Source code for b3j0f.conf.configurable.core

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# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Labéjof <>
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__all__ = ['MetaConfigurable', 'Configurable', 'ConfigurableError']

from logging import Formatter, getLogger, FileHandler, Filter

from os.path import join, sep

from inspect import isclass

from b3j0f.utils.version import basestring

from b3j0f.conf.params import Configuration, Category, Parameter
from b3j0f.conf.driver.core import ConfDriver

[docs]class MetaConfigurable(type): """Meta class for Configurable. """ def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Get a new instance of input cls class, and if instance.auto_conf or instance.reconf_once, then call instance.apply_configuration(). """ result = type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs) if result.auto_conf or result.reconf_once: # get configuration conf = result.conf # add a last category which contains args and kwargs as parameters if kwargs: init_category = Category(Configurable.INIT_CAT) for name in kwargs: param = Parameter(name=name, value=kwargs[name]) init_category += param conf += init_category # apply configuration result.apply_configuration(conf=conf) return result
[docs]class ConfigurableError(Exception): """Handle Configurable errors """ pass
[docs]class Configurable(object): """Manages class conf synchronisation with conf resources. """ __metaclass__ = MetaConfigurable DEFAULT_DRIVERS = '{0},{1}'.format( 'b3j0f.conf.driver.file._json.JSONConfDriver', 'b3j0f.conf.driver.file._ini.INIConfDriver' ) INIT_CAT = 'init_cat' #: initialization category CONF_PATH = 'configuration/configurable.conf' CONF = 'CONFIGURATION' LOG = 'LOG' AUTO_CONF = 'auto_conf' RECONF_ONCE = 'reconf_once' CONF_PATHS = 'conf_paths' DRIVERS = 'drivers' LOG_NAME = 'log_name' #: logger name property name LOG_LVL = 'log_lvl' #: logging level property name LOG_PATH = 'log_path' #: logging path property name LOG_DEBUG_FORMAT = 'log_debug_format' #: debug log format property name LOG_INFO_FORMAT = 'log_info_format' #: info log format property name LOG_WARNING_FORMAT = 'log_warning_format' #: warn log format property name LOG_ERROR_FORMAT = 'log_error_format' #: error log format property name LOG_CRITICAL_FORMAT = 'log_critical_format' #: crit log format property DEBUG_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] [%(name)s] \ [%(process)d] [%(thread)d] [%(pathname)s] [%(lineno)d] %(message)s" INFO_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] [%(name)s] %(message)s" WARNING_FORMAT = INFO_FORMAT ERROR_FORMAT = WARNING_FORMAT CRITICAL_FORMAT = ERROR_FORMAT def __init__( self, unified_category=None, to_configure=None, conf_paths=None, drivers=DEFAULT_DRIVERS, auto_conf=True, reconf_once=False, log_lvl='INFO', log_name=None, log_path='.', log_info_format=INFO_FORMAT, log_debug_format=DEBUG_FORMAT, log_warning_format=WARNING_FORMAT, log_error_format=ERROR_FORMAT, log_critical_format=CRITICAL_FORMAT ): """ :param str unified_category: if not None, used such as a unified category. :param to_configure: object to reconfigure. Such object may implement the methods configure apply_configuration and configure. :param conf_paths: conf_paths to parse. :type conf_paths: Iterable or str :param bool auto_conf: True (default) force auto conf as soon as param change. :param bool reconf_once: True (default) force auto conf reconf_once as soon as param change. :param str log_lvl: logging level. Default is INFO. :param str log_name: logger name. Default is configurable class lower name. :param str log_path: logging file path. Default is current directory. :param str log_info_format: info logging level format. :param str log_debug_format: debug logging level format. :param str log_warning_format: warning logging level format. :param str log_error_format: error logging level format. :param str log_critical_format: critical logging level format. """ super(Configurable, self).__init__() self.unified_category = unified_category self._to_configure = self if to_configure is None else to_configure self.auto_conf = auto_conf self.reconf_once = reconf_once # set conf files self._init_conf_paths(conf_paths) # set drivers self.drivers = drivers # set logging properties self._log_lvl = log_lvl self._log_path = log_path self._log_name = log_name if log_name is not None else \ type(self).__name__.lower() self._log_debug_format = log_debug_format self._log_info_format = log_info_format self._log_warning_format = log_warning_format self._log_error_format = log_error_format self._log_critical_format = log_critical_format self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def drivers(self): return self._drivers @drivers.setter def drivers(self, value): self._drivers = value
[docs] def newLogger(self): """Get a new logger related to self properties. """ result = getLogger(self.log_name) result.setLevel(self.log_lvl) def setHandler(logger, lvl, path, _format): """Set right handler related to input lvl, path and format. :param Logger logger: logger on which add an handler. :param str lvl: logging level. :param str path: file path. :param str _format: logging message format. """ class _Filter(Filter): """Ensure message will be given for specific lvl """ def filter(self, record): return record.levelname == lvl # get the rights formatter and filter to set on a file handler handler = FileHandler(path) handler.addFilter(_Filter()) handler.setLevel(lvl) formatter = Formatter(_format) handler.setFormatter(formatter) # if an old handler exist, remove it from logger if hasattr(logger, lvl): old_handler = getattr(logger, lvl) logger.removeHandler(old_handler) logger.addHandler(handler) setattr(logger, lvl, handler) filename = self.log_name.replace('.', sep) path = join(self.log_path, '{0}.log'.format(filename)) setHandler(result, 'DEBUG', path, self.log_debug_format) setHandler(result, 'INFO', path, self.log_info_format) setHandler(result, 'WARNING', path, self.log_warning_format) setHandler(result, 'ERROR', path, self.log_error_format) setHandler(result, 'CRITICAL', path, self.log_critical_format) return result
@property def conf(self): """Get conf with parsers and self property values """ result = self._conf() # add a last unified category if asked by self if self.unified_category is not None: result.add_unified_category(self.unified_category) return result def _conf(self): """Protected method to override in order to specify which conf return with parsers and default values """ result = Configuration( Category( Configurable.CONF, Parameter(Configurable.AUTO_CONF, Parameter.bool), Parameter(Configurable.DRIVERS), Parameter(Configurable.RECONF_ONCE, Parameter.bool), Parameter(Configurable.CONF_PATHS, Parameter.array) ), Category( Configurable.LOG, Parameter(Configurable.LOG_NAME, critical=True), Parameter(Configurable.LOG_PATH, critical=True), Parameter(Configurable.LOG_LVL, critical=True), Parameter(Configurable.LOG_DEBUG_FORMAT, critical=True), Parameter(Configurable.LOG_INFO_FORMAT, critical=True), Parameter(Configurable.LOG_WARNING_FORMAT, critical=True), Parameter(Configurable.LOG_ERROR_FORMAT, critical=True), Parameter(Configurable.LOG_CRITICAL_FORMAT, critical=True) ) ) return result @property def log_debug_format(self): return self._log_debug_format @log_debug_format.setter def log_debug_format(self, value): self._log_debug_format = value self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def log_info_format(self): return self._log_info_format @log_info_format.setter def log_info_format(self, value): self._log_info_format = value self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def log_warning_format(self): return self._log_warning_format @log_warning_format.setter def log_warning_format(self, value): self._log_warning_format = value self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def log_error_format(self): return self._log_error_format @log_error_format.setter def log_error_format(self, value): self._log_error_format = value self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def log_critical_format(self): return self._log_critical_format @log_critical_format.setter def log_critical_format(self, value): self._log_critical_format = value self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def log_name(self): return self._log_name @log_name.setter def log_name(self, value): self._log_name = value self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def log_path(self): return self._log_path @log_path.setter def log_path(self, value): self._log_path = value self._logger = self.newLogger() @property def log_lvl(self): """Get this logger lvl. :return: self logger lvl :rtype: str """ return self._log_lvl @log_lvl.setter def log_lvl(self, value): """Change of logging level. :param str value: new log_lvl to set up. """ self._log_lvl = value self._logger.setLevel(self._log_lvl) @property def logger(self): return self._logger @logger.setter def logger(self, value): self._logger = value @property def conf_paths(self): """Get all type conf files and user files. :return: self conf files :rtype: tuple """ if not hasattr(self, '_conf_paths'): self._conf_paths = [] result = self._conf_paths return result @conf_paths.setter def conf_paths(self, value): """Change of conf_paths in adding it in watching list. .. TODO:: add watchers here """ #from b3j0f.conf.watcher import add_configurable,\ # remove_configurable # remove previous watching #remove_configurable(self) self._conf_paths = tuple(value) # add new watching #add_configurable(self) @property def auto_conf(self): return self._auto_conf @auto_conf.setter def auto_conf(self, value): self._auto_conf = value @property def reconf_once(self): return self._reconf_once @reconf_once.setter def reconf_once(self, value): self._reconf_once = value
[docs] def apply_configuration( self, conf=None, conf_paths=None, drivers=None, logger=None, override=True, to_configure=None ): """Apply conf on a destination in 5 phases: 1. identify the right driver to use with conf_paths to parse. 2. for all conf_paths, get conf which match with input conf. 3. apply parsing rules on conf_path params. 4. put values and parsing errors in two different dictionaries. 5. returns both dictionaries of param values and errors. :param Configuration conf: conf from where get conf :param conf_paths: conf files to parse. If conf_paths is a str, it is automatically putted into a list :type conf_paths: list of str :param bool override: if True (by default), override self configuration :param to_configure: object to configure. self by default. """ conf = self.get_conf( conf=conf, conf_paths=conf_paths, logger=logger, drivers=drivers, override=override ) self.configure(conf=conf, to_configure=to_configure)
[docs] def get_conf( self, conf=None, conf_paths=None, drivers=None, logger=None, override=True ): """Get a dictionary of params by name from conf, conf_paths and drivers :param Configuration conf: conf to update. If None, use self.conf :param conf_paths: list of conf files. If None, use self.conf_paths :type conf_paths: list of str :param Logger logger: logger to use for logging info/error messages. If None, use self.logger :param list drivers: ConfDriver to use. If None, use self drivers. :param bool override: if True (by default), override self configuration :param to_configure: object to configure. self by default. """ # start to initialize input params if logger is None: logger = self.logger if conf is None: conf = self.conf if conf_paths is None: conf_paths = self._conf_paths if isinstance(conf_paths, basestring): conf_paths = [conf_paths] if drivers is None: drivers = self.drivers # iterate on all conf_paths for conf_path in conf_paths: conf_driver = self._get_driver( conf_path=conf_path, logger=logger, drivers=drivers ) # if a config_resource is not None if conf_driver is not None: conf = conf_driver.get_conf( conf=conf, logger=logger, conf_path=conf_path, override=override ) else: # if no conf_driver, display a warning log message self.logger.warning( 'No driver found among {0} for processing {1}'.format( drivers, conf_path ) ) return conf
[docs] def set_conf(self, conf_path, conf, driver=None, logger=None): """Set params on input conf_path. :param str conf_paths: conf_path to udate with params :param dict parameter_by_categories: (dict(str: dict(str: object)) :param Logger logger: logger to use to set params. """ result = None if logger is None: logger = self.logger # first get content of input conf_path prev_driver = self._get_driver( conf_path=conf_path, logger=logger, drivers=self.drivers ) if prev_driver is not None: prev_conf = prev_driver.get_conf( conf_path=conf_path, logger=logger ) # try to find a good driver if driver is None if driver is None: driver = self._get_driver( conf_path=conf_path, logger=logger, drivers=self.drivers ) elif isclass(driver): driver = driver() else: driver = self._get_driver( conf_path=None, logger=logger, drivers=driver) # if prev driver is not the new driver if prev_conf is not None \ and type(driver) is not type(prev_driver): # update prev_conf with input conf prev_conf.update(conf) conf = prev_conf if driver is not None: driver.set_conf( conf_path=conf_path, conf=conf, logger=logger ) else: self.logger.error( 'No ConfDriver found for conf resource {0}'.format( conf_path ) ) return result
[docs] def configure(self, conf, logger=None, to_configure=None): """Update self properties with input params only if: - self.configure is True - self.auto_conf is True - param conf 'configure' is True - param conf 'auto_conf' is True This method may not be overriden. see _configure instead :param Configuration conf: object from where get paramters :param to_configure: object to configure. self if equals None. """ if logger is None: logger = self.logger unified_conf = conf.unify() values = unified_conf[Configuration.VALUES] # set configure reconf_once = values.get(Configurable.RECONF_ONCE) if reconf_once is not None: self.reconf_once = reconf_once.value # set auto_conf auto_conf_parameter = values.get(Configurable.AUTO_CONF) if auto_conf_parameter is not None: self.auto_conf = auto_conf_parameter.value if self.reconf_once or self.auto_conf: self._configure(unified_conf=unified_conf, logger=logger) # when conf succeed, deactive reconf_once self.reconf_once = False
def _is_local(self, to_configure, name): """True iif input name parameter can be handled by to_configure. """ return hasattr(to_configure, name) def _configure(self, unified_conf, logger=None, to_configure=None): """Configure this class with input conf only if auto_conf or configure is true. This method should be overriden for specific conf :param Configuration unified_conf: Configuration with two categories VALUES and ERRORS :param bool configure: if True, force full self conf :param to_configure: object to configure. self if equals None. """ if to_configure is None: to_configure = self values = [p for p in unified_conf[Configuration.VALUES]] foreigns = [p for p in unified_conf[Configuration.FOREIGNS]] criticals = [] # list of critical parameters for parameter in values + foreigns: name = if not parameter.asitem: # if parameter is local, to_configure must a related name if self._is_local(to_configure, name): if hasattr(to_configure, name): param_value = parameter.value # in case of a critical parameter if parameter.critical: # check if current value is not the same as new val value = getattr(to_configure, name) if value != parameter.value: # add it to list of criticals criticals.append(parameter) # set private name privname = '_%s' % name # if private name exists if hasattr(to_configure, privname): # change of value of private name setattr( to_configure, privname, param_value) else: # update public value setattr(to_configure, name, param_value) else: # change public value setattr(to_configure, name, param_value) else: # else log the warning message = 'Param {0} is not bound to an attribute in {1}' self.logger.warning(message.format(name, to_configure)) else: value = getattr(to_configure, param_value = parameter.value param_name = if param_name not in value or param_value != value[param_name]: criticals.append(parameter) value[] = parameter.value # if criticals if criticals: self.restart(to_configure=to_configure, criticals=criticals)
[docs] def restart(self, criticals, to_configure=None): """Restart a configurable object with critical parameters. :param to_configure: object to configure with critical parameters :param tuple criticals: list of critical parameters """ if to_configure is None: to_configure = self if self._is_critical_category(Configurable.LOG, criticals): self._logger = self.newLogger() to_configure.logger = self.logger
def _is_critical_category(self, category, criticals): """Check if input category parameters are among criticals. """ result = False properties = ( for param in self.conf[category]) # if property is among criticals for prop in properties: for critical in criticals: if == prop: result = True break return result def _init_conf_paths(self, conf_paths): self.conf_paths = self._get_conf_paths() \ if conf_paths is None else conf_paths def _get_conf_paths(self): result = [Configurable.CONF_PATH] return result @staticmethod def _get_driver(conf_path, drivers, logger): """Get the first driver able to handle input conf_path. None if no driver is able to handle input conf_path. :return: first ConfDriver able to handle conf_path. :rtype: ConfDriver """ result = None for driver in drivers.split(','): driver = ConfDriver.get_driver(driver) driver = driver() handle = conf_path is None \ or driver.handle(conf_path=conf_path, logger=logger) if handle: result = driver break return result