Authentication module ===================== .. http:post:: /auth/login/ Login and get authentication token **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 { "login": { "token": "nFLfLCqv2O61_Wh-flEcTY~CX1JBjclqrqfbD9zGQbAgt56RBrc-tt_q4NcEWgYu", "expire": "2016-02-11 00:33:01", "user": "Username", "org": "Organization" } } :form username: User name :form password: User password :form expire: Expire for the token in minutes(Default=1440) :requestheader X-Cr-User: User name :requestheader X-Cr-Token: Auth token :statuscode 200: no error .. http:get:: /auth/logout/ Logout and destroy session :requestheader X-Cr-User: User name :requestheader X-Cr-Token: Auth token :statuscode 200: no error