clitool 0.4.1 documentation



Source code for clitool.processor

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Stream processing utility.

import gzip
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
from collections import Counter

from six import PY3
from six.moves import map as imap
from six.moves import filter as ifilter

from clitool import (


if PY3:
    import csv
    import io

    def csvreader3(fp, encoding, **kwargs):
        buf = getattr(fp, 'buffer', None)
        if buf:
            stream = io.TextIOWrapper(buf, encoding)
            stream = fp
        return csv.reader(stream, **kwargs)

    csvreader = csvreader3

    from ._unicodecsv import UnicodeReader

    def csvreader2(fp, encoding, **kwargs):
        return UnicodeReader(fp, encoding=encoding, **kwargs)

    csvreader = csvreader2

[docs]class SimpleDictReporter(object): """ Reporting class for streamer API. Passing processed data as mapping object, report the key/value pair if value is string. To call ``report()``, you can get the result as dict. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.counter = Counter() def __call__(self, entry): """ :param entry: dictionary :rtype: None """ if type(entry) is not dict: return for k in entry: v = entry[k] if type(v) == str: self.counter[k + ":" + v] += 1
[docs] def report(self): """ :rtype: dict """ return dict(self.counter)
[docs]class RowMapper(object): """ Map `list_or_tuple` to dict object using given keys. If keys are not given, first `list_or_tuple` is used as keys. If length of given data is not different from keys length, no valid data is returned. Since this object is aimed to use with :class:`Streamer`, mapping is fired to call this. If you know header names a priori, use standard `namedtuple <>`_ instead. But the case that keys contains non-ascii, such as Japanese text, this class may be useful. :param header: list of header values. :type header: tuple :param loose: loosly match flag. :type loose: bool """ ERRMSG = "Couldn't map given row: header-length=%d, row-length=%d" LOOSEMSG = "Length is not matched: header-length=%d, row-length=%d" def __init__(self, header=None, loose=False, *args, **kwargs): self.header = header self.loose = loose warnings.warn('use "clitool.textio.RowMapper" instead', DeprecationWarning) def __call__(self, row, *args, **kwargs): """ :param row: tuple value such as each row of csv file. :type row: tuple or list :rtype: dictionary after binding with header values. """ if not row: return if self.header is None or self.header == row: self.header = row"New header is set, because no header was given.") return if len(self.header) == len(row): return dict(zip(self.header, row)) if self.loose:, len(self.header), len(row)) return dict(zip(self.header, row)) logging.error(RowMapper.ERRMSG, len(self.header), len(row)) # Can not recycle pool . . . #
[docs]class Streamer(object): """ Simple streaming module to accept step-by-step procedures. General steps are: 1. check input value meets your requirements. 2. parse something for your business. 3. collect parsed value. Step 1 and Step 2 have to follow these rules: - return True to skip parsing - return False to report error - return something valid to continue processing the item Step 3 is arbitrary function to accept one argument such as :func:`list.append()`. :param callback: function to collect parsed value :type callback: callable :param args: callables :type args: list """ def __init__(self, callback=None, *args, **kwargs): procs = tuple(filter(lambda r: r, args)) logging.debug("%d procedures are set.", len(procs)) self.procedures = procs self.collect = callback or (lambda r: r) self.processes = kwargs.get('processes') if self.processes and self.processes > multiprocessing.cpu_count(): logging.warn("given processes is %d, count of CPU is %d" % ( self.processes, multiprocessing.cpu_count())) self.reporting_interval = PROCESSING_REPORTING_INTERVAL
[docs] def consume(self, stream, source=None, chunksize=1): """ Consuming given strem object and returns processing stats. :param stream: streaming object to consume :type stream: iterable :param source: source of stream to consume :type source: string :param chunksize: chunk size for multiprocessing :type chunksize: integer :rtype: dict """ stats = { PROCESSING_TOTAL: 0, PROCESSING_SKIPPED: 0, PROCESSING_SUCCESS: 0, PROCESSING_ERROR: 0 } if source: stats['source'] = source def skip_unless(r): if r: return r stats[PROCESSING_SKIPPED] += 1 stats[PROCESSING_TOTAL] += 1 rs = ifilter(skip_unless, stream) if self.processes: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.processes) for f in self.procedures: rs = pool.imap_unordered(f, ifilter(skip_unless, rs), chunksize=chunksize) else: for f in self.procedures: rs = imap(f, ifilter(skip_unless, rs)) start = time.time() i = 0 try: while 1: processed = next(rs) if processed is None: stats[PROCESSING_SKIPPED] += 1 elif processed is False: stats[PROCESSING_ERROR] += 1 else: stats[PROCESSING_SUCCESS] += 1 self.collect(processed) i += 1 stats[PROCESSING_TOTAL] += 1 if i % self.reporting_interval == 0:" ===> Processed %dth item <=== ", i) except StopIteration: pass except KeyboardInterrupt:"Stopped by user interruption at %dth item.", i) raise except: e = sys.exc_info()[1] logging.error(e) raise finally: if self.processes: pool.close() pool.join() stats[PROCESSING_TIME] = time.time() - start 'STATS: total=%d, skipped=%d, success=%d, error=%d on %f[sec]' ' from "%s"', stats[PROCESSING_TOTAL], stats[PROCESSING_SKIPPED], stats[PROCESSING_SUCCESS], stats[PROCESSING_ERROR], stats[PROCESSING_TIME], stats.get('source', 'unknown')) return stats
[docs]class CliHandler(object): """ Simple command line arguments handler. :param streamer: streaming object :type streamer: Streamer :param delimiter: column delimiter such as "\t" :type delimiter: string """ def __init__(self, streamer, delimiter=None): self.streamer = streamer self.delimiter = delimiter
[docs] def reader(self, fp, encoding): """ Simple `open` wrapper for several file types. This supports ``.gz`` and ``.json``. :param fp: opened file :type fp: file pointer :param encoding: encoding of opened file :type encoding: string :rtype: file pointer """ _, suffix = os.path.splitext( if suffix == '.gz': fp.close() return elif suffix == '.json': return json.load(fp) elif suffix == '.csv' or self.delimiter: return csvreader(fp, encoding, delimiter=self.delimiter or ',') elif suffix == '.tsv': return csvreader(fp, encoding, delimiter='\t') return fp
[docs] def handle(self, files, encoding, chunksize=1): """ Handle given files with given encoding. :param files: opened files. :type files: list :param encoding: encoding of opened file :type encoding: string :param chunksize: a number of chunk :type chunksize: int :rtype: list """ stats = [] if files:"Input file count: %d", len(files)) for fp in files: stream = self.reader(fp, encoding) parsed = self.streamer.consume(stream,, chunksize=chunksize) stats.append(parsed) if not fp.closed: fp.close() else: stream = sys.stdin if self.delimiter: stream = csvreader(stream, encoding, delimiter=self.delimiter) parsed = self.streamer.consume(stream, chunksize=chunksize) stats.append(parsed) return stats
class CsvHandler(CliHandler): def reader(self, fp, encoding): warnings.warn('use "CliHandler()" with "delimiter" option instead', DeprecationWarning) return csvreader(fp, encoding) # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 cindent fileencoding=utf-8 :
