
BOTLIB Exceptions.


EARGUMENT argument given results in an error.
EATTRIBUTE item is already an attribute.
EBORDER program is reaching out of its cfgured workdir.
ECONNECT connect error occured.
EDEFAULT missing default value.
EDEFINE define error.
EDIR file is a directory error.
EDISCONNECT server has disconnect.
EDISPATCHER dispatcher is missing.
EFILE error reading the file.
EFILENAME filename is not correct.
EFUNC error occured during execution of the function.
EISMETHOD Attribute is a method.
EJSON A JSON compiling error occured.
ELOAD loading of the objectect failed.
ENETWORK heerlijk de heden ten dage.
ENOBID no bot id available.
ENODATA the objectect loaded from file has no data section.
ENODATE date cannot be determined.
ENODEFAULT No default provided.
ENODIR directory is not available.
ENOFUNC function is not provided.
ENOJSON string cannot be _parsed as JSON.
ENOMETHOD no method is provided.
ENOPATH there is not path available to save to disk.
ENOPREFIX first argument is not a directory in the workdir.
ENOTIME no time can be detected.
ENOTIMPLEMENTED method or function is not implemented.
ENOTSET variable is not set.
ENOTXT no text to parse.
ENOWORKDIR a workdir is not provided.
EOWNER origin is not an owner.
EPASSWORD wrong password provided.
ERE error in a regular expression.
EREBOOT An error occured during reboot.
EREGISTER error during registration,
ERESERVED a reserved word is used.
ERESUME An error occured during resume.
ERSINGLENAME firs level directory names are reserved.
ESET Attribute is already set.
ESIGNATURE signature check failed.
ETOPLEVELDIR Path is a toplevel directory and cannot be written to.
ETYPE argument is of the wrong type.
EWORKDIR workdir is not set or not reachable.
Error yooooo !!!.
exception EARGUMENT[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

argument given results in an error.

exception EATTRIBUTE[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

item is already an attribute.

exception EBORDER[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

program is reaching out of its cfgured workdir.

exception ECONNECT[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

connect error occured.

exception EDEFAULT[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

missing default value.

exception EDEFINE[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

define error.

exception EDIR[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

file is a directory error.

exception EDISCONNECT[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

server has disconnect.

exception EDISPATCHER[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

dispatcher is missing.

exception EFILE[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

error reading the file.

exception EFILENAME[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

filename is not correct.

exception EFUNC[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

error occured during execution of the function.

exception EISMETHOD[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

Attribute is a method.

exception EJSON[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

A JSON compiling error occured.

exception ELOAD[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

loading of the objectect failed.

exception ENETWORK[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

heerlijk de heden ten dage.

exception ENOBID[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

no bot id available.

exception ENODATA[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

the objectect loaded from file has no data section.

exception ENODATE[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

date cannot be determined.

exception ENODEFAULT[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

No default provided.

exception ENODIR[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

directory is not available.

exception ENOFUNC[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

function is not provided.

exception ENOJSON[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

string cannot be _parsed as JSON.

exception ENOMETHOD[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

no method is provided.

exception ENOPATH[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

there is not path available to save to disk.

exception ENOPREFIX[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

first argument is not a directory in the workdir.

exception ENOTIME[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

no time can be detected.

exception ENOTIMPLEMENTED[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

method or function is not implemented.

exception ENOTSET[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

variable is not set.

exception ENOTXT[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

no text to parse.

exception ENOWORKDIR[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

a workdir is not provided.

exception EOWNER[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

origin is not an owner.

exception EPASSWORD[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

wrong password provided.

exception ERE[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

error in a regular expression.

exception EREBOOT[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

An error occured during reboot.

exception EREGISTER[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

error during registration,

exception ERESERVED[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

a reserved word is used.

exception ERESUME[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

An error occured during resume.

exception ERSINGLENAME[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

firs level directory names are reserved.

exception ESET[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

Attribute is already set.

exception ESIGNATURE[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

signature check failed.

exception ETOPLEVELDIR[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

Path is a toplevel directory and cannot be written to.

exception ETYPE[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

argument is of the wrong type.

exception EWORKDIR[source]

Bases: botlib.error.Error

workdir is not set or not reachable.

exception Error[source]

Bases: Exception

yooooo !!!.