Source code for cnorm.parsing.expression

from pyrser import meta, directives
from pyrser.hooks import echo
from pyrser.parsing.node import Node
from cnorm import nodes
from pyrser.grammar import Grammar
from cnorm.parsing.literal import Literal

# TODO: handle dialect differently
Idset = {
    # ASM
    "asm":                  "asm",
    "__asm":                "asm",
    "__asm__":              "asm",
    "attribute":            "attribute",
    "__attribute":          "attribute",
    "__attribute__":        "attribute",
    #      windows attribute
    "__declspec":           "attribute",
    "auto":                 "qualifier",
    #      sign
    "unsigned":             "sign_unsigned",
    "__unsigned":           "sign_unsigned",
    "__unsigned__":         "sign_unsigned",
    "signed":               "sign_signed",
    "__signed":             "sign_signed",
    "__signed__":           "sign_signed",
    #      size
    "short":                "specifier_size",
    "long":                 "specifier_size_size",
    #      composed
    "struct":               "specifier_block",
    "union":                "specifier_block",
    "enum":                 "specifier_enum",
    #      function
    "inline":               "funspecifier",
    "__inline":             "funspecifier",
    "__inline__":           "funspecifier",
    "__forceinline":        "funspecifier",
    "register":             "storage",
    "typedef":              "storage",
    "static":               "storage",
    "extern":               "storage",
    "__thread":             "storage",
    "const":                "qualifier",
    "volatile":             "qualifier",
    "restrict":             "qualifier",
    "__volatile":           "qualifier",
    "__volatile__":         "qualifier",
    "__const":              "qualifier",
    "__restrict":           "qualifier",
    #      windows qualifier
    "__cdecl":              "qualifier",
    "__stdcall":            "qualifier",
    "__fastcall":           "qualifier",
    "__w64":                "qualifier",
    "__ptr32":              "qualifier",
    "__ptr64":              "qualifier",
    # TYPE
    "void":                 "type",
    "char":                 "type",
    "int":                  "type",
    "float":                "type",
    "double":               "type",
    "_Complex":             "type",
    "__complex":            "type",
    "__complex__":          "type",
    "_Imaginary":           "type",
    "_Bool":                "type",
    "__label__":            "type",
    "__builtin_va_list":    "type",
    "__int8":               "type",
    "__int16":              "type",
    "__int32":              "type",
    "__int64":              "type",
    #      sizeof
    "sizeof":               "sizeof",
    "__alignof":            "sizeof",
    "__alignof__":          "sizeof",
    #      typeof
    "typeof":               "typeof",
    "__typeof":             "typeof",
    "__typeof__":           "typeof",
    # UNARY OP
    "__real":               "unary",
    "__real__":             "unary",
    "__imag":               "unary",
    "__imag__":             "unary",
    "__extension__":        "unary",
    "switch":               "reserved",
    "case":                 "reserved",
    "default":              "reserved",
    "if":                   "reserved",
    "else":                 "reserved",
    "while":                "reserved",
    "do":                   "reserved",
    "for":                  "reserved",
    "goto":                 "reserved",
    "continue":             "reserved",
    "break":                "reserved",
    "return":               "reserved",
    "__builtin_offsetof":   "reserved"

[docs]class Expression(Grammar, Literal): """ interaction with other CNORM PART: """ entry = "expression" grammar = """ /* Comment works as in C/C++ */ dummy_with_brace = [ @ignore('null') [ '{' dummy_with_brace* '}' | Base.string | Base.char | Base.read_char:c #check_not_brace(c) ] ] dummy_with_paren = [ @ignore('null') [ '(' dummy_with_paren* ')' | Base.string | Base.char | Base.read_char:c #check_not_paren(c) ] ] expression = [ assignement_expression:>_ [ ',':op #new_raw(op, op) assignement_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] assign_op = [ @ignore('null') [ '=' !'=' | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=" ]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] assignement_expression = [ conditional_expression:>_ [ assign_op:op assignement_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] constant_expression = [ conditional_expression:>_ ] conditional_expression = [ logical_or_expression:>_ [ '?' expression?:then ':' assignement_expression?:else #new_ternary(_, then, else) ]? ] logical_or_op = [ @ignore('null') ["||"]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] logical_or_expression = [ logical_and_expression:>_ [ logical_or_op:op logical_and_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] logical_and_op = [ @ignore('null') ["&&"]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] logical_and_expression = [ or_expression:>_ [ logical_and_op:op or_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] or_op = [ @ignore('null') ["|" !["|"|"="]]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] or_expression = [ xor_expression:>_ [ or_op:op xor_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] xor_op = [ @ignore('null') ["^" !"="]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] xor_expression = [ and_expression:>_ [ xor_op:op and_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] and_op = [ @ignore('null') ["&" !["&"|"="]]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] and_expression = [ equality_expression:>_ [ and_op:op equality_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] eqneq_op = [ @ignore('null') ["==" | "!="]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] equality_expression = [ relational_expression:>_ [ eqneq_op:op relational_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] cmp_op = [ @ignore('null') [ "<=" | ">=" | '<' !'<' | '>' !'>' ]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] relational_expression = [ shift_expression:>_ [ cmp_op:op shift_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] shift_op = [ @ignore('null') [ "<<" !"=" | ">>" !"=" ]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] shift_expression = [ additive_expression:>_ [ shift_op:op additive_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] add_op = [ @ignore('null') [ '+' !['+'|'='] | '-' !['-'|'='|'>'] ]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] additive_expression = [ multiplicative_expression:>_ [ add_op:op multiplicative_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] mul_op = [ @ignore('null') [['*'|'/'|'%']:op !'='] #new_raw(_, op) ] multiplicative_expression = [ unary_expression:>_ [ mul_op:op unary_expression:param #new_binary(_, op, param) ]* ] unary_op = [ @ignore('null') ["++" |"--" |"&&" | '&' !'=' | '*' !'=' | '~' !'=' | '!' !'=' | '+' !'=' | '-' !['>'|'='] ]:op #new_raw(_, op) ] unary_expression = [ postfix_expression:>_ | __scope__:op [ unary_op:>op | #is_raw(op, i) ] unary_expression:expr #new_unary(_, op, expr) ] postfix_expression = [ primary_expression:>_ [ __scope__:pres [ '[' expression:expr ']' #new_array_call(pres, _, expr) | '(' func_arg_list?:args ')' #new_func_call(pres, _, args) | '.' identifier:i #new_dot(pres, _, i) | "->" identifier:i #new_arrow(pres, _, i) | ["++"|"--"]:op #new_raw(op, op) #new_post(pres, op, _) ] #bind('_', pres) ]* ] func_arg_list = [ assignement_expression:a #new_arg(_, a) [ ',' assignement_expression:a #new_arg(_, a) ]* ] primary_expression = [ '(' expression:expr ')' #new_paren(_, expr) | [ Literal.literal | identifier ]:>_ ] identifier = [ @ignore('null') [ rootidentifier:id #check_is_id(id) #new_id(_, id) ] ] rootidentifier = [ ] """
[docs]def new_ternary(self, ast, then_expr, else_expr): cond = Node() cond.set(ast) ast.set(nodes.Ternary([], [cond, then_expr, else_expr])) return True
[docs]def new_binary(self, ast, op, param): left = Node() left.set(ast) ast.set(nodes.Binary(op, [left, param])) return True
[docs]def is_raw(self, op, ident): ident_value = self.value(ident) if ident_value in Idset and Idset[ident_value] == "unary": op.set(nodes.Raw(ident_value + " ")) return True return False
[docs]def new_unary(self, ast, op, param): opu = Node() opu.set(op) p = Node() p.set(param) ast.set(nodes.Unary(opu, [p])) return True
[docs]def new_paren(self, ast, expr): ast.set(nodes.Paren("()", [expr])) return True
[docs]def new_post(self, ast, op, param): ast.set(nodes.Post(op, [param])) return True
[docs]def new_arg(self, ast, arg): if not hasattr(ast, 'list'): ast.list = [] ast.list.append(arg) return True
[docs]def new_array_call(self, ast, call, index): ast.set(nodes.Array(call, [index])) return True
[docs]def new_dot(self, ast, call, field): ast.set(nodes.Dot(call, [field])) return True
[docs]def new_arrow(self, ast, call, field): ast.set(nodes.Arrow(call, [field])) return True
[docs]def new_func_call(self, ast, call, args): if hasattr(args, 'list'): ast.set(nodes.Func(call, args.list)) else: ast.set(nodes.Func(call, [])) return True
[docs]def new_raw(self, ast, data): ast.set(nodes.Raw(self.value(data))) return True
[docs]def new_id(self, ast, identifier): ast.set(nodes.Id(self.value(identifier))) return True
[docs]def check_not_brace(self, c): c_value = self.value(c) return c_value != "{" and c_value != "}" \ and c_value != "'" and c_value != '"'
[docs]def check_not_paren(self, c): c_value = self.value(c) return c_value != "(" and c_value != ")" \ and c_value != "'" and c_value != '"'
[docs]def check_is_id(self, identifier): return self.value(identifier) not in Idset