
This chapter describes how to use c.

Importing C Extension Modules

After c is installed, C-API extension modules can be directly imported:

import package.my_c_mod

Where the file package/ exists in the Python sys.path.


It is necessary for the user to have write privileges to the __pycache__ directory associated with the module’s location.

If compilation of my_c_mod fails, an ImportError subclass will be raised with the output of the compiler or linker.

Reading the Compilation Transcript

Compilation is often associated with a lot of information about the process. Notably, warnings are often present in compiler output. However, the C loader does not allow this detail to be printed to the terminal. This is desirable as it is inappropriate for the import machinery to emit such noise. To compensate, relevant information about the compilation process is recorded to a log file alongside the compiled output. This output can be viewed using the c.bin.log executable module:

python3 -m c.bin.log package.my_c_mod

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