Source code for botlib.db

# mad/

""" JSON file db. """

from .event import Event
from .object import Default, Object
from .utils import root, elapsed, fn_time, to_day, day

import logging
import time
import os

[docs]class Db(Object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def scan(self, path, *args, **kwargs): """ scan all files. """ p = Default(kwargs, default="") if not path.endswith(os.sep): path += os.sep result = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path, topdown=True): if not os.path.isdir(root): continue for fn in files: fnn = os.path.join(root, fn) timed = fn_time(fnn) if timed and p.start and timed < p.start: continue if timed and p.end and timed > p.end: continue yield fnn
[docs] def find(self, prefix, *args, **kwargs): """ find all objects stored with a prefix subdirectory. """ for fn in self.prefixed(prefix, *args): try: object = Object().load(fn) except Exception as ex: logging.warn("fail %s %s" % (fn, str(ex))) continue if "deleted" in object and object.deleted: continue yield object
[docs] def prefixed(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return all filename in a workdir subdirectory, the 'prefix'. """ from .space import cfg if not args: return [] files = [] if cfg.workdirs: workdirs = cfg.workdirs else: workdirs = [root()] for workdir in workdirs: path = os.path.join(workdir, args[0]) if not os.path.exists(path): continue for fn in self.scan(path, *args, **kwargs): files.append(fn) return sorted(files, key=lambda x: fn_time(x))
[docs] def prefixes(self): for p in os.listdir(root()): yield p
[docs] def is_prefix(self, prefix): for p in os.listdir(root()): if prefix in p: return True
[docs] def selected(self, event): """ select objects based on a _parsed event. """ thrs = [] if not event._parsed.args: return [] starttime = time.time() nr = -1 index = event._parsed.index for fn in self.prefixed(*event._parsed.args, **event._parsed): object = self.selector(event, fn) if object: nr += 1 if index != None and nr != index: continue yield object endtime = time.time() logging.warn("# selected %s %s" % (nr, elapsed(endtime - starttime, short=False)))
[docs] def selector(self, event, fn, object=None): import botlib.selector s = botlib.selector if not object: object = Object().load(fn) if "nodel" not in event and "deleted" in object and object.deleted: return if not s.selector(object, event._parsed.fields): return if s.notwanted(object, event._parsed.notwant): return if not s.wanted(object, event._parsed.want): return if s.ignore(object, event._parsed.ignore): return if s.uniq(object, event._parsed.uniq): return return object
[docs] def sequence(self, prefix, start, end=time.time(), skip=[]): """ select objects of type prefix, start time till end time. """ p = Object() p.start = start p.end = end for fn in self.prefixed(prefix, **p): do_skip = False for k in skip: if k in fn: do_skip = True if do_skip: continue try: e = Event().load(fn) except Exception as ex: logging.warn("fail %s %s" % (fn, str(ex))) continue yield e
[docs] def since(self, start, *args, **kwargs): """ return all objects since a given time. """ e = Event(**kwargs) e.start = start for fn in self.prefixed(*args, **e): try: object = Object().load(fn) except Exception as ex: logging.warn("fail %s %s" % (fn, str(ex))) continue if "deleted" in object and object.deleted: continue yield object
[docs] def first(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return first object matching provided prefix. """ for fn in self.prefixed(*args, **kwargs): try: object = Object().load(fn) except Exception as ex: logging.warn("fail %s %s" % (fn, str(ex))) continue if "deleted" in object and object.deleted: continue if len(args) > 1 and object.get(args[0]) != args[1]: continue return object
[docs] def last(self, *args, **kwargs): """ return last record with a matching prefix. """ prefix = args[0] if len(args) > 1: value = args[1] else: value = "" for fn in self.prefixed(args[0], **kwargs)[::-1]: try: object = Object().load(fn) except Exception as ex: logging.warn("fail %s %s" % (fn, str(ex))) continue if "deleted" in object and object.deleted: continue if value and object.get(prefix, "") != value: continue return object