Configuration ============== `port` ------- Integer. Default 9654. `sentry` -------- Sentry configurations. `dsn` `````` String. Copy from Sentry Dashboard. Example:: sentry: dsn: `proxies` ---------- List. Default `[]`. Each item should be an `Proxy` object. Blackgate will build a final upstream url by there options: - `upstream_url` - `request_path_regex` - `request_path_sub` Rule: `upstream_url + re.sub(request_path_regex, request_path_sub, path)`. `path` is coming from user request. `name` ```````` The name to identify proxy. Required. `upstream_url` ``````````````` `upstream_url` is used as base url to build upstream request url. Required. `request_path_regex` ````````````````````` `request_path_regex` is a regex string. Required. `request_path_sub` ``````````````````` `request_path_sub` is a regex sub string. Required.