Source code for botlib.trace

# mad/

    functions concering stack trace.

    >>> from bot.trace import get_exception
    >>> ex = get_exception()

    >>> from bot.trace import get_frame
    >>> frame = get_frame()

    >>> from bot.trace import get_strace
    >>> trace = get_strace(2)


import traceback
import sys
import os

stop = ["python3.5",]

[docs]def get_exception(txt=""): from .space import cfg, exceptions exctype, excvalue, tb = sys.exc_info() trace = traceback.extract_tb(tb) result = "" for i in trace: fname = i[0] linenr = i[1] func = i[2] plugfile = fname[:-3].split(os.sep) mod = [] for i in plugfile[::-1]: mod.append(i) if i == "bot": break ownname = '.'.join(mod[::-1]) result += "%s:%s %s | " % (ownname, linenr, func) del trace res = "%s%s: %s %s" % (result, exctype, excvalue, txt) if cfg.test: if res not in exceptions: exceptions.append(res) return res
[docs]def get_frame(depth=1, search="code"): result = {} frame = sys._getframe(depth) search = str(search) for i in dir(frame): if search and search not in i: continue target = getattr(frame, i) for j in dir(target): result[j] = getattr(target, j) return result
[docs]def get_strace(depth=1): result = "" loopframe = sys._getframe(depth) if not loopframe: return result while 1: try: frame = loopframe.f_back except AttributeError: break if not frame: break linenr = frame.f_lineno fn = frame.f_code.co_filename func = frame.f_code.co_name result += "%s %s:%s | " % (fn, func, linenr) loopframe = frame del loopframe return result[:-3]
[docs]def get_from(nr=2): """ return the plugin name where given frame occured. """ frame = sys._getframe(nr) if not frame: return frame if not frame.f_back: return frame filename = frame.f_back.f_code.co_filename linenr = frame.f_back.f_lineno plugfile = filename.split(os.sep) del frame return ".".join(plugfile[-2:]) + ":" + str(linenr)