Change log ---------- 1.4 (2012-11-14) ================ - Tested with Plone-4.2.2. [taito] 1.3 (2012-08-30) ================ - Fixed bug in registry.xml export. [taito] 1.2.1 (2012-04-07) ================== - Package name changed from inicie.cropimage into collective.cropimage. [taito] - Turned into non-Zope2 package. [taito] - Javascript loading error for production site fixed. [taito] 1.1.1 (2012-01-25) ================== - CSS updates. [taito] 1.1 (2011-11-12) ================== - Setting aspectRatio, minSize and maxSize is not available. [taito] - Copy right updated. [taito] - Tested with collective.contentleadimage. [taito] 1.0 (2011-10-03) ================== - Initial release. [taito]