Execute scripts on remote servers ================================= .. http:post:: /execute/workflow/(path)?key=(key)&rev=(rev) Execute workflow from `path` :query string path: Path to workflow :query string key: optional - ApiKey for identification, or just send the Auth headers :query string rev: optional - Specific version(revision) of the workflow. Default - the latest(HEAD) version :form something=value: Any key=value passed in form data will be available as Environment variables :requestheader X-Cr-User: User name (not needed if `key` is passed) :requestheader X-Cr-Token: Auth token :statuscode 200: no error **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "success": { "msg": "Dispatched", "task_uid": "c83146c41aa54d6fba80b55487bb3937", "group": 649 } } .. http:post:: /execute/script/(path)?key=(key)&rev=(rev) Execute script from `path` :query string path: Path to workflow :query string key: optional - ApiKey for identification, or just send the Auth headers :query string rev: optional - Specific version(revision) of the workflow. Default - the latest(HEAD) version :form targets: (Mandatory) The target selector for nodes to run script on. :form something=value: Any key=value passed in form data will be available as Environment variables :requestheader X-Cr-User: User name (not needed if `key` is passed) :requestheader X-Cr-Token: Auth token **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "success": { "msg": "Dispatched", "task_uid": "c83146c41aa54d6fba80b55487bb3937", "group": 649 } } :statuscode 200: no error .. http:post:: /execute/resume/(uuid)/(step) Resume script. If the script has multiple steps, the step to be resumed can be passed as `step` :form something=value: Any key=value passed in form data will be available as Environment variables :query string uuid: UUID of the script run to be resumed :query int step: The step to resume. Default: 1 :requestheader X-Cr-User: User name (not needed if `key` is passed) :requestheader X-Cr-Token: Auth token **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "success": { "msg": "Dispatched", "task_uid": "c83146c41aa54d6fba80b55487bb3937", "group": 649 } } :statuscode 200: no error