Welcome to bjsonrpc documentation! ==================================== Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 intro quickstart tutorial1/index howto api/index See also the `bjsonrpc website`_ (there is also the `old website`_). If you like GIT, check out `bjsonrpc at github`_. You can get the latest version of this package and these docs by dowloading the GIT repository:: git clone git://github.com/deavid/bjsonrpc There is also a `old wiki`_ with ideas and TO-DO's. And of course, there is the `PyPI page for bjsonrpc`_. .. _`bjsonrpc website`: http://bjsonrpc.wordpress.com/ .. _`old website`: http://deavid.github.com/bjsonrpc/ .. _`bjsonrpc at github`: http://github.com/deavid/bjsonrpc/ .. _`old wiki`: http://github.com/deavid/bjsonrpc/wiki .. _`PyPI page for bjsonrpc`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bjsonrpc/0.2.0 Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`