Source code for botlib.scan

# mod/

""" scan the home dir for madbot data dirs, dirs that contain a 'runtime' subdirectory. """

from .utils import locatedir, copydir

import os

[docs]def kopy(event): from .space import cfg, users if not users.allowed(event.origin, "OPER"): event.reply("you are not allowed to give the kopy command.") return if not event._parsed.args: event.reply("kopy <sourcedir>") return source = event._parsed.args[0] if not os.path.isdir(source): event.reply("%s is not a directory" % source) return fns = copydir(source, cfg.workdir) event.reply("kopied %s files" % len(fns))
[docs]def scan(event): from .space import cfg, users if not users.allowed(event.origin, "OPER"): event.reply("you are not allowed to give the scan command.") return homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") cfg.workdirs = list(locatedir(homedir, 'runtime')) event.reply("using %s work directories." % len(cfg.workdirs))