bec1db Documentation

What is bec1db?

bec1db is a Python package that lets you quickly find the experimental parameters for images taken in BEC1. It’s still rather hacky, but it’s slowly improving.

How do I use bec1db?

A simple example:

import bec1db as db

tullia = db.Tullia()
images = ['12-10-2016_23_52_56_TopA']
params = ['RFspect']
df = tullia.image_query(images, params)

The output dataframe looks like:

RFspect                 imagename
0   76.032  12-10-2016_23_52_56_TopA
1   76.039  12-10-2016_23_52_05_TopB

To update the local database, run:


If you’ve copied an image list from Data Explorer, you can paste the clipboard into a list variable by running:

images = db.clipboard()