Getting Started

batchOpenMPI requires mpi4py which in turn requires mpi4py. Once these are installed, you are good to go.

The way batchOpenMPI works is as follows

  • all processes run the script up until the batchOpenMPI.begin_MPI_loop() call. Afterwhithe master process continue processing the script, while the worker processes wait for jobs from the master.
  • jobs are managed using batchOpenMPI.batchFunction wrapper, which has the addtoBatch method. When addtoBatch is called on the master process, a job is created, which is later excuted on a worker process when the batchOpenMPI.processBatch() is called.
  • when a batchOpenMPI.batchFunction is called on the master process, the batch processing results are checked against the requested input. If the input has been processed the already processed result is returned, otherwise the output is calculated on the master. Calculating on the master is not ideal, but occasionally is unavoidable.

Basic example script (

import batchOpenMPI
def f_inv_org(x) : 
    "function returns the inverse of a number"
    return 1.0/x
f_inv = batchOpenMPI.batchFunction(f_inv_org, permissible_exceptions = [ZeroDivisionError]) #creating function wrapper

batchOpenMPI.begin_MPI_loop() # both the workers and the master process run the same code up until here
print('this example script prints in the inverse of the integers from 0 to 9')
no = range(10) # creates [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
for i in no :# adding all f_inv input and queing them for parallel processing
batchOpenMPI.processBatch() #get the workers to calculate all the inputs
res = [] #used for storing results
for i in no :
    try :
    except ZeroDivisionError :
        print("couldn't inverse " + str(i) + " due to 0 division error") 

batchOpenMPI.end_MPI_loop(print_stats=True) #release workers, and print stats

Which is can be run on Linux as follows

$ mpirun -np 4 python

The batchOpenMPI.end_MPI_loop call because of the print_stats=True should produce an output similar to

--------- batchOpenMPI Stats ---------
process    jobs completed      time: uW/ sR/ wI* (s)    utilisation(%)
   1              1            0.00/    0.00/    0.00       33.88
   2              5            0.00/    0.00/    0.00        0.78
   3              4            0.00/    0.00/    0.00        0.56
   * time doing; uW - useful work, sR - sending results, wI - waiting for instructions, Total
  time running master (s) :             0.003
  total CPU time (s) :                  0.011
  total CPU time actually used (s) :    0.002
  overall utilization : 21.85 %
function stats :
- solved on master  [0]
- solved on workers [10]
- jobs uncollected  [0]
- jobs dropped      [0]

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