clitool 0.4.1 documentation



Source code for clitool.config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Configuration loader to support multi file types along with environmental
variable ``PYTHON_CLITOOL_ENV``. Default variable is
:const:`clitool.DEFAULT_RUNNING_MODE` (``development``).

Supported file types are:

* ini/cfg
* json
* yaml (if "pyyaml_" is installed)

.. _pyyaml:

import json
import logging
import os

from six.moves import configparser

    import yaml
except ImportError:
    YAML_ENABLED = False


[docs]class ConfigLoader(object): """ :param fp: file pointer to load :param filetype: either of 'ini|cfg', 'json', or 'yml|yaml' file. If nothing specified, detect by file extension automatically. :type filetype: string """ def __init__(self, fp, filetype=None): self.fp = fp if filetype: if not filetype.startswith('.'): filetype = '.' + filetype self.filetype = filetype else: fname = _, extension = os.path.splitext(fname) logging.debug("Configfile=%s, extension=%s", os.path.abspath(fname), extension) self.filetype = extension self.config = None def _load(self): if self.config is not None: return self.config = {} extension = self.filetype # XXX: separate each logic using dispatcher dict. if extension == ".json": self.config = json.load(self.fp) elif extension == ".py": # XXX: evaluate python script pass elif extension in (".ini", ".cfg"): parser = configparser.SafeConfigParser() parser.readfp(self.fp) for s in parser.sections(): self.config[s] = dict(parser.items(s)) elif extension in (".yml", ".yaml"): if YAML_ENABLED: self.config = yaml.load(self.fp) else: logging.error("PyYAML is not installed.") else: logging.warn('Unknown file type extension: %s', extension)
[docs] def load(self, env=None): """ Load a section values of given environment. If nothing to specified, use environmental variable. If unknown environment was specified, warn it on logger. :param env: environment key to load in a coercive manner :type env: string :rtype: dict """ self._load() e = env or \ os.environ.get(RUNNING_MODE_ENVKEY, DEFAULT_RUNNING_MODE) if e in self.config: return self.config[e] logging.warn("Environment '%s' was not found.", e)
[docs] def flip(self): """ Provide flip view to compare how key/value pair is defined in each environment for administrative usage. :rtype: dict """ self._load() groups = self.config.keys() tabular = {} for g in groups: config = self.config[g] for k in config: r = tabular.get(k, {}) r[g] = config[k] tabular[k] = r return tabular # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 cindent fileencoding=utf-8 :
