================== configglue documentation ======================== Getting help ============ Having trouble? We'd like to help! * Try the :doc:`FAQ ` -- it's got answers to many common questions. * Looking for specific information? Try the :ref:`genindex`, :ref:`modindex` or the :doc:`detailed table of contents `. * Ask a question in the `#configglue IRC channel`_. * Report bugs with configglue in our `ticket tracker`_. .. _#configglue IRC channel: irc://irc.freenode.net/configglue .. _ticket tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/configglue First steps =========== * **From scratch:** :doc:`Overview ` | :doc:`Installation ` | :doc:`Quickstart ` The schema ========== * **Schemas:** :doc:`Schema syntax ` | :doc:`Option types ` * **Advanced:** :doc:`Custom options ` The configuration file ====================== * **Basic:** :doc:`Syntax overview ` * **Advanced:** :doc:`Environment variables ` The command-line ================ * **Basic:** :doc:`Overview ` * **Advanced:** :doc:`Environment variables ` Applications ============ * **Getting started:** :doc:`Writing configglue-enabled applications ` The configglue open-source project ================================== * **Third-party distributions:** :doc:`Overview ` * **configglue over time:** :doc:`Release notes and upgrading instructions `