Source code for botlib.object

# botlib/

""" JSON file backed objectect with dotted access.  """

from .error import ENOJSON
from .utils import *

import threading
import datetime
import _thread
import hashlib
import logging
import string
import atexit
import types
import fcntl
import time
import json
import tty
import sys
import os

[docs]class Object(dict): """ Dict with dotted access instead of brackets, with json files to sync and load from. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Construct an Object, dotted dictionairy access instead of brackets. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #self.update(kwargs) def __getattribute__(self, name): """ Get attribute and if fail check item access. """ if name == "_path": from import cfg p = os.path.join(cfg.workdir, sname(self).lower()) return p if name == "url": return urled(self) if name == "type": return sname(self).lower() if name == "_type": return str(type(self)) try: return super().__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: try: return self[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __getattr__(self, name): """ | Get missing attribute by name. initialize into an Object if if name is missing from dictionary. | Predefined names are _ready and counter. _ready is for waiting on results and counter is for integer simulation. """ if name == "_connected": self._connected = Object() if name == "_container": self._container = Default() if name == "_counter": self._counter = Default(default=0) if name == "_error": self._error = Default() if name == "_funcs": self._funcs = [] if name == "_ready": self._ready = threading.Event() if name == "_state": self._state = Object() if name == "_thrs": self._thrs = [] if name == "_time": self._time = Default(default=0.0) if name == "cfg": self.cfg = Config().template(self.type) try: return self[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) def __iadd__(self, name, value): self[name] += value return self[name] def __repr__(self): """ Return module.class as a class type. """ return '<%s.%s at %s>' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)) ) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Implement dotted dict access. """ return self.__setitem__(name, value) def __str__(self): """ Return a prettified json string. """ return self.nice()
[docs] def grep(self, val): """ Grep for a matching stringified value, return a Object with those matching values. """ o = Object() for key, value in self.items(): if val in str(value) and value not in o: o[key] = value return o
[docs] def id(self, *args, **kwargs): return sname(self).lower()
[docs] def load(self, path, force=False, skip=[], full=True): """ Load a json file into this object. use skip as a list of keys to skip. """ path = os.path.abspath(path) logging.debug("# load %s" % path) ondisk = self._container.path = path fromdisk = json.loads(ondisk) if "signature" in fromdisk: if not verify_signature(fromdisk["data"], fromdisk["signature"]) and not force: raise botlib.error.ESIGNATURE(path) if "data" in fromdisk: self.update(slice(fromdisk["data"], skip=skip, full=full)) self._container.update(slice(fromdisk, skip=["data"])) return self
[docs] def last(self, *args, **kwargs): from import kernel d = kernel.last(sname(self).lower()) if d: self.update(d) return self
[docs] def loads(self, s): """ Update with deconstructed (dict) json string. """ self.update(json.loads(s))
[docs] def merge(self, object): for k, v in object.items(): if v: self[k] = v
[docs] def nice(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a nicyfied, indent=4, sort_key is True, json dump. """ return json.dumps(self, default=smooth, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def pure(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a sliced (no _ keys), indent=4, sort_key is True, json dump. """ return dumps(slice(self, full=False), indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def prepare(self): """ | Prepare the object and return a string containing the "data" part. | Keyword can be "prefix" when using a subdirectory. | Use "saved" when savestamp need to be different from the "now" timestamp. """ import time todisk = Object() = dumped(slice(self, skip=["_container", "_parsed"], full=True)) = str(type(self)) if "prefix" not in todisk: todisk.prefix = sname(self).lower() if "saved" not in todisk: todisk.saved = time.ctime(time.time()) try: todisk.signature = make_signature(todisk["data"]) except: pass try: result = json.dumps(todisk, default=smooth, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True) except TypeError: raise ENOJSON return result
[docs] def printable(self, keys=[], skip=[], nokeys=False): """ Determine from provided keys list and/or from skipping from a skiplist a displayable string from those attributes. """ keys = keys or self.keys() result = [] for key in keys: if key == "default": continue if key.startswith("_"): continue if key in skip: continue if nokeys: result.append("%4s" % str(self[key])) else: result.append("%-6s%6s" % (key, self[key])) txt = " ".join(reversed(sorted(result))) return txt.rstrip()
[docs] def read(self, path): """ Read a json dump from given path, returning the json string with comments stripped. """ try: f = open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") except FileNotFoundError: return "{}" res = "" for line in f: if not line.strip().startswith("#"): res += line if not res.strip(): return "{}" f.close() return res
[docs] def register(self, key, val, force=False): """ Register key, value and throw an exception is value is already set. """ if key in self and not force: raise bot.error.ESET(key) self[key] = val
[docs] def save(self, stime=""): """ save a static (fix filepath) version of this object. """ return self.sync(stime=stime)
[docs] def search(self, name): """ Search this objects keys skipping keys that start with "_". """ o = Object() for key, value in self.items(): if key.startswith("_"): continue if key in name: o[key] = value elif name in key.split(".")[-1]: o[key] = value return o
@locked def sync(self, path="", stime=""): """ Sync to disk using provided/created path. Optionally a path can be provided. """ from import cfg, kernel, EBORDER if not path: path = get_path(self) if not path: path = self._path if stime: path = os.path.join(path, stime) else: path = os.path.join(path, rtime()) path = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(path))"! sync %s" % path) if not (cfg.workdir in path or cfg.bootdir in path): raise EBORDER(path) self._container.path = path d, fn = os.path.split(path) cdir(d) todisk = self.prepare() rpath = path + "_tmp" datafile = open(rpath, 'w') fcntl.flock(datafile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) datafile.write(headertxt % "%s characters" % len(todisk)) datafile.write(todisk) datafile.write("\n") datafile.flush() os.rename(rpath, path) fcntl.flock(datafile, fcntl.LOCK_UN) datafile.close() return path
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the ready flag. """ self._ready.clear()
[docs] def isSet(self): """ Check whether ready flag is set. """ return self._ready.isSet()
[docs] def ready(self): """ Signal this object as "ready". """ self._ready.set()
[docs] def wait(self, sec=None): """ Wait for this object's ready flag. """ self._ready.wait(sec) for thr in self._thrs: thr.join()
[docs]class Default(Object): """ A object with a "default" set. Standard default return is Object(). """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor that initializes a variable with Object() as a default. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.default = 0 def __getattr__(self, name): """ Override Object.__getattr__. """ try: return super().__getattr__(name) except AttributeError as ex: self[name] = self.default return self[name]
[docs]class Config(Default): """ A Config objectect can read previous cfg from disk. """
[docs] def template(self, name): from botlib.template import template self.update(template.get(name, {})) return self
[docs] def fromdisk(self, name): from import cfg self.template(name) self.load(os.path.join(cfg.workdir, "config", name)) return self
[docs]def slice(object, keys=[], skip=[], full=False): """ return a slice of an object. """ o = Object() if not keys: keys = object.keys() for key in keys: if key in skip: continue if not full and key.startswith("_"): continue val = object.get(key, None) if val and "keys" in dir(val): o[key] = slice(val) else: o[key] = val return o
[docs]def dumped(o): if "items" not in dir(o): return o if type(o) == dict: o = Object(o) o._type = str(type(o)) for k, v in o.items(): if k == "_type": continue if type(v) in nodict_types: o[k] = v else: o[k] = dumped(v) return o