Source code for cbmpy.CBModel

CBMPy: CBModel module
PySCeS Constraint Based Modelling (
Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Brett G. Olivier, VU University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>

Author: Brett G. Olivier
Contact email:
Last edit: $Author: bgoli $ ($Id: 575 2017-04-13 12:18:44Z bgoli $)

## gets rid of "invalid variable name" info
# pylint: disable=C0103
## gets rid of "line to long" info
# pylint: disable=C0301
## use with caution: gets rid of module xxx has no member errors (run once enabled)
# pylint: disable=E1101

# preparing for Python 3 port
from __future__ import division, print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
#from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy, re, time, weakref, copy, json, urllib2

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle

    import sympy
    if int(sympy.__version__.split('.')[1]) >= 7 and int(sympy.__version__.split('.')[2]) >= 5:
        HAVE_SYMPY = True
    elif int(sympy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        HAVE_SYMPY = True
        del sympy
        print('\nWARNING: SymPy version 0.7.5 or newer is required for symbolic matrix support.')
except ImportError:
    HAVE_SYMPY = False
    print('\nERROR: SymPy import error (required for symbolic matrix support only).')

    import scipy
    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
    HAVE_SCIPY = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_SCIPY = False

#from .CBDataStruct import (StructMatrixLP, MIRIAMannotation, MIRIAMModelAnnotation)
from .CBDataStruct import (StructMatrixLP, MIRIAMannotation)
from .CBCommon import (checkChemFormula, extractGeneIdsFromString, binHash, fixId, checkId)

from .CBConfig import __CBCONFIG__ as __CBCONFIG__
__version__ = __CBCONFIG__['VERSION']

[docs]class Fbase(object): """ Base class for CB Model objects """ id = None name = None annotation = None compartment = None miriam = None notes = '' __TRASH__ = None __objref__ = None __metaid__ = None __sbo_term__ = None __text_encoding__ = 'utf8' __ENABLE_GLOBAL_WEAKREF__ = True ## __pre__ = '' ## __post__ = '' def __getstate__(self): """ Internal method that should allow our weakrefs to be 'picklable' # overloaded by Model """ if '__objref__' not in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__ else: cpy = self.__dict__.copy() cpy['__objref__'] = None return cpy def __setObjRef__(self, o): """ Sets a weakref to another object - *o* the referred to object """ self.__objref__ = weakref.ref(o) def __unsetObjRef__(self): """ UnSets a weakref to another object - *o* the referred to object """ self.__objref__ = None
[docs] def getPid(self): """ Return the object ID. """ return self.getId()
[docs] def getId(self): """ Return the object ID. """ return
[docs] def getMetaId(self): """ Return the object metaId. """ if self.__metaid__ == None: self.__metaid__ = 'meta_{}'.format( return self.__metaid__
[docs] def getName(self): """ Return the object name. """ return
[docs] def getNotes(self): """ Return the object's notes """ return self.__urlDecode(self.notes)
[docs] def getAnnotations(self): """ Return the object annotation dictionary """ return self.annotation
[docs] def getAnnotation(self, key): """ Return the object annotation associated with: - *key* the annotation key """ if key in self.annotation: return self.annotation[key] else: return None
[docs] def hasAnnotation(self, key): """ Returns a boolean representing the presence/absence of the key in the objext annotation - *key* the annotation key """ if key in self.annotation: return True else: return False
[docs] def setName(self, name): """ Set the object name: - *name* the name string """ = name
[docs] def setNotes(self, notes): """ Sets the object's notes: - *notes* the note string, should preferably be (X)HTML for SBML """ self.notes = self.__urlEncode(notes)
[docs] def setAnnotation(self, key, value): """ Set an objects annotation as a key : value pair. - *key* the annotation key - *value* the annotation value """ assert self.annotation != None, '\nThis class has no annotation field' self.annotation.update({key : value})
#if type(value) != list: #self.annotation.update({key : value}) #elif type(value) == list: #if len(value) == 1: #self.annotation.update({key : value[0]}) #else: #value = ['&apos;{}&apos;'.format(str(v).strip()) for v in value] #self.annotation.update({key : '['+', '.join(map(str, value))+']'}) ##self.annotation.update({key : str(json.dumps(value))}) ##self.annotation.update({key : value})
[docs] def deleteAnnotation(self, key): """ Unsets (deltes) an objects annotation with key - *key* the annotation key """ assert key != self.annotation, '\nAnnotation key {} does not exist'.format(key) self.annotation.pop(key)
def __checkId__(self): """ Checks the validity of the object id, raises a Runtime warning if not. """ cntr = 0 for c in if cntr == 0 and c.isalpha() or c == '_': pass elif cntr > 0 and c.isalnum() or c == '_': pass else: print('\"{}\" is an invalid character in id: \"{}\"'.format(c, #raise RuntimeWarning('\n\"{}\" is an invalid character in id: \"{}\"'.format(c, return False cntr += 1 return True
[docs] def setPid(self, fid): """ Sets the object Id - *fid* a valid c variable style id string """ self.setId(fid)
[docs] def setId(self, fid): """ Sets the object Id - *fid* a valid c variable style id string Reimplemented by @Reaction, @Species """ if self.__objref__ is not None: if fid not in self.__objref__().__global_id__: self.__objref__().__changeGlobalId__(, fid, self) = fid else: print('ERROR: setId() - object with id \"{}\" already exists ... ID *not* set.'.format(fid)) else: = fid
[docs] def setMetaId(self, mid=None): """ Sets the object Id - *mid* [default=None] a valid c variable style metaid string, if None it will be set as meta+id """ if mid == None: self.__metaid__ = 'meta_{}'.format( else: self.__metaid__ = mid
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a clone of this object. Cloning performs a deepcop on the object which will also clone any objects that exist as attributes of this object, in other words an independent copy of the original. If this is not the desired behaviour override this method when subclassing or implement your own. """ if type(self.__TRASH__) == dict: self.__TRASH__.clear() else: self.__TRASH__ = None return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def serialize(self, protocol=0): """ Serialize object, returns a string by default - *protocol* [default=0] serialize to a string or binary if required, see pickle module documentation for details # Reimplemented in Model """ return pickle.dumps(self, protocol=protocol)
[docs] def serializeToDisk(self, filename, protocol=2): """ Serialize to disk using pickle protocol: - *filename* the name of the output file - *protocol* [default=2] serialize to a string or binary if required, see pickle module documentation for details # Reimplemented in Model """ F = file(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(self, F, protocol=protocol) F.close()
[docs] def addMIRIAMannotation(self, qual, entity, mid): """ Add a qualified MIRIAM annotation or entity: - *qual* a Biomodels biological qualifier e.g. "is" "isEncodedBy" - *entity* a MIRIAM resource entity e.g. "ChEBI" - *mid* the entity id e.g. CHEBI:17158 or fully qualifies url (if only_qual_uri) """ if self.miriam == None: self.miriam = MIRIAMannotation() self.miriam.addMIRIAMannotation(qual, entity, mid)
[docs] def addMIRIAMuri(self, qual, uri): """ Add a qualified MIRIAM annotation or entity: - *qual* a Biomodels biological qualifier e.g. "is" "isEncodedBy" - *uri* the fully qualified entity id e.g. (no validity checking is done) """ if self.miriam == None: self.miriam = MIRIAMannotation() self.miriam.addIDorgURI(qual, uri)
[docs] def getMIRIAMannotations(self): """ Returns a dictionary of all MIRIAM annotations associated with this object or None of there are none defined. """ if self.miriam != None: try: return self.miriam.getAllMIRIAMUris() except Exception as ex: print(ex) return None else: return None
[docs] def deleteMIRIAMannotation(self, qual, entity, mid): """ Deletes a qualified MIRIAM annotation or entity: - *qual* a Biomodels biological qualifier e.g. "is" "isEncodedBy" - *entity* a MIRIAM resource entity e.g. "ChEBI" - *mid* the entity id e.g. CHEBI:17158 """ self.miriam.deleteMIRIAMannotation(qual, entity, mid)
[docs] def getCompartmentId(self): """ Return the compartment id where this element is located """ return self.compartment
[docs] def setCompartmentId(self, compartment): """ Set the compartment id where this element is located """ self.compartment = compartment
[docs] def getSBOterm(self): """ Return the SBO term for this object. """ return self.__sbo_term__
[docs] def setSBOterm(self, sbo): """ Set the SBO term for this object. - *sbo* the SBOterm with format: SBO:nnnnnnn" """ assert sbo.startswith('SBO:') and len(sbo.split(':')[1]) == 7, 'SBOterm must have the form: SBO:nnnnnnn' self.__sbo_term__ = sbo
def __urlEncode(self, txt): """ URL encodes a string. """ try: txt = urllib2.quote(str(txt).encode(self.__text_encoding__, errors='replace'), safe='') except UnicodeDecodeError as why: print(why) #print(txt) return txt def __urlDecode(self, txt): """ Decodes a URL encoded string """ return urllib2.unquote(txt)
[docs]class Model(Fbase): """ Container for constraint based model, adds methods for manipulating: - objectives - constraints - reactions - species - compartments - groups - parameters - N a structmatrix object """ prefix = '' suffix = '' objectives = None obj_func = None activeObjIdx = None flux_bounds = None reactions = None species = None compartments = None groups = None genes = None __genes_idx__ = None __single_gene_effect_map__ = None gpr = None parameters = None N = None sourcefile = '' description = '' user_constraints = None CM = None sensitivity = None ## optValue = None ## optType = None SCALED_REDUCED_COSTS = False SOLUTION_STATUS_INT = None SOLUTION_STATUS = None DATE_CREATED = None DATE_MODIFIED = None MODEL_CREATORS = None __gene_deactivated_reactions__ = None _SBML_LEVEL_ = None __FBC_VERSION__ = 1 __FBC_STRICT__ = True #__objref__ = None __global_id__ = None def __init__(self, pid): """ Container for constraint based model. - *pid* a string with the model ID Adds methods for manipulating: - objectives - constraints - reactions - species - compartments - groups - N a structmatrix object """ self.setId(pid) self.objectives = [] self.flux_bounds = [] self.reactions = [] self.species = [] self.compartments = [] self.groups = [] self.genes = [] self.__genes_idx__ = [] self.gpr = [] self.parameters = [] self.annotation = {} self.__TRASH__ = {} self.MODEL_CREATORS = {} self.__gene_deactivated_reactions__ = {} self.compartment = None self.__delattr__('compartment') self.__setGlobalIdStore__() def __setGlobalIdStore__(self): """ Does exactly what the function name says (creates/replaces the globalId store) """ # testing weakref dictionary, needs work ... if self.__ENABLE_GLOBAL_WEAKREF__: self.__global_id__ = weakref.WeakValueDictionary({self.getId() : self}) else: self.__global_id__ = {self.getId() : None}
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a clone of this object. """ tzero = time.time() if type(self.__TRASH__) == dict: self.__TRASH__.clear() else: self.__TRASH__ = None cpy = copy.deepcopy(self) cpy.__global_id__.clear() cpy.__setModelSelf__() cpy.__setGlobalIdStore__() cpy.__populateGlobalIdStore__() # TODO: try make the global ID store work exclusively with __setState__ and __getState__ for both clone/serialise self.__setGlobalIdStore__() self.__populateGlobalIdStore__() print('Model clone time: {}'.format(time.time()-tzero)) return cpy
def __populateGlobalIdStore__(self): """ This method populates the globalID store after a clone This is a utility function that comes into play when a model is cloned. NB: synch with __setModelSelf__() """ for r in self.reactions: r.__setObjRef__(self) self.__global_id__[r.getId()] = r for rr in r.reagents: self.__global_id__[rr.getId()] = rr for s in self.species: self.__global_id__[s.getId()] = s for fb in self.flux_bounds: self.__global_id__[fb.getId()] = fb for o in self.objectives: self.__global_id__[o.getId()] = o for fo in o.fluxObjectives: self.__global_id__[fo.getId()] = fo for c in self.compartments: self.__global_id__[c.getId()] = c for gp in self.gpr: self.__global_id__[gp.getId()] = gp for g in self.genes: self.__global_id__[g.getId()] = g for p in self.parameters: self.__global_id__[p.getId()] = p def __setModelSelf__(self): """ This method sets the model reference (updates the weakref) to the current instance. This is a utility function that mostly comes into play when a model is cloned or objects are mixed between models. NB: synch with __unsetModelSelf__() and __populateGlobalIdStore__() """ for r in self.reactions: r.__setObjRef__(self) for rr in r.reagents: rr.__setObjRef__(self) for s in self.species: s.__setObjRef__(self) for fb in self.flux_bounds: fb.__setObjRef__(self) for o in self.objectives: o.__setObjRef__(self) for fo in o.fluxObjectives: fo.__setObjRef__(self) for c in self.compartments: c.__setObjRef__(self) for gp in self.gpr: gp.__setObjRef__(self) for g in self.genes: g.__setObjRef__(self) for p in self.parameters: p.__setObjRef__(self) def __unsetModelSelf__(self): """ This method unsets the model reference (deletes the weakref). This is a utility function that mostly comes into play when a model is cloned or objects are mixed between models. NB: synch with __setModelSelf__() and __populateGlobalIdStore__() """ for r in self.reactions: r.__unsetObjRef__() for rr in r.reagents: rr.__unsetObjRef__() for s in self.species: s.__unsetObjRef__() for fb in self.flux_bounds: fb.__unsetObjRef__() for o in self.objectives: o.__unsetObjRef__() for fo in o.fluxObjectives: fo.__unsetObjRef__() for c in self.compartments: c.__unsetObjRef__() for gp in self.gpr: gp.__unsetObjRef__() for g in self.genes: g.__unsetObjRef__() for p in self.parameters: p.__unsetObjRef__() def __getstate__(self): """ Internal method that should allow our weakrefs to be 'picklable' # overloaded by Model """ self.__global_id__ = None if '__objref__' not in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__ else: cpy = self.__dict__.copy() cpy['__objref__'] = None return cpy def __setstate__(self, dic): """ Internal method that allows our weakrefs to be 'picklable' """ self.__dict__ = dic self.__setModelSelf__() self.__setGlobalIdStore__() self.__populateGlobalIdStore__()
[docs] def serialize(self, protocol=0): """ Serialize object, returns a string by default - *protocol* [default=0] serialize to a string or binary if required, see pickle module documentation for details # overloaded in CBModel """ s = pickle.dumps(self, protocol=protocol) self.__setGlobalIdStore__() self.__populateGlobalIdStore__() return s
[docs] def serializeToDisk(self, filename, protocol=2): """ Serialize to disk using pickle protocol: - *filename* the name of the output file - *protocol* [default=2] serialize to a string or binary if required, see pickle module documentation for details # overloaded in CBModel """ F = file(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(self, F, protocol=protocol) F.close() self.__setGlobalIdStore__() self.__populateGlobalIdStore__()
[docs] def addMIRIAMannotation(self, qual, entity, mid): """ Add a qualified MIRIAM annotation or entity: - *qual* a Biomodels biological qualifier e.g. "is" "isEncodedBy" - *entity* a MIRIAM resource entity e.g. "ChEBI" - *mid* the entity id e.g. CHEBI:17158 """ if self.miriam == None: self.miriam = MIRIAMannotation() self.miriam.addMIRIAMannotation(qual, entity, mid)
[docs] def setDescription(self, html): """ Sets the model description which translates into the SBML <notes> field. - *html* any valid html or the empty string to clear '' """ self.description = html self.notes = self.__urlEncode(html)
[docs] def getDescription(self): """ Returns the model description which was stored in the SBML <notes> field """ return self.__urlDecode(self.notes)
[docs] def setCreatedDate(self, date=None): """ Set the model created date tuple(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) - *date* [default=None] default is now (automatic) otherwise (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) e.g. (2012, 09, 24, 13, 34, 00) """ if date == None: lt = time.gmtime() self.DATE_CREATED = (lt.tm_year, lt.tm_mon, lt.tm_mday, lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min, lt.tm_sec) else: assert len(date) == 6, '\nInvalid date' self.DATE_CREATED = tuple([int(abs(t)) for t in date]) if self.DATE_MODIFIED == None: self.setModifiedDate()
[docs] def setModifiedDate(self, date=None): """ Set the model modification date: tuple(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) - *date* [default=None] default is now (automatic) otherwise (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) e.g. (2012, 09, 24, 13, 34, 00) """ if date == None: lt = time.gmtime() self.DATE_MODIFIED = (lt.tm_year, lt.tm_mon, lt.tm_mday, lt.tm_hour, lt.tm_min, lt.tm_sec) else: assert len(date) == 6, '\nInvalid date' self.DATE_MODIFIED = tuple([int(abs(t)) for t in date]) if self.DATE_CREATED == None: self.setCreatedDate()
[docs] def addModelCreator(self, firstname, lastname, organisation=None, email=None): """ Add a model creator to the list of model creators, only the first and fmaily names are mandatory: - *firstname* - *lastname* - *organisation* [default=None] - *email* [default=None] """ self.MODEL_CREATORS.update({firstname.title()+lastname.title() : { 'firstname' : firstname, 'lastname' : lastname, 'organisation' : organisation, 'email' : email } })
[docs] def getModelCreators(self): """ Return model creator information """ out = [] mc = self.MODEL_CREATORS for c_ in mc: out.append((mc[c_]['firstname'], mc[c_]['lastname'], mc[c_]['organisation'], mc[c_]['email'])) return tuple(out)
[docs] def addObjective(self, obj, active=False): """ Add an instantiated Objective object to the FBA model - *obj* an instance of the Objective class - *active* [default=False] flag this objective as the active objective (fba.activeObjIdx) """ assert type(obj) == Objective, '\nERROR: requires an Objective object, not something of type {}'.format(type(obj)) assert obj.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(obj.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) print('Adding objective: {}'.format( obj.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) if obj.getId() in self.__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate obj ID detected: {}'.format(obj.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(obj.getId(), obj) self.objectives.append(obj) self.obj_func = self.objectives[-1] if active: self.activeObjIdx = len(self.objectives)-1
[docs] def createObjectiveFunction(self, rid, coefficient=1, osense='maximize', active=True, delete_current_obj=True): """ Create a single variable objective function: - **rid** The - **coefficient** [default=1] - **osense** [default='maximize'] - **active** [default=True] - **delete_current_obj** [default=True] """ new_obj_id = rid + '_objective' assert new_obj_id not in self.getObjectiveIds(), '\nObjective Id %s already exists' % (new_obj_id) if delete_current_obj: for o in self.getObjectiveIds(): self.deleteObjective(o) obj = Objective(new_obj_id, osense) FO = FluxObjective('{}_{}_fluxobj'.format(new_obj_id, rid), rid, coefficient) self.addObjective(obj, active=active) obj.addFluxObjective(FO)
[docs] def createSpecies(self, sid, boundary=False, name='', value=float('nan'), compartment=None, charge=None, chemFormula=None): """ Create a new species and add it to the model: - **id** the unique species id - **boundary** [default=False] whether the species is a variable (False) or is a boundary parameter (fixed) - **name** [default=''] the species name - **value** [default=nan] the value *not currently used* - **compartment** [default=None] the compartment the species is located in - **charge** [default=None] the species charge - **chemFormula** [default=None] the chemical formula """ assert sid not in self.getSpeciesIds(), '\nSpecies id\'s must be unique: {} exists'.format(sid) S = Species(sid, boundary, name, value, compartment, charge, chemFormula) self.addSpecies(S)
[docs] def createCompartment(self, cid, name=None, size=1, dimensions=3, volume=None): """ Create a new compartment and add it to the model if the id does not exist - *cid* compartment id - *name* [None] compartment name - *size* [1] compartment size - *dimensions* [3] compartment size dimensions - *volume* [None] compartment volume """ if cid not in self.getCompartmentIds(): C = Compartment(cid, name, size, dimensions, volume) self.addCompartment(C) else: print('Error: compartment id \"{}\"'.format(cid))
[docs] def createReaction(self, rid, name=None, reversible=True, create_default_bounds=True, silent=False): """ Create a new blank reaction and add it to the model: - *id* the unique reaction ID - *name* the reaction name - *reversible* [default=True] the reaction reversibility. True is reversible, False is irreversible - *create_default_bounds* create default reaction bounds, irreversible 0 <= J <= INF, reversable -INF <= J <= INF - *silent* [default=False] if enabled this disables the printing of information messages """ assert rid not in self.getReactionIds(), '\nReaction ID %s already exists' % rid self.addReaction(Reaction(rid, name, reversible), create_default_bounds=create_default_bounds, silent=silent) if not silent: print('Add reagents with cmod.createReactionReagent({}, metabolite, coefficient)'.format(rid))
[docs] def createReactionReagent(self, reaction, metabolite, coefficient, silent=False): """ Add a reagent to an existing reaction, both reaction and metabolites must exist - *reaction* a reaction id - *metabolite* a species/metabolite id - *coefficient* the reagent coefficient """ R = self.getReaction(reaction) S = self.getSpecies(metabolite) assert R != None, '\nReaction {} does not exist'.format(reaction) assert S != None, '\nMetabolite {} does not exist'.format(metabolite) R.createReagent(metabolite, coefficient) # this is handled by dynamic code #S.setReagentOf(reaction) if not silent: print('Added \"{}\" as a reagent of reaction \"{}\"'.format(metabolite, reaction))
[docs] def createReactionLowerBound(self, reaction, value): """ Create a new lower bound for a reaction: value <= reaction - **reaction** the reaction id - **value** the value of the bound """ bnds = self.getReactionBounds(reaction) assert bnds[1] == None and bnds[3] == None, '\nLower or equality bound exists for reaction: %s' % reaction newId = '%s_%s_bnd'% (reaction, 'lower') self.addFluxBound(FluxBound(newId, reaction, 'greaterEqual', value))
[docs] def createReactionUpperBound(self, reaction, value): """ Create a new upper bound for a reaction: reaction <= value - **reaction** the reaction id - **value** the value of the bound """ bnds = self.getReactionBounds(reaction) assert bnds[2] == None and bnds[3] == None, '\nUpper or equality bound exists for reaction: %s' % reaction newId = '%s_%s_bnd'% (reaction, 'upper') self.addFluxBound(FluxBound(newId, reaction, 'lessEqual', value))
[docs] def createReactionBounds(self, reaction, lb_value, ub_value): """ Create a new lower bound for a reaction: value <= reaction - **reaction** the reaction id - **lb_value** the value of the lower bound - **ub_value** the value of the upper bound """ bnds = self.getReactionBounds(reaction) assert bnds[1] == None, '\nLower bound exists for reaction: %s' % reaction assert bnds[2] == None, '\nUpper bound exists for reaction: %s' % reaction assert bnds[3] == None, '\nEquality bound exists for reaction: %s' % reaction assert lb_value <= ub_value, '\nLower bound must be less than or equal to upper bound.' newId = '%s_%s_bnd'% (reaction, 'lower') self.addFluxBound(FluxBound(newId, reaction, 'greaterEqual', lb_value)) newId = '%s_%s_bnd'% (reaction, 'upper') self.addFluxBound(FluxBound(newId, reaction, 'lessEqual', ub_value))
[docs] def addFluxBound(self, fluxbound, fbexists=None): """ Add an instantiated FluxBound object to the FBA model - *fluxbound* an instance of the FluxBound class """ assert type(fluxbound) == FluxBound, '\nERROR: requires a FluxBound object, not something of type {}'.format(type(fluxbound)) assert fluxbound.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(fluxbound.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if fluxbound.getId() in self.__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate fluxbound ID detected: {}'.format(fluxbound.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(fluxbound.getId(), fluxbound) if fbexists is None: RL = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(fluxbound.getReactionId(), 'lower') RU = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(fluxbound.getReactionId(), 'upper') GO = True if RL != None and RL.is_bound == fluxbound.is_bound and RL.reaction == fluxbound.reaction: #print('Lower bound on reaction {} already exists'.format(fluxbound.getReactionId())) GO = False if RU != None and RU.is_bound == fluxbound.is_bound and RU.reaction == fluxbound.reaction: #print('Upper bound on reaction {} already exists'.format(fluxbound.getReactionId())) GO = False if __DEBUG__: print('Adding fluxbound: {}'.format( if GO: fluxbound.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) self.flux_bounds.append(fluxbound) else: print('\"{}\" FluxBound for reaction {} exists, skipping'.format(fluxbound.is_bound, fluxbound.reaction)) else: if not (fluxbound.getReactionId(), fluxbound.getType()) in fbexists: fluxbound.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) self.flux_bounds.append(fluxbound) else: print('\"{}\" FluxBound for reaction {} exists, skipping'.format(fluxbound.is_bound, fluxbound.reaction))
[docs] def addSpecies(self, species): """ Add an instantiated Species object to the FBA model - *species* an instance of the Species class """ assert isinstance(species, Species), '\nERROR: requires a Species object, not something of type {}'.format(type(species)) assert species.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(species.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if __DEBUG__: print('Adding species: {}'.format( if species.getId() in self.__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate species ID detected: {}'.format(species.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(species.getId(), species) species.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) self.species.append(species)
[docs] def addGene(self, gene): """ Add an instantiated Gene object to the FBA model - *gene* an instance of the G class """ # TODO: fix this whole gene thing, genes must use labels for gene names and id's for object search assert isinstance(gene, Gene), '\nERROR: requires a Gene object, not something of type {}'.format(type(gene)) assert gene.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(gene.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if __DEBUG__: print('Adding Gene: {}'.format( if gene.getId() in self.__global_id__: if gene.getId() in self.__genes_idx__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate gene ID detected: {}'.format(gene.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(gene.getId(), gene) gene.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) self.genes.append(gene)
[docs] def addParameter(self, par): """ Add an instantiated Parameter object to the model - *par* an instance of the Parameter class """ assert isinstance(par, Parameter), '\nERROR: requires a Parameter object, not something of type {}'.format(type(par)) assert par.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(par.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if __DEBUG__: print('Adding Parameter: {}'.format( if par.getId() in self.__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate par ID detected: {}'.format(par.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(par.getId(), par) self.parameters.append(par)
[docs] def addCompartment(self, comp): """ Add an instantiated Compartment object to the CBM model - *comp* an instance of the Compartment class """ assert isinstance(comp, Compartment), '\nERROR: requires a Compartment object, not something of type {}'.format(type(comp)) assert comp.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(comp.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if __DEBUG__: print('Adding Compartment: {}'.format( if comp.getId() in self.__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate comp ID detected: {}'.format(comp.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(comp.getId(), comp) comp.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) self.compartments.append(comp)
[docs] def addReaction(self, reaction, create_default_bounds=False, silent=False): """ Adds a reaction object to the model - *reaction* an instance of the Reaction class - *create_default_bounds* create default reaction bounds, irreversible 0 <= J <= INF, reversable -INF <= J <= INF - *silent* [default=False] if enabled this disables the printing of information messages """ assert isinstance(reaction, Reaction), '\nERROR: requires a Reaction object, not something of type {}'.format(type(reaction)) assert reaction.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(reaction.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if __DEBUG__: print('Adding reaction: {}'.format( if reaction.getId() in self.__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate reaction ID detected: {}'.format(reaction.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(reaction.getId(), reaction) reaction.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) for rr in reaction.reagents: rr.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) if rr.getId() in self.__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate reagent ID detected: {}'.format(reaction.getId())) else: self.__pushGlobalId__(rr.getId(), rr) self.reactions.append(reaction) if create_default_bounds: rid = reaction.getId() self.createReactionUpperBound(rid, numpy.inf) if reaction.reversible: self.createReactionLowerBound(rid, -numpy.inf) if not silent: print('\nReaction \"{}\" bounds set to: -INF <= {} <= INF'.format(rid, rid)) else: self.createReactionLowerBound(rid, 0) if not silent: print('\nReaction \"{}\" bounds set to: 0 <= {} <= INF'.format(rid, rid))
[docs] def addUserConstraint(self, pid, fluxes=None, operator='=', rhs=0.0): """ Add a user defined constraint to FBA model, this is additional to the automatically determined Stoichiometric constraints. - *pid* user constraint name/id, use `None` for auto-assign - *fluxes* a list of (coefficient, reaction id) pairs where coefficient is a float - *operator* is one of = > < >= <= - *rhs* a float """ assert fluxes != None, '\nNo *fluxes* defined: a list of (coefficient, reaction id) pairs where coefficient is a float' if self.user_constraints == None: self.user_constraints = {} Rids = self.getReactionIds() fluxlist = [] for J in fluxes: assert J[1] in Rids, '\n%s is not a valid reaction id' % J[1] assert J[1] not in fluxlist, '\nFluxes may only appear once per constraint:\n%s' % fluxes fluxlist.append(J[1]) operator = operator.strip() assert operator in ['>', '<', '<=', '>=', '=', 'L', 'G', 'E'], '\n{} is not a valid operator'.format(operator) if operator == '=' or operator == 'E': operator = 'E' elif operator in ['>=', '>', 'G']: operator = 'G' elif operator in ['<=', '=<', '<', 'L']: operator = 'L' rhs = float(rhs) if pid is None: pid = 'uConstr%s' % (len(self.user_constraints)+1) self.user_constraints.update({pid : {'fluxes' : fluxes, 'operator' : operator, 'rhs' : rhs} })
[docs] def deleteReactionAndBounds(self, rid): """ Delete all reaction and bounds connected to reaction - *rid* a valid reaction id """ Ridx = None Robj = None assert rid in self.getReactionIds(), '\nOh Hellooooooooooooo' for r in range(len(self.reactions)-1, -1, -1): if self.reactions[r].getId() == rid: Ridx = rid Robj = self.reactions.pop(r) self.__popGlobalId__(rid) Bounds = [] for b in range(len(self.flux_bounds)-1, -1, -1): if self.flux_bounds[b].reaction == rid: Bounds.append(self.flux_bounds.pop(b)) self.__popGlobalId__(Bounds[-1].getId()) for re in Robj.reagents: S = self.getSpecies(re.getSpecies()) if Ridx in S.reagent_of: S.reagent_of.remove(Ridx) self.__popGlobalId__(re.getId()) Robj.reagents = [] print('Deleting reaction {} and {} associated bounds'.format(Ridx, len(Bounds))) del Bounds, Robj
#removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #self.__TRASH__.update({Ridx : {'react' : Robj.clone(), 'bnds' : [b.clone() for b in Bounds]}})
[docs] def deleteObjective(self, objective_id): """ Delete objective function: *objective_id* the id of the objective function. If objective_id is given as 'active' then the active objective is deleted. """ if objective_id == 'active': objective_id = self.getActiveObjective().getId() assert objective_id in self.getObjectiveIds(), '\nNo ....' for o in range(len(self.objectives)-1, -1, -1): if self.objectives[o].getId() == objective_id: Oobj = self.objectives.pop(o) for fo in Oobj.fluxObjectives: self.__popGlobalId__(fo.getId()) self.__popGlobalId__(objective_id) print('Deleting objective {}'.format(objective_id)) del Oobj
#removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #self.__TRASH__.update({objective_id : Oobj.clone()}) #removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #def undeleteObjective(self, objective_id): #""" #Undeltes a deleted objective function: #- *objective_id* the id of an objeective function #""" #assert objective_id in self.__TRASH__, '\nNo deleted object of with this id' #self.addObjective(self.__TRASH__[objective_id])
[docs] def deleteBoundsForReactionId(self, rid, lower=True, upper=True): """ Delete bounds connected to reaction, rid - *rid* a valid reaction id - *upper* [default=True] delete the upper bound - *lower* [default=True] delete the lower bound """ ## Ridx = None ## Robj = None Bounds = [] for b in range(len(self.flux_bounds)-1, -1, -1): if self.flux_bounds[b].reaction == rid: delbound = False if upper and self.flux_bounds[b].getType() == 'upper': delbound = True if lower and self.flux_bounds[b].getType() == 'lower': delbound = True if lower and upper and self.flux_bounds[b].getType() == 'equality': delbound = True if delbound: fb = self.flux_bounds.pop(b) self.__popGlobalId__(fb.getId()) Bounds.append(fb) print('Deleting {} bounds associated with reaction {}'.format(len(Bounds), rid)) del Bounds
#removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #def undeleteReactionAndBounds(self, rid): #""" #Undelete a reaction and bounds deleted with the **deleteReactionAndBounds** method #- *rid* a deleted reaction id #Please note this method is still experimental ;-) #""" #assert rid in self.__TRASH__, '\nOops I did it again ...' #Ridx = self.__TRASH__[rid]['react'] #self.addReaction(Ridx, create_default_bounds=False) ## this is just while transitioning to new dynamic structures ... gone! ##for s_ in Ridx.getSpeciesIds(): ##self.getSpecies(s_).setReagentOf(rid) #for b in self.__TRASH__[rid]['bnds']: #self.addFluxBound(b) #self.__TRASH__.pop(rid) #print('Undeleting reaction: {}'.format(rid))
[docs] def createGeneAssociationsFromAnnotations(self, annotation_key='GENE ASSOCIATION', replace_existing=True): """ Add genes to the model using the definitions stored in the annotation key. If this fails it tries some standard annotation keys: GENE ASSOCIATION, GENE_ASSOCIATION, gene_association, gene association. - *annotation_key* the annotation dictionary key that holds the gene association for the protein/enzyme - *replace_existing* [default=True] replace existing annotations, otherwise only new ones are added """ # protein, assoc, id=None, name=None, gene_pattern='(\(\W*\w*\W*\))') if replace_existing: self.genes = [] self.gpr = [] self.__genes_idx__ = [] gid = name = None g0 = len(self.genes) gpr0 = len(self.gpr) ga_keys = [] for r_ in self.getReactionIds(): GA = None R = self.getReaction(r_) ## print r.annotation if annotation_key in R.annotation: GA = annotation_key elif 'GENE ASSOCIATION' in R.annotation: GA = 'GENE ASSOCIATION' elif 'GENE_ASSOCIATION' in R.annotation: GA = 'GENE_ASSOCIATION' elif 'gene_association' in R.annotation: GA = 'gene_association' elif 'gene association' in R.annotation: GA = 'gene association' if GA != None: self.createGeneProteinAssociation(r_, R.getAnnotation(GA), gid, name, update_idx=False) if GA not in ga_keys: ga_keys.append(GA) print('INFO: used key(s) \'{}\''.format(ga_keys)) self.__updateGeneIdx__() print('INFO: Added {} new genes and {} associations to model'.format(len(self.genes)- g0, len(self.gpr)- gpr0))
[docs] def addGPRAssociation(self, gpr, update_idx=True): """ Add a GeneProteinAssociation instance to the model - *gpr* an instantiated GeneProteinAssociation object """ assert gpr.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(gpr.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if update_idx: self.__updateGeneIdx__() gpr.__objref__ = weakref.ref(self) self.gpr.append(gpr)
[docs] def createGeneProteinAssociation(self, protein, assoc, gid=None, name=None, gene_pattern=None, update_idx=True, altlabels=None): """ Create and add a gene protein relationship to the model, note genes are mapped on protein objects which may or may not be reactions - *protein* in this case the reaction - *assoc* the COBRA style gene protein association - *gid* the unique id - *name* the optional name - *gene_pattern* deprecated, not needed anymore - *update_idx* update the model gene index, not used - *altlabels* [default=None] alternative labels for genes, default uses geneIds """ if altlabels is None: altlabels = {} if assoc != '' and assoc != None: if gid == None: gid = '%s_assoc' % protein gpr = GeneProteinAssociation(gid, protein) self.addGPRAssociation(gpr) if name == None: name = gid gpr.setName(name) gpr.createAssociationAndGeneRefs(assoc, altlabels)
def __updateGeneIdx__(self): """ Update the gene name index """ self.__genes_idx__ = [g.getId() for g in self.genes]
[docs] def getAllProteinGeneAssociations(self, use_labels=False): """ Returns a dictionary of the proteins associated with each gene - *use_labels* use V2 gene labels rather than ID's """ prg = {} for gpr in self.gpr: for g in gpr.getGenes(): if use_labels: gid = g.getLabel() else: gid = g.getId() if gid not in prg: prg.update({gid : [gpr.protein]}) else: prg[gid].append(gpr.protein) return prg
[docs] def getAllGeneProteinAssociations(self, use_labels=False): """ Returns a dictionary of genes associated with each protein - *use_labels* use V2 gene labels rather than ID's """ gprmap = {} for gpr in self.gpr: if gpr.protein not in gprmap: if use_labels: gprmap.update({gpr.protein : gpr.getGeneLabels()}) else: gprmap.update({gpr.protein : gpr.getGeneIds()}) else: if use_labels: gprmap[gpr.protein].extend(gpr.getGeneLabels()) else: gprmap[gpr.protein].extend(gpr.getGeneIds()) return gprmap
[docs] def getGene(self, g_id): """ Returns a gene object that has the identifier: - *gid* the gene identifier """ out = None for g_ in self.genes: if g_.getId() == g_id: out = g_ break return out
[docs] def getGPRassociation(self, gpr_id): """ Returns a gene protein association object that has the identifier: - *gpr_id* the gene protein identifier """ out = None for g_ in self.gpr: if g_.getId() == gpr_id: out = g_ break return out
[docs] def getGPRforReaction(self, rid): """ Return the GPR associated with the reaction id: - *rid* a reaction id """ out = None assert self.getReaction(rid) is not None, '\nERROR: \"{}\" is not a valid reaction id'.format(rid) for gpr_ in self.gpr: if gpr_.getProtein() == rid: out = gpr_ break return out
[docs] def getReactionActivity(self, rid): """ If there is a GPR and genes associated with the reaction ID then return either active=True or inactive=False Note if there is no gene associated information then this will return active. - *rid* a reaction id """ out = True GPR = self.getGPRforReaction(rid) if GPR != None: out = GPR.isProteinActive() return out
[docs] def getGeneIds(self, substring=None): """ Returns a list of gene Ids, applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the id """ if substring == None: return [g.getId() for g in self.genes] else: return [g.getId() for g in self.genes if substring in g.getId()]
[docs] def getGeneLabels(self, substring=None): """ Returns a list of gene labels (locus tags), applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the id """ if substring == None: return [g.getLabel() for g in self.genes] else: return [g.getLabel() for g in self.genes if substring in g.getId()]
[docs] def getAllGeneActivities(self): """ Returns a dictionary of genes (if defined) and whether they are active or not """ out = {} for g_ in self.genes: out[g_.getId()] = g_.isActive() return out
[docs] def getAllProteinActivities(self): """ Returns a dictionary of reactions (if genes and GPR's are defined) and whether they are active or not """ out = {} for g_ in self.gpr: out[g_.getProtein()] = g_.isProteinActive() return out
[docs] def setAllProteinActivities(self, activites, lower=0.0, upper=0.0): """ Given a dictionary of activities [rid : boolean] pairs set all the corresponding reactions: - *activities* a dictionary of [rid : boolean] pairs - *lower* [default=0.0] the lower bound of the deactivated flux - *upper* [default=0.0] the upper bound of the deactivated flux """ for r_ in activites: R = self.getReaction(r_) if activites[r_] and not R.__is_active__: R.reactivateReaction() elif not activites[r_] and R.__is_active__: R.deactivateReaction(lower, upper)
[docs] def setAllInactiveGPRBounds(self, lower=0.0, upper=0.0): """ Set all reactions that are inactive (as determined by gene and gpr evaluation) to bounds: - *lower* [default=0.0] the new lower bound - *upper* [default=0.0] the new upper bound """ gpract = self.getAllProteinActivities() for r_ in gpract: if not gpract[r_]: self.__gene_deactivated_reactions__[r_] = self.getReactionBounds(r_) self.setReactionBounds(r_, lower, upper) print('Setting reaction {} bounds to [{}, {}]'.format(r_, lower, upper))
[docs] def resetAllInactiveGPRBounds(self): """ Resets all reaction bounds modified by the ``cmod.setAllInactiveGeneReactionBounds()`` method to their previous values """ for r_ in self.__gene_deactivated_reactions__: r = self.__gene_deactivated_reactions__.pop(r_) self.setReactionBounds(r_, r[1], r[2]) print('Resetting reaction {} bounds to [{}, {}]'.format(r_, r[1], r[2]))
[docs] def changeAllFluxBoundsWithValue(self, old, new): """ Replaces all flux bounds with value "old" with a new value "new": - *old* value - *new* value """ cntr = 0 if new in ['inf', 'INF', 'INFINITY', '-inf', '-INF', '-INFINITY']: new = float(new) for b in range(len(self.flux_bounds)-1,-1,-1): if self.flux_bounds[b].value == old: ## db = fba.flux_bounds.pop(b) self.flux_bounds[b].value = new cntr += 1 print('\nReplaced {} \"{}\" bounds with \"{}\"'.format(cntr, old, new))
[docs] def deleteAllFluxBoundsWithValue(self, value): """ Delete all flux bounds which have a specified value: - *value* the value of the flux bound(s) to delete """ cntr = 0 for b in range(len(self.flux_bounds)-1,-1,-1): if self.flux_bounds[b].value == value: db = self.flux_bounds.pop(b) self.__popGlobalId__(db.getId()) del db cntr += 1 print('\nDeleted {} \"{}\" bounds'.format(cntr, value))
[docs] def deleteSpecies(self, sid, also_delete=None): """ Deletes a species object with id - *sid* the species id - *also_delete* [default=None] only delete the species -- 'reagents' delete the species from the reactions it participates in as a **reagent** -- 'reactions' deletes the **reactions** that the species participates in """ if also_delete is not None: rids = [r[0] for r in self.getFluxesAssociatedWithSpecies(sid)] if also_delete == 'reagents': for r in rids: R = self.getReaction(r) R.deleteReagentWithSpeciesRef(sid) elif also_delete == 'reactions': for r in rids: self.deleteReactionAndBounds(r) SP = self.species.pop(self.getSpeciesIds().index(sid)) self.__popGlobalId__(sid) del SP
#removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #self.__TRASH__[sid] = SP.clone() #removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #def undeleteSpecies(self, sid): #""" #Undeltes a deleted species: #- *species* the species id #""" #assert sid in self.__TRASH__, '\nNo deleted object of with this id' #self.addSpecies(self.__TRASH__[sid]) def __pushGlobalId__(self, sid, obj): if not self.__ENABLE_GLOBAL_WEAKREF__: self.__global_id__[sid] = True else: self.__global_id__[sid] = obj def __popGlobalId__(self, sid): #if not self.__ENABLE_GLOBAL_WEAKREF__: x = self.__global_id__.pop(sid) del x def __changeGlobalId__(self, old, new, obj): if not self.__ENABLE_GLOBAL_WEAKREF__: self.__global_id__[new] = True self.__global_id__.pop(old) else: self.__global_id__[new] = obj self.__global_id__.pop(old)
[docs] def deleteNonReactingSpecies(self, simulate=True): """ Deletes all species that are not reagents (do not to take part in a reaction). *Warning* this deletion is permanent and greedy (not selective). Returns a list of (would be) deleted species - *simulate* [default=True] only return a list of the speciesId's that would have been deleted if False """ active_reagents = [] for R in self.reactions: for S in R.getSpeciesIds(): if S not in active_reagents: active_reagents.append(S) if __DEBUG__: print(active_reagents) if not simulate: print('Deleting non-reactive species', end=" ") deleted_species = [] for S in range(len(self.species)-1,-1,-1): if self.species[S].getId() not in active_reagents: deleted_species.append(self.species[S].getId()) if simulate: pass else: self.deleteSpecies(self.species[S].getId()) if __DEBUG__: print(self.getSpeciesIds()) print('.', end= " ") print(' ') return deleted_species
[docs] def getCompartment(self, cid): """ Returns a compartment object with *cid* - *cid* compartment ID """ out = None for c in self.compartments: if c.getId() == cid: out = c break if self.compartments.count(cid) > 1: print('\nERROR: multiple compartments with id \"{}\" returning first'.format(cid)) return out
[docs] def getReaction(self, rid): """ Returns a reaction object with *id* - *rid* reaction ID """ out = None for r in self.reactions: if r.getId() == rid: out = r break return out
[docs] def getSpecies(self, sid): """ Returns a species object with *sid* - *sid* a specied ID """ out = None for s in self.species: if s.getId() == sid: out = s break return out
[docs] def getParameter(self, pid): """ Returns a parameter object with pid """ out = None for p in self.parameters: if p.getId() == pid: out = p break return out
[docs] def getReactionBounds(self, rid): """ Get the bounds of a reaction, returns a tuple of rid, lowerbound value, upperbound value and equality value (None means bound does not exist). - *rid* the reaction ID """ lb = ub = eq = None lb = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, 'lower') ub = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, 'upper') eq = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, 'equality') if lb != None: if numpy.isinf(lb.value) or numpy.isreal(lb.value): lb = lb.value else: lb = float(lb) if ub != None: if numpy.isinf(ub.value) or numpy.isreal(ub.value): ub = ub.value else: ub = float(ub) if eq != None: if numpy.isinf(eq.value) or numpy.isreal(eq.value): eq = eq.value else: eq = float(eq) return rid, lb, ub, eq
[docs] def getReactionLowerBound(self, rid): """ Returns the lower bound of a reaction (it it exists) or None - *rid* the reaction ID """ lb = eq = None lb = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, 'lower') if lb != None: if type(lb.value) != str and (numpy.isreal(lb.value) or numpy.isinf(lb.value)): lb = lb.value else: lb = float(lb.value) else: eq = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, 'equality') if eq != None: #print('\nINFO: Lower bound defined as an equality ({})'.format(rid)) if numpy.isinf(eq.value) or numpy.isreal(eq.value): lb = eq.value else: lb = float(eq) return lb
[docs] def getReactionUpperBound(self, rid): """ Returns the upper bound of a reaction (it it exists) or None - *rid* the reaction ID """ ub = eq = None ub = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, 'upper') if ub != None: if type(ub.value) != str and (numpy.isreal(ub.value) or numpy.isinf(ub.value)): ub = ub.value else: ub = float(ub.value) else: eq = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, 'equality') if eq != None: #print('\nINFO: Upper bound defined as an equality ({})'.format(rid)) if numpy.isinf(eq.value) or numpy.isreal(eq.value): ub = eq.value else: ub = float(eq) return ub
## def getBoundByName(self, rid, bound): ## """ ## Return a FluxBound instance. Note this is an old name for the newer preferred method: `getFluxBoundByReactionID` ## - *rid* the reaction ID ## - *bound* the bound: 'upper', 'lower', 'equal' ## """ ## print 'Deprecated: use *getFluxBoundByReactionID*' ## return self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, bound)
[docs] def getFluxBoundByID(self, fid): """ Returns a FluxBound with id - *fid* the fluxBound ID """ c_ = None for c_ in self.flux_bounds: if c_.getId() == fid: return c_ return c_
[docs] def getFluxBoundByReactionID(self, rid, bound): """ Returns a FluxBound instance - *rid* the reaction ID - *bound* the bound: 'upper', 'lower', 'equality' """ c_ = None for c_ in self.flux_bounds: if c_.reaction == rid and c_.is_bound == bound: return c_
[docs] def getFluxBoundsByReactionID(self, rid): """ Returns all FluxBound instances connected to a reactionId as a tuple of valid (lower, upper, None) or (None, None, equality) or alternatively invalid (lower, upper, equality). - *rid* the reaction ID *under evaluation* """ lower = None upper = None equality = None for c_ in self.flux_bounds: if c_.reaction == rid and c_.getType() == 'lower': lower = c_ elif c_.reaction == rid and c_.getType() == 'upper': upper = c_ elif c_.reaction == rid and c_.getType() == 'equality': equality = c_ if lower != None and upper != None: return (lower, upper, None) elif equality != None: return (None, None, equality) print('\nSomething strange in function getFluxBoundsByReactionID, returns: {}{}{}'.format(lower, upper, equality)) return (lower, upper, equality)
[docs] def getCompartmentIds(self, substring=None): """ Returns a list of compartment Ids, applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the id """ if substring == None: return [c.getId() for c in self.compartments] else: return [c.getId() for c in self.compartments if substring in c.getId()]
[docs] def getSpeciesIds(self, substring=None, non_boundary=False): """ Returns a list of species Ids, applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the id - *non_boundary* [default=False] return only non-boundary species, i.e., variable metabolites that appear in the stoichiometric matrix. The default is to return all metabolites boundary and variable. """ if substring == None: return [s.getId() for s in self.species] else: return [s.getId() for s in self.species if substring in s.getId()]
[docs] def getReactionIds(self, substring=None): """ Returns a list of reaction Ids, applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the id """ if substring == None: return [r.getId() for r in self.reactions] else: return [r.getId() for r in self.reactions if substring in r.getId()]
[docs] def getReactionNames(self, substring=None): """ Returns a list of reaction names, applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the name """ if substring == None: return [ for r in self.reactions] else: return [ for r in self.reactions if substring in]
[docs] def getFluxBoundIds(self, substring=None): """ Returns a list of fluxbound Ids, applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the id """ if substring == None: return [s.getId() for s in self.flux_bounds] else: return [s.getId() for s in self.flux_bounds if substring in s.getId()]
[docs] def getObjectiveIds(self, substring=None): """ Returns a list of objective function Ids, applies a substring search if substring is defined - *substring* search for this pattern anywhere in the id """ if substring == None: return [s.getId() for s in self.objectives] else: return [s.getId() for s in self.objectives if substring in s.getId()]
[docs] def getObjFuncValue(self): """ Returns the objective function value """ AO = self.getActiveObjective() print('Objective {}: \"{}\"'.format(AO.getId(), AO.operation)) return AO.getValue()
[docs] def getActiveObjective(self): """ Returns the active objective object. """ out = None try: out = self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx] except Exception: print('No active objective to get') return out
[docs] def getActiveObjectiveStoichiometry(self): """ Returns a list of (coefficient, flux_objective) tuples """ out = None try: out = self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx].getFluxObjectiveData() except Exception: print('No active objective to get') return out
[docs] def getActiveObjectiveReactionIds(self): """ Returns the active objective flux objective reaction id's """ out = None try: out = self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx].getFluxObjectiveReactions() except Exception: print('No active objective to get') return out
def setActiveObjective(self, objId): idz = [ for o in self.objectives] if objId in idz: self.activeObjIdx = idz.index(objId) self.obj_func = self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx] print('Objective {} (idx={}) set active'.format(objId, self.activeObjIdx)) else: print('Invalid ObjectiveId: {}'.format(objId))
[docs] def setBoundValueByName(self, rid, value, bound): """ Deprecated use setReactionBound Set a reaction bound - *rid* the reactions id - *value* the new value - *bound* this is either 'lower' or 'upper' """ print("Deprecated: use *setReactionBound*") self.setReactionBound(rid, value, bound)
[docs] def getGeneIdFromLabel(self, label): """ Given a gene label it returns the corresponding Gene id or None - *label* """ for g_ in self.genes: if g_.label == label: return g_.getId() return None
[docs] def getGeneByLabel(self, label): """ Given a gene label return the corresponding Gene object - *label* """ for g_ in self.genes: if g_.label == label: return g_ return None
[docs] def setGeneInactive(self, g_id, update_reactions=False, lower=0.0, upper=0.0): """ Effectively deletes a gene by setting it's inactive flag while optionally updating the GPR associated reactions - *g_id* a gene ID - *update_reactions* [default=False] update the associated reactions fluxbounds - *lower* [default=0.0] the deactivated reaction lower bound - *upper* [default=0.0] the deactivated reaction upper bound """ g = self.getGene(g_id) if g != None: g.setInactive() if update_reactions: self.updateNetwork(lower, upper) return True else: return False
[docs] def setGeneActive(self, g_id, update_reactions=False): """ Effectively restores a gene by setting it's active flag - *g_id* a gene ID - *update_reactions* [default=False] update the associated reactions fluxbounds from the gene deletion bounds if they exist """ g = self.getGene(g_id) if g != None: g.setActive() if update_reactions: self.updateNetwork() return True else: return False
[docs] def updateNetwork(self, lower=0.0, upper=0.0): """ Update the reaction network based on gene activity. If reaction is deactivated then lower and upper bounds are used - *lower* [default=0.0] deactivated lower bound - *upper* [default=0.0] deactivated upper bound """ for g_ in self.gpr: active = g_.isProteinActive() R = self.getReaction(g_.getProtein()) if not active and R.__is_active__: R.deactivateReaction(lower, upper) elif active and not R.__is_active__: R.reactivateReaction()
[docs] def resetAllGenes(self, update_reactions=False): """ Resets all genes to their default activity state (normally on) - *update_reactions* [default=False] update the associated reactions fluxbounds from the gene deletion bounds if they exist """ for g_ in self.genes: g_.resetActivity() self.updateNetwork()
[docs] def setReactionBound(self, rid, value, bound): """ Set a reaction bound - *rid* the reactions id - *value* the new value - *bound* this is either 'lower' or 'upper', or 'equal' """ if rid not in self.getReactionIds(): print('\nERROR setReactionBound: reaction id {} does not exist'.format(rid)) return c2 = self.getFluxBoundByReactionID(rid, bound) # changed to no str() casting if c2 != None: c2.setValue(value) if __DEBUG__: print(c2.reaction, c2.operation, c2.value) else: # if the bound does not exist, create a new one if bound == 'upper': self.createReactionUpperBound(rid, value) elif bound == 'lower': self.createReactionLowerBound(rid, value) else: raise RuntimeError('\n%s is not a valid reaction name or \'%s\' bound does not exist ' % (rid,bound))
[docs] def setReactionBounds(self, rid, lower, upper): """ Set both the upper and lower bound of a reaction: - *rid* the good old reaction id - *lower* the lower bound value - *upper* the upper bound value """ self.setReactionBound(rid, lower, 'lower') self.setReactionBound(rid, upper, 'upper')
[docs] def setReactionLowerBound(self, rid, value): """ Set a reactions lower bound (if it exists) - *rid* the reactions id - *value* the new value """ self.setReactionBound(rid, value, 'lower')
[docs] def setReactionUpperBound(self, rid, value): """ Set a reactions upper bound (if it exists) - *rid* the reaction id - *value* the new value """ self.setReactionBound(rid, value, 'upper')
[docs] def getAllFluxBounds(self): """ Returns a dictionary of all flux bounds [id:value] """ out = {} for f_ in self.flux_bounds: fid = f_.getId() if fid in out: print('WARNING: duplicate fluxbound Id: {}'.format(fid)) out[fid] = f_.getValue() return out
[docs] def setAllFluxBounds(self, bounds): """ DEPRECATED! use setFluxBoundsFromDict() Sets all the fluxbounds present in bounds - *bounds* a dictionary of [fluxbound_id : value] pairs (not per reaction!!!) """ print('\nDEPRECATION WARNING: use setFluxBoundsFromDict instead of setAllFluxBounds\n') time.sleep(1) self.setFluxBoundsFromDict(bounds)
[docs] def setFluxBoundsFromDict(self, bounds): """ Sets all the fluxbounds present in bounds - *bounds* a dictionary of [fluxbound_id : value] pairs (not per reaction!!!) """ fbids = self.getFluxBoundIds() for f_ in self.flux_bounds: if f_.getId() in fbids: f_.setValue(bounds[f_.getId()])
[docs] def renameObjectIds(self, prefix=None, suffix=None, target='all', ignore=None): """ This method is designed for target="all" other use may result in incomplete models. - *prefix* [None] if supplied add as a prefix - *suffix* [None] if supplied add as a suffix - *target* ['all'] specify what class of objects to rename - 'species' - 'reactions' - 'bounds' - 'objectives' - 'all' - *ignore* [default=None] a list of id's to ignore """ if ignore == None: ignore = [] SUFFIX = PREFIX = False if suffix == None and prefix == None: raise RuntimeError("Either prefix or suffix must be defined") if prefix != None: self.prefix = prefix PREFIX = True if suffix != None: self.suffix = suffix SUFFIX = True ## = if target == 'species' or target == 'all': for s in self.species: if not in ignore: if PREFIX: = s.setId( if SUFFIX: = s.setId( if target == 'reactions' or target == 'all': for s in self.reactions: if not in ignore: if PREFIX: = s.setId( if SUFFIX: = s.setId( for r in s.reagents: if PREFIX: = r.setId( if r.species_ref not in ignore: r.species_ref = prefix+r.species_ref if SUFFIX: = r.setId( if r.species_ref not in ignore: r.species_ref = r.species_ref+suffix if target == 'bounds' or target == 'all': for s in self.flux_bounds: if PREFIX: = s.setId( if s.reaction not in ignore: s.reaction = prefix+s.reaction if SUFFIX: = s.setId( if s.reaction not in ignore: s.reaction = s.reaction+suffix if target == 'objectives' or target == 'all': for s in self.objectives: if PREFIX: = s.setId( if SUFFIX: = s.setId( for f in s.fluxObjectives: if PREFIX: = f.setId( if f.reaction not in ignore: f.reaction = prefix+f.reaction if SUFFIX: = f.setId( if f.reaction not in ignore: f.reaction = f.reaction+suffix self.buildStoichMatrix()
[docs] def setPrefix(self, prefix, target): """ This is alpha stuff, target can be: - 'species' - 'reactions' - 'constraints' - 'objectives' - 'all' """ print('\nDEPRECATION WARNING: setPrefix will be removed, please use the new cmod.renameObjectIds() method instead\n') time.sleep(1.0) if target == 'constraints': target = 'bounds' self.renameObjectIds(prefix=prefix, suffix=None, target=target, ignore=[])
[docs] def setSuffix(self, suffix, target): """ This is alpha stuff, target can be: - 'species' - 'reactions' - 'constraints' - 'objectives' - 'all' """ print('\nDEPRECATION WARNING: setSuffix will be removed, please use the new cmod.renameObjectIds() method instead\n') time.sleep(1.0) if target == 'constraints': target = 'bounds' self.renameObjectIds(prefix=None, suffix=suffix, target=target, ignore=[])
[docs] def setObjectiveFlux(self, rid, coefficient=1, osense='maximize', delete_objflx=True): """ Set single target reaction flux for the current active objective function. - *rid* a string containing a reaction id - *coefficient* [default=1] an objective flux coefficient - *osense* the optimization sense must be **maximize** or **minimize** - *delete_objflx* [default=True] delete all existing fluxObjectives in the active objective function """ assert rid in self.getReactionIds(), '\n%s is not a reaction\n%s' % (rid, self.getReactionIds()) osense = osense.lower() if osense == 'max': osense = 'maximize' if osense == 'min': osense = 'minimize' if osense in ['maximise', 'minimise']: osense = osense.replace('se', 'ze') assert osense in ['maximize', 'minimize'], "\nosense must be ['maximize', 'minimize'] not %s" % osense if delete_objflx: self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx].fluxObjectives = [] FO = FluxObjective('{}_{}_fluxobj'.format(self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx].getId(), rid), rid, coefficient) self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx].addFluxObjective(FO) self.objectives[self.activeObjIdx].operation = osense
[docs] def sortReactionsById(self): """ Sorts the reactions by uses the python string sort """ reactions2 = [] reactId = self.getReactionIds() reactId.sort() for r in reactId: reactions2.append(self.getReaction(r)) self.reactions = reactions2 self.__updateGeneIdx__() for gpr_ in self.gpr: gpr_.buildEvalFunc() del reactions2
[docs] def sortSpeciesById(self): """ Sorts the reaction list by uses the python string sort """ raise NotImplementedError("\nCall developer about this")
[docs] def getExchangeReactions(self): """ Returns reaction instances where the 'is_exchange' attribute set to True. This is by default reactions that contain a boundary species. """ return [r for r in self.reactions if r.is_exchange]
[docs] def getExchangeReactionIds(self): """ Returns id's of reactions where the 'is_exchange' attribute set to True. This is by default reactions that contain a boundary species. """ return [r.getId() for r in self.reactions if r.is_exchange]
[docs] def getReactionValues(self, only_exchange=False): """ Returns a dictionary of ReactionID : ReactionValue pairs: - *only_exchange* [default=False] only return the reactions labelled as exchange """ out = {} if only_exchange: exrids = set(self.getExchangeReactionIds()) for r in self.reactions: if only_exchange and not r.getId() in exrids: continue out[r.getId()] = r.getValue() return out
[docs] def getSolutionVector(self, names=False): """ Return a vector of solution values - *names* [default=False] if True return a solution vector and list of names """ self.buildStoichMatrix() J = numpy.array([self.getReaction(r).getValue() for r in self.N.col]) if not names: return J else: return J, tuple(self.N.col)
[docs] def getReversibleReactionIds(self): """ Return a list of reversible reaction Id's """ output = [] for r_ in self.reactions: if r_.reversible: output.append(r_.getId()) return output
[docs] def getIrreversibleReactionIds(self): """ Return a list of irreversible reaction Id's """ output = [] for r_ in self.reactions: if not r_.reversible: output.append(r_.getId()) return output
[docs] def getBoundarySpeciesIds(self, rid=None): """ Return all boundary species associated with reaction - rid [default=None] by default return all boundary species in a model, alternatively a string containing a reaction id or list of reaction id's """ if rid == None: rid = self.getReactionIds() elif type(rid) == list: pass else: rid = [rid] bspec = [] for r_ in rid: R = self.getReaction(r_) for s_ in R.getSpeciesIds(): if s_ not in bspec and self.getSpecies(s_).is_boundary: bspec.append(s_) return bspec
[docs] def findFluxesForConnectedSpecies(self, metab): """ Returns a list of (reaction, flux value) pairs that this metabolite appears as a reagent of - *metab* the metabolite name """ print('DEPRECATION WARNING: please use cmod.getFluxesAssociatedWithSpecies()') return self.getFluxesAssociatedWithSpecies(metab)
[docs] def getFluxesAssociatedWithSpecies(self, metab): """ Returns a list of (reaction, flux value) pairs that this metabolite appears as a reagent in - *metab* the metabolite name """ output = [] assert self.getSpecies(metab) is not None, '\n%s is not a valid metabolite name!' % metab for r_ in self.getSpecies(metab).isReagentOf(): # if cmod.getReaction(r_).getValue() != 0.0: output.append([r_, self.getReaction(r_).getValue()]) #print r_, cmod.getReaction(r_).getValue() return output
[docs] def getReactionIdsAssociatedWithSpecies(self, metab): """ Returns a list of (reaction, flux value) pairs that this metabolite appears as a reagent in - *metab* the metabolite name """ output = [] assert self.getSpecies(metab) != None, '\n%s is not a valid metabolite name!' % metab for r_ in self.getSpecies(metab).isReagentOf(): # if cmod.getReaction(r_).getValue() != 0.0: output.append([r_, self.getReaction(r_).getValue()]) #print r_, cmod.getReaction(r_).getValue() return output
[docs] def splitEqualityFluxBounds(self): """ Splits any equalit flux bounds into lower and upper bounds. """ ebs = [] for b_ in self.flux_bounds: if b_.getType() == 'equality': ebs.append(b_.getId()) for e_ in ebs: old = self.getFluxBoundByID(e_) R = old.getReactionId() V = old.getValue() self.deleteBoundsForReactionId(R) self.createReactionLowerBound(R, V) self.createReactionUpperBound(R, V) del ebs
[docs] def buildStoichMatrix(self, matrix_type='numpy', only_return=False): """ Build the stoichiometric matrix N and additional constraint matrix CN (if required) - *matrix_type* [default='numpy'] the type of matrix to use to generate constraints - *numpy* a NumPy matrix default - *sympy* a SymPy symbolic matrix, if available note the denominator limit can be set in ``CBModel.__CBCONFIG__['SYMPY_DENOM_LIMIT'] = 10**12`` - *scipy_csr* create using NumPy but store as SciPy csr_sparse - *only_return* [default=False] **IMPORTANT** only returns the stoichiometric matrix and constraint matrix (if required), does not update the model """ if __DEBUG__: print('Species:', self.getSpeciesIds()) var_spec = [s for s in self.species if not s.is_boundary] var_spec_id = [s.getId() for s in self.species if not s.is_boundary] reac_id = self.getReactionIds() if len(var_spec_id) != len(set(var_spec_id)): print('\nBUILD STOICHIOMETRY WARNING: duplicate species IDs detected!\n') if len(reac_id) != len(set(reac_id)): print('\nBUILD STOICHIOMETRY WARNING: duplicate reaction IDs detected!\n') num_col = len(self.reactions) num_row = len(var_spec) sym_dlim = __CBCONFIG__['SYMPY_DENOM_LIMIT'] if __DEBUG__: print('N-dimension = (%s, %s)' % (num_row, num_col)) if matrix_type == 'scipy_csr' and not HAVE_SCIPY: raise RuntimeError('\nSciPy required for scipy_csr matrices') if matrix_type == 'sympy': if HAVE_SYMPY: N = sympy.zeros(num_row, num_col) RHS = [sympy.numbers.Zero() for i in range(num_row)] print('\nINFO: using SymPy for N') else: raise RuntimeError('\nSymPy required for SymPy matrices') else: N = numpy.zeros((num_row, num_col)) RHS = numpy.zeros(num_row) SGO = False if matrix_type == 'sympy': SGO = True for c in range(num_col): if __DEBUG__: print(self.reactions[c].getId()) if __DEBUG__: print(self.reactions[c].getStoichiometry()) for reag in self.reactions[c].getStoichiometry(): if reag[1] in var_spec_id: if __DEBUG__: print('{}: setting reagent {} to {} (idx={},{})'.format(self.reactions[c].getId(), reag[1], reag[0], var_spec_id.index(reag[1]), c)) r = var_spec_id.index(reag[1]) if SGO: if N[r, c] == 0.0: N[r, c] = sympy.Rational(reag[0]).limit_denominator(sym_dlim) else: N[r, c] = N[r, c] + sympy.Rational(reag[0]).limit_denominator(sym_dlim) elif N[r, c] == 0.0: N[r, c] = reag[0] else: N[r, c] = N[r, c] + reag[0] if matrix_type == 'scipy_csr': N2 = csr_matrix(N) del N N = StructMatrixLP(N2, list(range(num_row)), list(range(num_col)), row=var_spec_id, col=reac_id, rhs=RHS) N.array.eliminate_zeros() else: N = StructMatrixLP(N, list(range(num_row)), list(range(num_col)), row=var_spec_id, col=reac_id, rhs=RHS) # build and append additional constraint matric CM = None if self.user_constraints != None: crows = list(self.user_constraints) crows.sort() ccols = reac_id cnum_col = len(ccols) cnum_row = len(crows) Coperators = ['E']*cnum_row if matrix_type == 'sympy': if HAVE_SYMPY: CM = sympy.zeros(cnum_row, cnum_col) CRHS = [sympy.numbers.Zero() for i in range(cnum_row)] print('INFO: using SymPy for CM') else: raise RuntimeError('\nSymPy not available') else: CM = numpy.zeros((cnum_row,cnum_col)) CRHS = numpy.zeros(cnum_row) SGO = False if matrix_type == 'sympy': SGO = True for cs in range(cnum_row): for flx in self.user_constraints[crows[cs]]['fluxes']: if not SGO: CM[cs,ccols.index(flx[1])] = float(flx[0]) else: CM[cs,ccols.index(flx[1])] = sympy.Rational(flx[0]).limit_denominator(sym_dlim) Coperators[cs] = self.user_constraints[crows[cs]]['operator'] if not SGO: CRHS[cs] = float(self.user_constraints[crows[cs]]['rhs']) else: CRHS[cs] = sympy.Rational(self.user_constraints[crows[cs]]['rhs']).limit_denominator(sym_dlim) if matrix_type == 'scipy_csr': CM2 = csr_matrix(CM) del CM CM = StructMatrixLP(CM2, list(range(cnum_row)), list(range(cnum_col)), row=crows, col=ccols,\ rhs=CRHS, operators=Coperators) CM.array.eliminate_zeros() else: CM = StructMatrixLP(CM, list(range(cnum_row)), list(range(cnum_col)), row=crows, col=ccols,\ rhs=CRHS, operators=Coperators) if not only_return: self.N = N if CM != None: self.CM = CM else: print('INFO: Model stoichiometry not updated.') if CM != None: return (N, CM) else: return N
[docs] def createSingleGeneEffectMap(self): """ This takes a model and analyses the logical gene expression patterns. This only needs to be done once, the result is a dictionary that has boolean effect patterns as keys and the (list of) genes that give rise to those patterns as values. This map is used by the single gene deletion method for further analysis. Note this dictionary can also be stored and retrieved separately as long as the model structure is not changed i.e. the gene associations themselves or order of reactions (stored as the special entry 'keyJ'). Stored as self.__single_gene_effect_map__ """ fba2 = self.clone() #cbm.analyzeModel(fba2) geneIds = fba2.getGeneIds() wtpr = fba2.getAllProteinActivities() wtrn = fba2.getReactionIds() wtrn.sort() cpress = {binHash(wtrn, wtpr) : ['wt']} #print(cpress) geneidcache = {} t0a = time.time() DEBUG = False print(time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) cntr = 1 for g_ in geneIds: if g_ not in geneidcache: geneidcache[g_] = fba2.getGene(g_) geneidcache[g_].setInactive() new = fba2.getAllProteinActivities() bhash = binHash(wtrn, new) if bhash in cpress: cpress[bhash].append(g_) else: cpress[bhash] = [g_] geneidcache[g_].setActive() if time.time() - t0a > 20.0: print(cntr, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) t0a = time.time() cntr += 1 print(cntr, time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')) cpress['keyJ'] = tuple(wtrn) self.__single_gene_effect_map__ = cpress del geneidcache, fba2, cpress
[docs] def testGeneProteinAssociations(self): """ This method will test the GeneProtein associations and return a list of protein, association pairs """ out = [] for g_ in self.gpr: try: g_.evalAssociation() except Exception: out.append((g_.protein, g_.assoc)) print('Error in GPR for reaction: {}'.format(g_.protein)) return out
[docs] def exportFVAdata(self): """ Export the fva data as an array and list of reaction id's """ # investigate the use of numpy index arrays here raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def createGroup(self, gid): """ Create an empty group with - *gid* the unique group id """ self.addGroup(Group(gid))
[docs] def addGroup(self, obj): """ Add an instantiated group object to the model - *obj* the Group instance """ assert obj.__objref__ is None, 'ERROR: object already bound to \"{}\", add a clone instead'.format(str(obj.__objref__).split('to')[1][1:-1]) if obj.getId() not in self.getGroupIds(): self.groups.append(obj) else: print('ERROR: Group with id \"{}\" already exists.'.format(obj.getId())) del obj
[docs] def deleteGroup(self, gid): """ Delete a group with - *gid* the unique group id """ gids = self.getGroupIds() if gid in gids: self.groups.pop(gids.index(gid)) else: print('ERROR: Group with id \"{}\" does not exist.'.format(gid))
[docs] def getGroup(self, gid): """ Return a group with - *gid* the unique group id """ for g_ in self.groups: if g_.getId() == gid: return g_ return None
[docs] def getGroupIds(self): """ Delete all group ids """ return [g.getId() for g in self.groups]
[docs] def emptyUndelete(self): """ Empties the undelete cache """ self.__TRASH__.clear()
[docs]class Objective(Fbase): """ An objective function """ fluxObjectives = None ## fluxObjectiveNames = None operation = None value = None solution = None def __init__(self, pid, operation): = pid if operation.lower() in ['maximize', 'maximise', 'max']: self.operation = 'maximize' elif operation.lower() in ['minimize', 'minimise', 'min']: self.operation = 'minimize' else: print('WARNING: Invalid operation: {}'.format(operation)) self.fluxObjectives = [] self.compartment = None self.__delattr__('compartment')
[docs] def setOperation(self, operation): """ Sets the objective operation (sense) - *operation* [default='maximize'] one of 'maximize', 'maximise', 'max', 'minimize', 'minimise', 'min' """ if operation.lower() in ['maximize', 'maximise', 'max']: self.operation = 'maximize' elif operation.lower() in ['minimize', 'minimise', 'min']: self.operation = 'minimize' else: print('WARNING: Invalid operation: {}'.format(operation))
[docs] def getOperation(self): """ Returns the operation or sense of the objective """ return self.operation
[docs] def addFluxObjective(self, fobj, override=False): """ Adds a FluxObjective instance to the Objective - *fobj* the FluxObjective object - *override* [default=False] override pushing the global id map, this should never be used """ if fobj.getId() in self.getFluxObjectiveIDs(): print('\nWARNING: a flux objective with id \"{}\" already exists ... not adding!\n'.format(fobj.getId())) return if not override: self.__objref__().__pushGlobalId__(fobj.getId(), fobj) self.fluxObjectives.append(fobj)
[docs] def createFluxObjectives(self, fluxlist): """ Create and add flux objective objects to this objective function. - *fluxlist* a list of one or more ('coefficient', 'rid') pairs """ FOreact = self.getFluxObjectiveReactions() for J in fluxlist: if J[1] not in FOreact: fid = '{}_{}_fobj'.format(self.getId(), J[1]) self.addFluxObjective(FluxObjective(fid, J[1], J[0])) else: print('\nObjective {} already contains flux {} ... skipping!\n'.format(self.getId(), J[1]))
[docs] def deleteAllFluxObjectives(self): """ Delete all flux objectives """ for fo in self.fluxObjectives: self.__objref__().__popGlobalId__(fo.getId()) self.fluxObjectives = []
[docs] def getFluxObjectiveIDs(self): """ Returns a list of ObjectiveFlux ids, for the reaction id's use *getFluxObjectiveReactions()* or for coefficient, fluxobjective pairs use *getFluxObjectiveData()* """ return [f.getId() for f in self.fluxObjectives]
[docs] def getFluxObjectiveForReaction(self, rid): """ Returns the FluxObjective associated with the suplied rid. If there is more than fluxObjective associated with a reaction (illegal) then a list of fluxObjectives is returned. *rid* a reaction id """ fo = None for fo_ in self.fluxObjectives: if fo_.reaction == rid: if fo == None: fo = fo_ elif type(fo) == list: fo.append(fo_) print('\nWARNING: multiple fluxObjectives match rid: {}\n'.format(rid)) else: fo = [fo] fo.append(fo_) print('\nWARNING: multiple fluxObjectives match rid: {}\n'.format(rid)) return fo
[docs] def getFluxObjectiveReactions(self): """ Returns a list of reactions that are used as FluxObjectives """ return [f.reaction for f in self.fluxObjectives]
[docs] def getFluxObjectiveData(self): """ Returns a list of ObjectiveFunction components as (coefficient, flux) pairs """ return [(f.coefficient, f.reaction) for f in self.fluxObjectives]
[docs] def getFluxObjective(self, foid): """ Return the flux objective with id. - *foid* the flux objective id returns either an object or a list if there are multiply defined flux objectives """ fo = None for fo_ in self.fluxObjectives: if fo_.getId() == foid: if fo == None: fo = fo_ elif type(fo) == list: fo.append(fo_) print('ERROR: multiple FluxBounds have id: {}'.format(foid)) else: fo = [fo] fo.append(fo_) print('ERROR: multiple FluxBounds have id: {}'.format(foid)) return fo
[docs] def getFluxObjectives(self): """ Returns the list of FluxObjective objects. """ return self.fluxObjectives
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns the current value of the attribute (input/solution) """ return self.value
[docs] def setValue(self, value): """ Sets the attribute ''value'' """ self.value = value
[docs]class FluxObjective(Fbase): """ A weighted flux that appears in an objective function NOTE: reaction is a string containing a reaction id """ reaction = None coefficient = None def __init__(self, pid, reaction, coefficient=1): = pid self.reaction = reaction self.coefficient = coefficient self.annotation = {} self.compartment = None self.__delattr__('compartment') def getReactionId(self): return self.reaction def getCoefficient(self): return self.coefficient def setReactionId(self, reaction): self.reaction = reaction def setCoefficient(self, coefficient): self.coefficient = coefficient
[docs]class Compartment(Fbase): """A compartment""" size = None dimensions = None volume = None def __init__(self, cid, name=None, size=1, dimensions=3, volume=None): """ - *cid* comapartment id - *name* optional compartment name - *size* compartment size, [default=1] - *dimensions* compartment spatial dimensions [default=3] """ self.setPid(cid) if name != None: self.setName(name) else: self.setName(cid) self.size = size if volume == None: self.volume = size self.dimensions = dimensions self.annotation = {}
[docs] def containsSpecies(self): """ Lists the species contained in this compartment """ out = [] if self.__objref__ != None: out = [s.getId() for s in self.__objref__().species if s.compartment == self.getId()] return out
[docs] def containsReactions(self): """ Lists the species contained in this compartment """ out = [] if self.__objref__ != None: out = [r.getId() for r in self.__objref__().reactions if r.compartment == self.getId()] return out
[docs] def getSize(self): """ Get the compartment size """ return self.size
[docs] def getDimensions(self): """ Get the compartment dimensions """ return self.dimensions
[docs] def setSize(self, size): """ Set the compartment size - *size* the new compartment size """ self.size = size
[docs] def setDimensions(self, dimensions): """ Get the compartment dimensions - *dimensions* set the new compartment dimensions """ self.dimensions = dimensions
[docs]class GroupMemberAttributes(Fbase): """ Contains the shared attributes of the group members (equivalent to SBML annotation on ListOfMembers) """ def __init__(self): self.annotation = {}
[docs]class Group(Fbase): """ Container for SBML groups """ members = None member_ids = None kind = 'collection' _kinds_ = ('collection', 'partonomy', 'classification') _group_member_ids_ = None _member_attributes_ = None def __init__(self, pid): #delattr(self, 'compartment') # doesn't work self.setId(pid) self.members = [] self.member_ids = [] self._group_member_ids_ = [] self.annotation = {} self._member_attributes_ = GroupMemberAttributes()
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a clone of this object. Note the for Groups this is a shallow copy, in that the reference objects themselves are not cloned only the group (and attributes) """ if type(self.__TRASH__) == dict: self.__TRASH__.clear() else: self.__TRASH__ = None cpy = copy.deepcopy(self) cpy.members = [] cpy.members.extend(self.members[:]) return cpy
[docs] def addMember(self, obj): """ Add member CBMPy object(s) to the group - *obj* either a single, tuple or list of CBMPy objects """ if not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): obj = [obj] for o_ in obj: if isinstance(o_, Fbase): if o_.getId() in self.member_ids: print('ERROR object {} already exist in group.\n'.format(o_.getId())) else: self.members.append(o_) self.member_ids.append(o_.getId()) if isinstance(o_, Group): self._group_member_ids_.append(o_.getId()) else: print('ERROR: object {} is not a valid CBMPy object .\n'.format(o_))
[docs] def deleteMember(self, oid): """ Deletes a group member with group id. - *oid* group member id """ if oid in self.member_ids: oidx = self.member_ids.index(oid) obj = self.members.pop(oidx) self.member_ids.pop(oidx) if isinstance(obj, Group): self._group_member_ids_.remove(oid) else: print('\nError object {} is not a member of group.\n'.format(oid))
[docs] def getMembers(self, as_set=False): """ Return the member objects of the group. - *as_set* return objects as a set rather than a list """ if not as_set: return self.members else: return set(self.members)
[docs] def getMemberIDs(self, as_set=False): """ Return the ids of the member objects. - *as_set* return id's as a set rather than a list """ if not as_set: return self.member_ids else: return set(self.member_ids)
[docs] def getKind(self): """ Return the group kind """ return self.kind
[docs] def setKind(self, kind): """ Sets the kind or type of the group, this must be one of: 'collection', 'partonomy', 'classification'. - *kind* the kind """ assert kind in self._kinds_, '\nKind must be one of: {}\n'.format(self._kinds_) self.kind = kind
[docs] def addSharedMIRIAMannotation(self, qual, entity, mid): """ Add a qualified MIRIAM annotation or entity to the list of members (all) rather than the group itself: - *qual* a Biomodels biological qualifier e.g. "is" "isEncodedBy" - *entity* a MIRIAM resource entity e.g. "ChEBI" - *mid* the entity id e.g. CHEBI:17158 or fully qualifies url (if only_qual_uri) """ self._member_attributes_.addMIRIAMannotation(qual, entity, mid)
[docs] def setSharedAnnotation(self, key, value): """ Sets the list of members (all) annotation as a key : value pair. - *key* the annotation key - *value* the annotation value """ self._member_attributes_.setAnnotation(key, value)
[docs] def setSharedSBOterm(self, sbo): """ Set the SBO term for the the members of the group (all). - *sbo* the SBOterm with format: "SBO:<7 digit integer>" """ self._member_attributes_.setSBOterm(sbo)
[docs] def setSharedNotes(self, notes): """ Sets the group of objects notes attribute (all): - *notes* the note string, should preferably be (X)HTML for SBML """ self._member_attributes_.setNotes(notes)
[docs] def getSharedMIRIAMannotations(self): """ Return a dictionary of the shared member MIRIAM annotations (rather than the group attribute). """ return self._member_attributes_.getMIRIAMannotations()
[docs] def getSharedAnnotations(self): """ Return a dictionary of the shared member annotations (rather than the group attribute). """ return self._member_attributes_.getAnnotations()
[docs] def getSharedSBOterm(self): """ Return the shared member SBO term (rather than the group attribute). """ return self._member_attributes_.getSBOterm()
[docs] def getSharedNotes(self): """ Return the shared member notes (rather than the group attribute). """ return self._member_attributes_.getNotes()
[docs] def assignSharedAnnotationToMembers(self): """ This function merges or updates the group member objects annotations with the group shared annotation. """ print('INFO: Assigning shared CBMPy annotation to members, this cannot be undone.') if len(self._member_attributes_.annotation) > 0: for m_ in self.members: m_.annotation.update(self._member_attributes_.annotation)
[docs] def assignSharedMIRIAMannotationToMembers(self): """ This function merges or updates the group member objects MIRIAM annotations with the group shared MIRIAM annotation. """ print('INFO: Assigning shared MIRIAM annotation to members, this cannot be undone.') if self._member_attributes_.miriam != None: annot = self._member_attributes_.miriam.getAllMIRIAMUris() for m_ in self.members: for k_ in annot: if len(annot[k_]) > 0: for u_ in annot[k_]: m_.addMIRIAMuri(k_, u_)
[docs] def assignSharedSBOtermsToMembers(self, overwrite=False): """ Assigns the group shared member SBO term to the group members. - *overwrite* [default=False] overwrite the target SBO term if it is defined """ print('INFO: Assigning shared SBOterm to members, this cannot be undone.') sbo = self._member_attributes_.getSBOterm() if sbo != None: for m_ in self.members: if m_.__sbo_term__ == None or overwrite: m_.setSBOterm(sbo)
[docs] def assignSharedNotesToMembers(self, overwrite=False): """ Assigns the group shared notes to the group members. - *overwrite* [default=False] overwrite the target notes if they are defined """ print('INFO: Assigning shared Notes to members, this cannot be undone.') if self._member_attributes_.notes != '': for m_ in self.members: if m_.notes == '' or overwrite: m_.notes = self._member_attributes_.notes
[docs] def assignAllSharedPropertiesToMembers(self, overwrite=False): """ Assigns all group shared properties (notes, annotations, MIRIAM annotations, SBO) to the group members. - *overwrite* [default=False] overwrite the target notes if they are defined """ self.assignSharedSBOtermsToMembers(overwrite) self.assignSharedNotesToMembers(overwrite) self.assignSharedAnnotationToMembers() self.assignSharedMIRIAMannotationToMembers()
[docs]class FluxBound(Fbase): """A reaction fluxbound""" reaction = None operation = None value = None is_bound = None __param__ = None def __init__(self, fid, reaction, operation, value): = fid self.reaction = reaction self.setValue(value) assert operation in ['greater', 'greaterEqual', 'less', 'lessEqual', '>=', '<=', '=', 'equal', 'E', 'G', 'L', 'GE', 'LE'] self.operation = operation if self.operation in ['greater', 'greaterEqual', '>=', 'G', 'GE']: self.operation = 'greaterEqual' self.is_bound = 'lower' elif self.operation in ['less', 'lessEqual', '<=', 'L', 'LE']: self.is_bound = 'upper' self.operation = 'lessEqual' else: self.is_bound = 'equality' self.operation = 'equal' self.annotation = {} self.compartment = None self.__delattr__('compartment')
[docs] def getType(self): """ Returns the *type* of FluxBound: 'lower', 'upper', 'equality' or None """ if self.operation in ['greater', 'greaterEqual', '>=']: self.is_bound = 'lower' elif self.operation in ['less', 'lessEqual', '<=']: self.is_bound = 'upper' elif self.operation in ['equal', 'equality', '=']: self.is_bound = 'equality' else: return None return self.is_bound
def getReactionId(self): return self.reaction
[docs] def setReactionId(self, react): """ Sets the reaction attribute of the FluxBound """ self.reaction = react
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns the current value of the attribute (input/solution) """ return self.value
[docs] def setValue(self, value): """ Sets the attribute ''value'' """ if numpy.isreal(value): self.value = value elif numpy.isinf(value): self.value = value else: self.value = float(value)
[docs]class Parameter(Fbase): """Holds parameter information""" _association_ = None constant = True value = None _is_fluxbound_ = False def __init__(self, pid, value, name=None, constant=True): """ Parameter definition class - *pid* the unique parameter pid - *value* the value - *name* [default=''] the parameter name - *constant* [default=True] is the paramter constant (an SBML thing) """ = pid = name self.value = value self.constant = constant self._association_ = [] self.annotation = {}
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns the current value of the attribute (input/solution) """ return self.value
[docs] def setValue(self, value): """ Sets the attribute ''value'' """ if numpy.isreal(value): self.value = value elif numpy.isinf(value): self.value = value else: self.value = float(value)
[docs] def getAssociations(self): """ Return the Object ID's associated with this parameter """ return self._association_
[docs] def addAssociation(self, assoc): """ Add an object ID to associate with this object """ self._association_.append(assoc)
[docs] def deleteAssociation(self, assoc): """ Delete the object id associated with this object """ if assoc in self._association_: self._association_.pop(self._association_.index(assoc))
[docs]class Reaction(Fbase): """Holds reaction information""" reagents = None reversible = None is_exchange = False value = None reduced_cost = None is_balanced = None fva_min = None fva_max = None fva_status = None __bound_history__ = None __is_active__ = True _modifiers_ = None """ # TODO: next major revision 0.8 is to get rid of fluxbound array # by adding fluxbound objects directly to the reactions this should simplify the # data structure but will mean a major rewrite of existing code and potentially breaking # backwards compatability upper_bound = numpy.Inf lower_bound = -numpy.Inf """ def __init__(self, pid, name=None, reversible=True): = pid = name self.reagents = [] self.reversible = reversible self.annotation = {} self.__TRASH__ = {} self.__bound_history__ = [] self._modifiers_ = [] # reaction modifiers from SBML, read/write only
[docs] def addReagent(self, reag): """ Adds an instantiated Reagent object to the reaction """ if self.__objref__ is not None: if reag.getId() in self.__objref__().__global_id__: raise RuntimeError('Duplicate obj ID detected: {}'.format(reag.getId())) else: self.__objref__().__pushGlobalId__(reag.getId(), reag) reag.__objref__ = self.__objref__ self.reagents.append(reag)
[docs] def createReagent(self, metabolite, coefficient): """ Create a new reagent and add it to the reaction: - **metabolite** the metabolite name - **coefficient** the -- negative coefficient is a substrate -- positive coefficient is a product Will fail if a species reference already exists """ assert metabolite not in self.getSpeciesIds(), '\nA reagent already refers to metabolite: %s' % metabolite rr = Reagent('%s_%s' % (self.getId(), metabolite), metabolite, coefficient) self.addReagent(rr)
[docs] def getReagentObjIds(self): """ Returns a list of the reagent id's. For the name of the reagents/metabolites use *<reaction>.getSpeciesIds()* """ return [r.getId() for r in self.reagents]
[docs] def getReagentRefs(self): """ Returns a list of the reagents/metabolites """ raise DeprecationWarning('DEPRECATED: please use <reaction>.getSpeciesIds')
[docs] def getSpeciesIds(self): """ Returns a list of the reagents/metabolites """ return [r.species_ref for r in self.reagents]
[docs] def getSpeciesObj(self): """ Returns a list of the species objects that are reagents """ if self.__objref__ == None: print('INFO: Only works when part of a model.') return [] else: return [self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref) for r in self.reagents]
[docs] def getFVAdata(self, roundnum=None, silent=True): """ Returns the data generated by CBSolver.FluxVariabilityAnalysis() for this reaction as a tuple of (Flux, FVAmin, FVAmax, span) where span is abs(FVAmax - FVAmin). FVAmin or FVAmax is None this indicates no solution to that particular optimization (infeasible). - *roundnum* [default=None] the integer number of roundoff decimals the default is no rounding - *silent* [default=True] supress output to stdout """ try: span = abs(self.fva_max - self.fva_min) except Exception: span = numpy.NaN out = [self.value, self.fva_min, self.fva_max, span] if roundnum != None: for f_ in range(len(out)): try: out[f_] = round(out[f_], roundnum) except Exception: pass if not silent: print('{}'.format(self.getId())) print('Flux: {}\nFVAmin: {}\nFVAmax: {}\nSpan: {}\n'.format(out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3])) return tuple(out)
[docs] def getReagent(self, rid): """ Return the one or more reagent objects which have *rid*: - *rid* a reagent *rid* """ rgnt = [r for r in self.reagents if r.getId() == rid] if len(rgnt) == 0: return None elif len(rgnt) == 1: return rgnt[0] else: print('\nWarning multiple reagents defined for species: {}'.format(rid)) return rgnt
[docs] def changeId(self, pid): """ Changes the Id of the reaction and updates associated FluxBounds """ self.setId(pid)
[docs] def setId(self, fid): """ Sets the object Id - *fid* a valid c variable style id string Reimplements @FBase.setId() """ oldId = self.getId() if self.__objref__ is not None: if fid not in self.__objref__().__global_id__: = fid self.__objref__().__changeGlobalId__(oldId,, self) for fb in self.__objref__().getFluxBoundsByReactionID(oldId): if fb is not None: fb.setReactionId(fid) for gpr_ in self.__objref__().gpr: if gpr_.getProtein() == oldId: gpr_.setProtein(fid) for obj in self.__objref__().objectives: for fo in obj.fluxObjectives: if fo.getReactionId() == oldId: fo.setReactionId(fid) else: print('ERROR: setId() - object with id \"{}\" already exists ... ID *not* set.'.format(fid)) else: = fid # no matter if the reaction has a model ref or not setId resets reagent refs to new id for reag in self.reagents: reag.setId('{}_{}'.format(fid, reag.getSpecies()))
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns the current value of the flux. """ return self.value
[docs] def setValue(self, value): """ Sets the attribute *value* in this case the flux. """ self.value = value
[docs] def getReagentWithSpeciesRef(self, sid): """ Return the reagent object which refers to the *species* id. If there are multiple reagents that refer to the same species a list is returned. - *sid* the species/metabolite id """ rgnt = [r for r in self.reagents if r.species_ref == sid] if len(rgnt) == 0: return None elif len(rgnt) == 1: return rgnt[0] else: print('WARNING: multiple reagents defined for species: {}'.format(sid)) return rgnt
[docs] def setStoichCoefficient(self, sid, value): """ Sets the stoichiometric coefficient of a reagent that refers to a metabolite. Note *negative coefficients* are *substrates* while *positive* ones are *products*. At this point zero coefficients are not allowed - *sid* the species/metabolite id - *value* a floating point value != 0 """ S = self.getReagentWithSpeciesRef(sid) if S != None and not type(S) == list: S.setCoefficient(value) elif type(S) == list: raise RuntimeWarning('setStoichCoefficient({}) warning, species {} is referenced by multiple reagents: {}'.format(self.getId(), sid, [a.getId() for a in S])) else: print('ERROR: setStoichCoefficient: species {} does not exist'.format(sid))
[docs] def getStoichiometry(self, use_names=False, altout=False): """ Returns a list of (coefficient, species) pairs for this reaction - *use_names* [default = False] use species names rather than id's - *altout* [default = False] returns a dictionary [DEPRECATED] """ if not use_names: out = [(r.getCoefficient(), r.species_ref) for r in self.reagents] if not altout: return out else: raise RuntimeError('getStoichiometry(altout=True) has been deprecated') else: out = [(r.getCoefficient(), self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref).getName()) for r in self.reagents] if not altout: return out else: raise RuntimeError('getStoichiometry(altout=True) has been deprecated')
[docs] def getSubstrateIds(self, use_names=False): """ Returns a list of the reaction substrates, species identifiers - *use_names* [defualt = False] use species names rather than id's """ if not use_names: return [r.species_ref for r in self.reagents if r.getCoefficient() < 0.0] else: return [self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref).getName() for r in self.reagents if r.getCoefficient() < 0.0]
[docs] def getProductIds(self, use_names=False): """ Returns a list of the reaction products, species identifiers - *use_names* [default = False] use species names rather than id's """ if not use_names: return [r.species_ref for r in self.reagents if r.getCoefficient() > 0.0] else: return [self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref).getName() for r in self.reagents if r.getCoefficient() > 0.0]
[docs] def deleteReagentWithSpeciesRef(self, sid): """ Delete a reagent (or reagents) that refers to the species id: - *sid* a species/metabolite id """ reags = self.getSpeciesIds() assert sid in reags, '\nThats not a good metabolite/species ref' for rr in range(len(self.reagents)-1,-1,-1): if self.reagents[rr].getSpecies() == sid: rg = self.reagents.pop(rr) print('Deleting reagent: {}'.format(rg.getId())) #removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #self.__TRASH__.update({rg.getId() : rg.clone()}) self.__objref__().__popGlobalId__(rg.getId()) del rg
#removed until I have a more secure way of doing this #def undeleteReagentWithSpeciesRef(self, sid): #""" #Attempts to unDelete reagent deleted with deleteReagent() that refers to the species id: #- *sid* a species/metabolite id #""" ##assert self.getId()+sid in self.__TRASH__, '\nAha, yes, sure, maybe, perhaps ...' #for rg in list(self.__TRASH__.keys()): #if self.__TRASH__[rg].species_ref == sid: #self.addReagent(self.__TRASH__.pop(rg))
[docs] def getLowerBound(self): """ Get the value of the reactions lower bound """ try: return self.__objref__().getReactionLowerBound( except AttributeError as why: print('WARNING: This function requires that this reaction object be added to a CBMPy instance to work.') return None
[docs] def getUpperBound(self): """ Get the value of the reactions upper bound """ try: return self.__objref__().getReactionUpperBound( except AttributeError as why: print('WARNING: This function requires that this reaction object be added to a CBMPy instance to work.') return None
[docs] def setLowerBound(self, value): """ Set the value of the reactions lower bound - *value* a floating point value """ try: self.__objref__().setReactionLowerBound(, value) except AttributeError as why: print('WARNING: This function requires that this reaction object be added to a CBMPy instance to work.')
[docs] def setUpperBound(self, value): """ Set the value of the reactions upper bound - *value* a floating point value """ try: self.__objref__().setReactionUpperBound(, value) except AttributeError as why: print('WARNING: This function requires that this reaction object be added to a CBMPy instance to work.')
[docs] def deactivateReaction(self, lower=0.0, upper=0.0): """ Deactivates a reaction by setting its bounds to lower and upper. Restore with reactivateReaction() - *lower* [default=0.0] bound - *upper* [default=0.0] bound """ self.__bound_history__ = None lb = self.getLowerBound() ub = self.getUpperBound() self.__bound_history__ = (lb, ub) self.setLowerBound(lower) self.setUpperBound(upper) self.__is_active__ = False print('Reaction {} bounds set to [{} : {}]'.format(, lower, upper))
[docs] def reactivateReaction(self): """ Activates a reaction deactivated with deactivateReaction """ if self.__bound_history__ != None: self.setLowerBound(self.__bound_history__[0]) self.setUpperBound(self.__bound_history__[1]) print('Reaction {} bounds set to [{} : {}]'.format(, self.__bound_history__[0], self.__bound_history__[1])) self.__bound_history__ = None self.__is_active__ = True
[docs] def getEquation(self, reverse_symb='=', irreverse_symb='>', use_names=False): """ Return a pretty printed string containing the reaction equation - *reverse_symb* [default = '='] the symbol to use for reversible reactions - *irreverse_symb* [default = '>'] the symbol to use for irreversible reactions - *use_names* [defualt = False] use species names rather than id's """ sub = '' prod = '' for r in self.reagents: coeff = r.getCoefficient() if coeff < 0.0: if abs(coeff) == 1.0: if not use_names: sub += '{} + '.format(r.species_ref) else: sub += '{} + '.format(self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref).getName()) else: if not use_names: sub += '({}) {} + '.format(coeff, r.species_ref) else: sub += '({}) {} + '.format(coeff, self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref).getName()) else: if abs(coeff) == 1.0: if not use_names: prod += '{} + '.format(r.species_ref) else: prod += '{} + '.format(self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref).getName()) else: if not use_names: prod += '({}) {} + '.format(coeff, r.species_ref) else: prod += '({}) {} + '.format(coeff, self.__objref__().getSpecies(r.species_ref).getName()) #print(sub) #print(prod) if self.reversible: eq = '{} {} {}'.format(sub[:-3], reverse_symb, prod[:-2]) else: eq = '{} {} {}'.format(sub[:-3], irreverse_symb, prod[:-2]) return eq
[docs]class Species(Fbase): """ Holds species/metabolite information """ chemFormula = None charge = None value = None is_boundary = False reagent_of = None shadow_price = None def __init__(self, pid, boundary=False, name=None, value=float('nan'),\ compartment=None, charge=None, chemFormula=None): """ Species/metabolite definition class - **pid** the unique species pid - **boundary** [default=False] whether the species is a variable (False) or is a boundary parameter (fixed) - **name** [default=''] the species name - **value** [default=nan] the value *not currently used* - **compartment** [default=None] the compartment the species is located in - **charge** [default=None] the species charge - **chemFormula** [default=None] the chemical formula """ = pid = name self.value = value self.is_boundary = boundary self.compartment = compartment self.charge = charge self.chemFormula = chemFormula self.reagent_of = [] self.annotation = {}
[docs] def setId(self, fid): """ Sets the object Id - *fid* a valid c variable style id string Reimplements @FBase.setId() """ oldId = self.getId() if self.__objref__ is not None: if fid not in self.__objref__().__global_id__: rids = [a[0] for a in self.__objref__().getFluxesAssociatedWithSpecies(oldId)] = fid self.__objref__().__changeGlobalId__(oldId,, self) for r_ in self.__objref__().reactions: if r_.getId() in rids: rr = r_.getReagentWithSpeciesRef(oldId) if type(rr) != list: rr.setSpecies(fid) else: for rr2 in rr: rr2.setSpecies(fid) else: print('ERROR: setId() - object with id \"{}\" already exists ... ID *not* set.'.format(fid)) else: = fid
[docs] def getValue(self): """ Returns the current value of the attribute (input/solution) """ return self.value
[docs] def setValue(self, value): """ Sets the attribute ''value'' """ self.value = value
[docs] def isReagentOf(self): """ Returns a dynamically generated list of reactions that this species occurs as a reagent """ assert self.__objref__ != None, "\nWARNING: needs to be added to a model (cmod.addSpecies()) to work" self.reagent_of = [r.getId() for r in self.__objref__().reactions if self.getId() in r.getSpeciesIds()] return self.reagent_of
[docs] def getReagentOf(self): """ Returns a list of reaction id's that this metabolite occurs in """ print('INFO: The static .getReagentOf() method is deprecated, please update your code to use: \".isReagentOf()\"') return self.isReagentOf()
[docs] def setReagentOf(self, rid): """ Adds the supplied reaction id to the reagent_of list (if it isn't one already) - *rid* a valid reaction id """ raise RuntimeError('\nINFO: The static .setReagentOf() method is deprecated, please update your code to use: \".isReagentOf()\"')
#if rid not in self.reagent_of: #self.reagent_of.append(rid)
[docs] def setChemFormula(self, cf): """ Sets the species chemical formula - *cf* a chemical formula e.g. CH3NO2 """ assert cf == '' or checkChemFormula(cf) self.chemFormula = cf
#if checkChemFormula(cf): #self.chemFormula = cf #else: #self.chemFormula = ''
[docs] def getChemFormula(self): """ Returns the species chemical formula """ return self.chemFormula
[docs] def setCharge(self, charge): """ Sets the species charge: - *charge* a signed double but generally a signed int is used """ charge = float(charge) self.charge = charge
[docs] def getCharge(self): """ Returns the species charge """ return self.charge
[docs] def setBoundary(self): """ Sets the species so it is a boundary metabolite or fixed which does not occur in the stoichiometric matrix N """ self.is_boundary = True
[docs] def unsetBoundary(self): """ Unsets the species boundary attribute so that the metabolite is free and therefore occurs in the stoichiometric matrix N """ self.is_boundary = False
[docs] def rename(self, newid, overwrite=True): """ Changes the species id and updates all reagents in the model reactions. Note that existing species with id == newid will be overwritten/deleted. - *newid* the new species id. - *overwrite* [default=True] overwrite species objects (highly recommended) """ assert self.__objref__ is not None, "\nWARNING: needs to be part of a model (cmod.addSpecies()) to work" mod = self.__objref__() if overwrite and newid in mod.getSpeciesIds(): print('INFO: overwriting existing species: {}'.format(newid)) mod.deleteSpecies(newid) for rr in mod.getFluxesAssociatedWithSpecies(self.getId()): mod.getReaction(rr[0]).getReagentWithSpeciesRef(self.getId()).setSpecies(newid) self.setId(newid)
[docs]class Reagent(Fbase): """ Has a reactive species id and stoichiometric coefficient: - negative = substrate - positive = product - species_ref a reference to a species obj """ coefficient = None role = None species_ref = None _value_is_ref_ = False def __init__(self, reid, species_ref, coef): """ Instantiates a reagent from a metatabolite and coefficient, note that now the coefficient can be a Parameter object in which case a connection is made to the linked Parameter - *reid* a unique id - *species_ref* a reference to a species id - *coefficient* the stoichiometric coefficient, a non-zero integer or Parameter """ self.setId(reid) self.species_ref = species_ref self.setCoefficient(coef) self.annotation = {} self.compartment = None self.__delattr__('compartment')
[docs] def setCoefficient(self, coef): """ Sets the reagent coefficient and role, negative coefficients are substrates and positive ones are products - *coeff* the new coefficient """ if type(coef) is Parameter: self.coefficient = weakref.ref(coef) self._value_is_ref_ = True value = coef.getValue() else: self.coefficient = coef self._value_is_ref_ = False value = coef if value < 0.0: self.role = 'substrate' elif value > 0.0: self.role = 'product' else: self.role = None print('WARNING - setCoefficient(): Zero coefficient detected {}!'.format(self.getId()))
# raise RuntimeError('Zero coefficient detected and are currently not supported: ({}) {}!' % (value, self.getId()))
[docs] def getCoefficient(self): """ Returns the reagent coefficient """ if not self._value_is_ref_: value = self.coefficient else: value = self.coefficient().getValue() return value
[docs] def setSpecies(self, spe): """ Sets the metabolite/species that the reagent reference refers to """ self.species_ref = spe
[docs] def getSpecies(self): """ Returns the metabolite/species that the reagent reference refers to """ return self.species_ref
[docs] def getRole(self): """ Returns the reagents role, "substrate", "product" or None """ #if self.coefficient < 0.0: #self.role = 'substrate' #elif self.coefficient > 0.0: #self.role = 'product' #else: #self.role = None return self.role
## bgoli concept future reagent #class Reagent(): #_value = None #_weakref_ = False #@property #def coefficient(self): #print(self._value, self._weakref_) #@coefficient.setter #def coefficient(self, value): #if type(value) is Parameter: #self._value = weakref.ref(value) #self._weakref_ = True #else: #self._value = value #self._weakref_ = False #@coefficient.getter #def coefficient(self): #if self._weakref_: #x = self._value().value #else: #x = self._value #return x
[docs]class Gene(Fbase): """ Contains all the information about a gene (or gene+protein construct depending on your philosophy) TODO: I will change the whole Gene/GPR structure to a dictionary data structure on the model which should simplify this all significantly. """ active0 = False active = False label = None def __init__(self, gid, label=None, active=True): """ A gene construct - *gid* the gene id - *label* the gene label this may or may not be a legal Sid - *active* is the gene is active or not (boolean) """ if label == None: label = gid gid = 'g_' + gid self.setId(gid) self.setLabel(label) self.active0 = active = active self.annotation = {}
[docs] def getLabel(self): """ Returns the gene label """ return self.label
[docs] def setLabel(self, label): """ Sets the gene label """ self.label = label
[docs] def setActive(self): """ Set the gene to be active """ = True
[docs] def setInactive(self): """ Set the gene to be inactive """ = False
[docs] def isActive(self): """ Returns whether the gene is active or not """ return
[docs] def resetActivity(self): """ Reset the gene to its default activity state """ = self.active0
[docs]class GeneProteinAssociation(Fbase): """ This class associates genes to proteins. TODO: I will change the whole Gene/GPR structure to a dictionary data structure on the model which should simplify this all significantly. """ #_MODIFIED_ASSOCIATION_ = False assoc = None #assoc0 = None protein = None __evalass__ = 'None' __evalass_ids__ = 'None' __evalass_names__ = 'None' _gene_id_ucntr_ = 0 generefs = None def __init__(self, gpid, protein): """ Create a GeneProteinAssociation - *gpid* a unique id - *protein* the protein the gene association referes to, in most cases this should be a reaction id """ self.setPid(gpid) self.generefs = [] self.protein = protein self.annotation = {}
[docs] def evalAssociation(self): """ Returns an integer value representing the logical associations or None. """ out = None _model_ = self.__objref__() try: out = eval(self.__evalass__) except SyntaxError: raise RuntimeWarning('\nError in GPR associated with reaction: %s\n%s' % (self.protein, self.assoc)) del _model_ return out
[docs] def addGeneref(self, geneid): """ Add a gene reference to the list of gene references - *geneid* a valid model Gene id """ if geneid not in self.generefs: self.generefs.append(geneid)
[docs] def deleteGeneref(self, gid): """ Deletes a gene reference - *geneid* a valid model Gene id """ if gid in self.generefs: self.generefs.remove(gid)
[docs] def addAssociation(self, assoc): """ Add a gene/protein association expression """ self.assoc = assoc
[docs] def createAssociationAndGeneRefs(self, assoc, altlabels=None): """ Evaluate the gene/protein association and add the genes necessary to evaluate it Note that this GPR should be added to a model with cmod.addGPRAssociation() before calling this method - *assoc* the COBRA style gene protein association - *altlabels* [default=None] a dictionary containing a label<-->id mapping """ if self.__objref__() == None: raise RuntimeError("\nPlease add this GeneAssociation to a model with cmod.addGPRAssociation() before calling this method!") if altlabels is None: altlabels = {} genelist = self.__objref__().genes mod_genes = [g.getId() for g in genelist] #self.assoc = self.assoc0 = assoc self.assoc = assoc react_gene = {} #gene_re = re.compile(gene_pattern) ## print 'assoc\n', assoc self.generefs = [] if assoc != None and assoc != '': #print( #print(self.assoc) genes, self.assoc = extractGeneIdsFromString(assoc, return_clean_gpr=True) #print(self.assoc) #print(genes) #print(genes) #geneLabels = [] #for g_ in genes: #if not checkId(s) if len(genes) == 0: self.generefs = [] else: for gid in genes: if gid in altlabels: label = altlabels[gid] else: label = gid newgid = fixId(gid, replace='_') if gid != newgid: newgid = fixId(gid, replace='_{}_'.format(self._gene_id_ucntr_)) self._gene_id_ucntr_ += 1 print('INFO: geneLabel is not Sid compatible, replacing \"{}\" with {} in geneId'.format(gid, newgid)) self.assoc = self.assoc.replace(gid, newgid) self._MODIFIED_ASSOCIATION_ = True gid = newgid if gid in self.generefs: #print('gid in generef') pass elif gid in mod_genes: self.addGeneref(gid) #print('addGeneRef') else: #print('createAssociationAndGeneRefs\n', gid, label, assoc, self.assoc) self.__objref__().addGene(Gene(gid, label, active=True)) self.addGeneref(gid) else: self.generefs = [] self.__objref__().__updateGeneIdx__() self.buildEvalFunc()
[docs] def buildEvalFunc(self): """ Builds a function which evaluates the gene expressions and evaluates to an integer using the following rules: - True --> 1 - False --> 0 - and --> * - or --> + """ gids = self.getGeneIds() ## print gids if len(gids) > 0: self.__evalass__ = self.assoc _model_ = self.__objref__() # this is to avoid substring replacements gids = sorted(gids, key=len) gids.reverse() for g in gids: self.__evalass__ = self.__evalass__.replace(g, "_model_.genes[{}].isActive()".format(_model_.__genes_idx__.index(g))) self.__evalass__ = self.__evalass__.replace(' or ', ' + ') self.__evalass__ = self.__evalass__.replace(' OR ', ' + ') self.__evalass__ = self.__evalass__.replace(' and ', ' * ') self.__evalass__ = self.__evalass__.replace(' AND ', ' * ') self.__evalass__ = 'int(%s)' % self.__evalass__ del _model_
#self.__evalass__ = compile(self.__evalass__, 'GeneAss', 'exec')
[docs] def getGenes(self): """ Return a list of gene objects associated with this GPRass """ return [self.__objref__().getGene(g) for g in self.generefs]
[docs] def getGeneLabels(self): """ Return a list of gene labels associated with this GPRass """ return [self.__objref__().getGene(g).getLabel() for g in self.generefs]
[docs] def getGene(self, gid): """ Return a gene object with id """ if gid in self.generefs: return self.__objref__().getGene(gid) else: print('WARNING: {} is not a valid gene id'.format(gid)) return None
[docs] def getAssociationStr(self, use_labels=False): """ Return the gene association string, alternatively return string with labels - *use_lablels* [default=False] return the gene association string with labels rather than geneId's (FBCv2 issue) """ #if self._MODIFIED_ASSOCIATION_: #print('NOTE: this association string has been modified to be evaluable:\n{} --> {}'.format(self.assoc0, self.assoc)) out = self.assoc if use_labels: out = self.assoc keymap = {} for g in self.generefs: keymap[g] = self.__objref__().getGene(g).getLabel() keys = keymap.keys() keys.sort(reverse=True) for k in keys: out = out.replace(k, keymap[k]) return out
[docs] def getGeneIds(self): """ Return a list of gene id's """ return self.generefs
[docs] def getActiveGenes(self): """ Return a list of active gene objects """ out = [] for g_ in self.generefs: G = self.__objref__().getGene(g_) if G.isActive(): out.append(G) return out
[docs] def getProtein(self): """ Return the protein associated with this set of genes """ return self.protein
[docs] def setProtein(self, protein): """ Sets the protein associated with this set of genes """ self.protein = protein
[docs] def setGeneInactive(self, gid): """ Set a gene to be inactive """ try: self.getGene(gid).setInactive() except Exception as ex: print('\nGene {} does not exist'.format(gid))
[docs] def setGeneActive(self, gid): """ Set a gene to be inactive """ try: self.getGene(gid).setActive() except Exception as ex: print('\nGene {} does not exist'.format(gid))
[docs] def setAllGenesActive(self): """ Activate all genes in association """ for g_ in self.generefs: G = self.__objref__().getGene(g_) G.setActive()
[docs] def setAllGenesInactive(self): """ Deactivates all genes in association """ for g_ in self.generefs: G = self.__objref__().getGene(g_) G.setInactive()
[docs] def isProteinActive(self): """ This returns a boolean which indicates the result of evaluating the gene association. If the result is positive then the protein is expressed and *True* is returned, otherwise if the expression evaluates to a value of 0 then the protein is not expressed and *False* is returned. """ res = self.evalAssociation() if res == 0: return False else: return True