Source code for botlib.fleet

# mad/

from botlib.object import Object

import logging

[docs]class Fleet(Object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.bots = [] def __iter__(self): for bot in self.bots: yield bot
[docs] def add(self, bot): """ insert a bot into a fleet. """ id = if not self.get_bot(id):"# add %s" % self.bots.append(bot)
[docs] def echo(self, id, txt): """ echo txt to a specific bot. """ for bot in self.bots: if == id: bot.raw(txt)
[docs] def get_bot(self, id): """ return bot with botid in the fleet. """ for bot in self.bots: if == id: return bot
[docs] def get_origin(self, nick): for bot in self.bots: try: return bot._userhosts[nick] except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass
[docs] def get_type(self, type): """ return bot with botid in the fleet. """ for bot in self.bots: if bot._type == type: yield bot
[docs] def partyline(self, txt): logging.warn("# party %s" % txt) for bot in self.bots: try: bot._socket.write(txt) except AttributeError: continue except: logging.error(get_exception())
[docs] def say_id(self, id, channel, txt): bot = self.get_bot(id) if bot: bot.say(channel, txt)