Source code for botlib.url

# mad/utils/

""" functions that fetch data from url """

from .object import Object
from .trace import get_exception

import logging
import urllib
import http
import html
import botlib
import sys
import re
import os

[docs]def get_url(*args, **kwargs): url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(urllib.parse.urlparse(args[0])) req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers={"User-Agent": useragent()}) resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req) ="! %s %s %s" % (resp.status, resp.reason, url)) return resp
[docs]def get_url2(url, myheaders={}, postdata={}, keyfile=None, certfile="", port=80): headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8', 'Accept': 'text/plain; text/html; application/json', 'User-Agent': useragent()} headers.update(myheaders) urlparts = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if "https" in url: connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection(urlparts[1]) # keyfile, certfile) else: connection = http.client.HTTPConnection(urlparts[1]) connection.connect() connection.request("GET", urlparts[2], None, headers) resp = connection.getresponse() = logging.warn("# %s %s %s" % (resp.status, resp.reason, url)) connection.close() return resp
[docs]def need_redirect(resp): if resp.status == 301 or resp.status == 302: url = resp.getheader("Location") return url
[docs]def useragent(): return 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) BOTLIB %s +' % botlib.__version__
[docs]def unescape(text): return html.parser.HTMLParser().unescape(text)
[docs]def extract_div(search, data): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(data) divs = soup('div') for div in divs: if div.get(search): return div
[docs]def get_encoding(data): if hasattr(data, 'info') and 'content-type' in and 'charset' in['content-type'].lower(): charset =['content-type'].lower().split('charset', 1)[1].strip() if charset[0] == '=': charset = charset[1:].strip() if ';' in charset: return charset.split(';')[0].strip() return charset if '<meta' in data.lower(): metas = re.findall('<meta[^>]+>', data, re.I | re.M) if metas: for meta in metas: test_http_equiv ='http-equiv\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]', meta, re.I) if test_http_equiv and == 'content-type': test_content ='content\s*=\s*[\'"]([^\'"]+)[\'"]', meta, re.I) if test_content: test_charset ='charset\s*=\s*([^\s\'"]+)', meta, re.I) if test_charset: return try: import chardet test = chardet.detect(data) if 'encoding' in test: return test['encoding'] except: pass return sys.getdefaultencoding()
[docs]def parse_url(*args, **kwargs): """ Attribute Index Value Value if not present scheme 0 URL scheme specifier empty string netloc 1 Network location part empty string path 2 Hierarchical path empty string query 3 Query component empty string fragment 4 Fragment identifier empty string """ url = args[0] _parsed = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) target = _parsed[2].split("/") if "." in target[-1]: basepath = "/".join(target[:-1]) file = target[-1] else: basepath = _parsed[2] ; file = None if basepath.endswith("/"): basepath = basepath[:-1] base = urllib.parse.urlunsplit((_parsed[0], _parsed[1], basepath , "", "")) root = urllib.parse.urlunsplit((_parsed[0], _parsed[1], "", "", "")) return (basepath, base, root, file)
[docs]def parse_urls(*args, **kwargs): import bs4 url = args[0] try: content = args[1] except: content = get_url(url).data basepath, base, root, file = parse_url(url) s = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml") urls = [] tags = s('a') for tag in tags: href = tag.get("href") if href: href = href.split("#")[0] if not href: continue if ".." in href: continue if href.startswith("mailto"): continue if not "http" in href: if href.startswith("/"): href = root + href else: href = base + "/" + href if not root in href: continue if href not in urls: urls.append(href) logging.warn("# %s urls" % len(urls)) return urls
[docs]def strip_html(text): if text.startswith("http"): return text import bs4 soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text) res = "" for chunk in soup.findAll(text=True): if isinstance(chunk, bs4.CData): res += str(chunk.content[0]) + " " else: res += str(chunk) + " " return res
[docs]def get_feed(url): """ fetch a feed. """ result = [] if not url or not "http" in url: logging.debug("%s is not an url." % url) return result try: import feedparser result = feedparser.parse(get_url(url).data) except (ImportError, ConnectionError, urllib.error.URLError) as ex: logging.warn("# %s %s" % (url, str(ex))) return result if "entries" in result: for entry in result["entries"]: yield Object(entry)