Source code for auromat.mapping.themis

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

from six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os

import numpy as np
import as ma
from spacepy import pycdf

from auromat.mapping.mapping import BaseMapping, MappingCollection,\
    BaseMappingProvider, sanitize_data
import auromat.utils
from auromat.util.decorators import inherit_docs
from auromat.coordinates.geodesic import wgs84A, wgs84B
from auromat.coordinates.transform import geodetic2Ecef, geodetic2EcefZero,\
    ecef2Geodetic, latLonToJ2000
from auromat.coordinates.intersection import ellipsoidLineIntersection
from auromat.util.os import touch
from auromat.util.url import downloadFile

stations = ['atha', 'chbg', 'ekat', 'fsim', 'fsmi', 'fykn',
            'gako', 'gbay', 'gill', 'inuv', 'kapu', 'kian',
            'kuuj', 'mcgr', 'nrsq', 'pgeo', 'pina', 'rank',
            'snap', 'snkq', 'talo', 'tpas', 'whit', 'yknf']

L1BaseUrl = ''
L2BaseUrl = ''

L1Prefix = '{station}/{year}/{month}/'
L1Filename = 'thg_l1_asf_{station}_{date}_v01.cdf'
L2Filename = 'thg_l2_asc_{station}_19700101_v01.cdf'

[docs]class ThemisMappingProvider(BaseMappingProvider): def __init__(self, cdfL1CacheFolder, cdfL2CacheFolder, altitude=110, minBrightness=None, maxBrightness=None, offline=False): BaseMappingProvider.__init__(self, maxTimeOffset=2) self.offline = offline if not os.path.exists(cdfL1CacheFolder) and not offline: os.makedirs(cdfL1CacheFolder) if not os.path.exists(cdfL2CacheFolder) and not offline: os.makedirs(cdfL2CacheFolder) self.cdfL1CacheFolder = cdfL1CacheFolder self.cdfL2CacheFolder = cdfL2CacheFolder self.altitude = altitude self.minBrightness = minBrightness self.maxBrightness = maxBrightness @property def range(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def contains(self, date): for station in stations: if getL1Data(self.cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date, maxTimeOffset=self.maxTimeOffset): return True return False
[docs] def download(self, dateBegin, dateEnd): """ Download data in the given interval. An error is raised if self.offline is True and the data has not been downloaded yet. """ if not (dateBegin and dateEnd): raise ValueError('start and end dates must be given') if dateBegin > dateEnd: raise ValueError('start date must be earlier than end date') # cache everything between the given date range # split range into 1h resolution dates and download all dateBegin = datetime(*dateBegin.timetuple()[:4]) dateEnd = datetime(*dateEnd.timetuple()[:4]) hours = int((dateEnd-dateBegin).total_seconds())//60//60 dates = [dateBegin + timedelta(hours=h) for h in range(hours+1)] for station in stations: if self.offline: if not hasL2Data(cdfL2CacheFolder, station): raise RuntimeError('offline=True but L2 data not cached yet') else: downloadL2Data(self.cdfL2CacheFolder, station) for date in dates: if self.offline: if hasL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date) is False: raise RuntimeError('offline=True but L1 data not cached yet') else: downloadL1Data(self.cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date)
[docs] def get(self, date): mappings = getMappings(date, self.cdfL1CacheFolder, self.cdfL2CacheFolder, self.altitude, self.maxTimeOffset, self.minBrightness, self.maxBrightness, offline=self.offline) if mappings.empty: raise ValueError('No THEMIS mappings found at ' + str(date) + ' +- ' + str(self.maxTimeOffset) + 's') return mappings
[docs] def getById(self, identifier): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getSequence(self, dateBegin, dateEnd): raise NotImplementedError
@sanitize_data @inherit_docs class ThemisMapping(BaseMapping): def __init__(self, lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elev, alti, img, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, station, minBrightness=None, maxBrightness=None): """ :param lats: (h+1,w+1) in degrees :param lons: (h+1,w+1) in degrees :param latsCenter: (h,w) in degrees :param lonsCenter: (h,w) in degrees :param elev: elevation in degrees for each pixel center (h,w), can be None :param alti: the altitude in km onto which the image was mapped (e.g. 110) :param img: masked array, (h,w) or (h,w,3) in [0,255] as int or float, can have NaN's :param cameraPosGCRS: [x,y,z] in km :param photoTime: datetime object :param string station: :param minBrightness: :param maxBrightness: """ assert img.ndim == 2 h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] assert lats.shape == lons.shape == (h+1, w+1) assert elev is None or elev.shape == (img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) # adapted from web filenames: RANK.2013. identifier = station + '.' + photoTime.strftime('%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S') BaseMapping.__init__(self, alti, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier) self._img = img[:,:,None] self._lats = ma.masked_invalid(lats, copy=False) self._lons = ma.masked_invalid(lons, copy=False) self._latsCenter = ma.masked_invalid(latsCenter, copy=False) self._lonsCenter = ma.masked_invalid(lonsCenter, copy=False) self._elevation = ma.masked_invalid(elev, copy=False) # allow to be changed from outside: self.minBrightness = minBrightness self.maxBrightness = maxBrightness @property def lats(self): return self._lats @property def lons(self): return self._lons @property def latsCenter(self): return self._latsCenter @property def lonsCenter(self): return self._lonsCenter @property def elevation(self): return self._elevation @property def img(self): return self._img @property def img_unmasked(self): return @property def rgb(self): img = self.brightness_scaled(self.img) rgb = np.repeat(img, 3, 2) rgb = np.require(rgb, dtype=np.uint8) return rgb @property def rgb_unmasked(self): img = self.brightness_scaled(self.img_unmasked) rgb = np.repeat(img, 3, 2) rgb = np.require(rgb, dtype=np.uint8) return rgb def brightness_scaled(self, img): # brightness scaling, taken from if self.minBrightness is not None or self.maxBrightness is not None: img = bytscl(self.img, min_=self.minBrightness, max_=self.maxBrightness, top=255) else: med = np.median(self.img[self.img > 1]) img = self.img/med*64 img = np.minimum(img, 255) return img def createResampled(self, lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, img): mapping = ThemisMapping(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, self.altitude, img, self.cameraPosGCRS, self.photoTime, self.minBrightness, self.maxBrightness) return mapping
[docs]def bytscl(array, max_=None , min_=None , top=255 ): """ :see: :license: """ # see # note that IDL uses slightly different formulae for bytscaling floats and ints. # here we apply only the FLOAT formula... if max_ is None: max_ = np.nanmax(array) if min_ is None: min_ = np.nanmin(array) return np.maximum(np.minimum( ((top+0.9999)*(array-min_)/(max_-min_)).astype(np.int16) , top),0)
[docs]def reproject(latLonASI, latsRef, lonsRef, heightRef, heightNew): """ :param latLonASI: tuple of latitude,longitude of ASI :param latsRef: latitudes of pixel corners for reference height in degrees :param lonsRef: longitudes of pixel corners for reference height in degrees :param heightRef: reference height in km (above ground) :param heightNew: new height in km (above ground) :rtype: tuple of reprojected latitudes and longitudes """ latASI, lonASI = latLonASI xASI,yASI,zASI = geodetic2EcefZero(np.deg2rad(latASI), np.deg2rad(lonASI)) # reconstruct direction vector as seen from ASI x,y,z = geodetic2Ecef(np.deg2rad(latsRef), np.deg2rad(lonsRef), heightRef) x -= xASI y -= yASI z -= zASI # reproject a = wgs84A + heightNew b = wgs84B + heightNew direction = np.transpose([x,y,z]) intersection = ellipsoidLineIntersection(a, b, [xASI,yASI,zASI], direction.reshape(-1,3)) intersection = intersection.reshape(direction.shape) x, y, z = intersection.transpose() latsNew, lonsNew = ecef2Geodetic(x, y, z, wgs84A, wgs84B) np.rad2deg(latsNew, latsNew) np.rad2deg(lonsNew, lonsNew) return latsNew, lonsNew
[docs]def maskByL2(mask, img): """ Masks image pixels using the L2 mask. WARNING: Don't use this method as the L2 masks seem to contain inconsistent data (interpretation of 0 and 1 mixed up in one case) :param mask: L2 mask of shape (w,w) :param ndarray img: grayscale img (w,w) :rtype: ndarray<float32> with masked pixels set to NaN """ img = img.astype(np.float32) img[mask==1] = np.nan return img
[docs]def hasL2Data(cdfL2CacheFolder, station): filename = L2Filename.format(station=station) path = os.path.join(cdfL2CacheFolder, filename) return os.path.exists(path)
[docs]def downloadL2Data(cdfL2CacheFolder, station): if hasL2Data(cdfL2CacheFolder, station): return # download remotely, if available filename = L2Filename.format(station=station) path = os.path.join(cdfL2CacheFolder, filename) url = L2BaseUrl + filename downloadFile(url, path)
[docs]def getL2Data(cdfL2CacheFolder, station): """ :param cdfL2CacheFolder: full path to folder where L2 CDF files are/should be stored :param station: name of the station in lower case :rtype: tuple (latASI,lonASI), az, el, latsRef, lonsRef, heightsRef (km) :raises: DownloadError (in case of network/IO problems) """ filename = L2Filename.format(station=station) path = os.path.join(cdfL2CacheFolder, filename) with pycdf.CDF(path) as cdf: latASI = cdf['thg_asc_' + station + '_glat'][...] # station coords lonASI = cdf['thg_asc_' + station + '_glon'][...] # coordinates are only defined for useful pixels, rest is nan az = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_azim'][0] # azimuth of pixel center in degrees (256,256) el = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_elev'][0] # elevation of pixel center in degrees (256,256) latsRef = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_glat'][0] # lats in degrees of pixel corners for multiple aurora heights (257,257,3) lonsRef = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_glon'][0] # lons, dito heightsRef = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_alti'][...] # reference heights in meters # the masks don't contain useful and consistent data, ignore for now #mask = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_mask'][0] # mask (0 or 1) for every pixel (256,256) # multiply and flat multiply are 1.0, offset is 2500 for all stations for every pixel # multiply = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_multiply'][...] # flat = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_flat'][...] # offset = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_offset'][...] # turn (257,257,3) into (3,257,257) to make it more convenient latsRef = np.rollaxis(latsRef, 2) lonsRef = np.rollaxis(lonsRef, 2) return (latASI,lonASI), az, el, latsRef, lonsRef, heightsRef/1000
[docs]def getL1Filename(station, date): return L1Filename.format(station=station, date=date.strftime('%Y%m%d%H'))
[docs]def hasL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date, retry404After = timedelta(days=30)): filename = getL1Filename(station, date) path = os.path.join(cdfL1CacheFolder, filename) if os.path.exists(path): return True path404 = path + '.404' if os.path.exists(path404): mtime = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(path404)) if - mtime > retry404After: os.remove(path404) else: return '404' return False
[docs]def downloadL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date, retry404After = timedelta(days=30)): """ :param datetime.timedelta retry404After: amount of time after which 404'd requests are retried """ # check if it exists in the cache status = hasL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date) if status is True: return True if status == '404': return False # if false, try downloading filename = getL1Filename(station, date) path = os.path.join(cdfL1CacheFolder, filename) # download remotely, if available url = L1BaseUrl + L1Prefix.format(station=station, year=date.strftime('%Y'), month=date.strftime('%m')) + filename path404 = path + '.404' try: downloadFile(url, path, unifyErrors=False) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: touch(path404) return False except Exception as e: # e.g. no disk space left print(repr(e)) return False return True
[docs]def getL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date, maxTimeOffset=2): """ Loads a single image (if available) corresponding to the given date. :param cdfL1CacheFolder: :param station: :param date: :param maxTimeOffset: maximum difference in seconds between nearest image and given date """ filename = getL1Filename(station, date) path = os.path.join(cdfL1CacheFolder, filename) with pycdf.CDF(path) as cdf: # search for image at given time epoch = cdf['thg_asf_' + station + '_epoch'] idx = auromat.utils.findNearest(epoch, date) offset = abs(epoch[idx]-date).total_seconds() if offset > maxTimeOffset: print('image time offset too big:', offset, 'seconds') return None, None return cdf['thg_asf_' + station][idx], epoch[idx]
[docs]def mappingSingleASI(station, date, cdfL1CacheFolder, cdfL2CacheFolder, maxTimeOffset=2, altitude=110, minBrightness=None, maxBrightness=None, offline=False): if offline and hasL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date) is False: raise RuntimeError('offline=True but L1 data not cached yet') if not downloadL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date): return None img, imgDate = getL1Data(cdfL1CacheFolder, station, date, maxTimeOffset) if img is None: return None img = ma.masked_array(img) if not offline: downloadL2Data(cdfL2CacheFolder, station) latLonASI, _, el, latsRef, lonsRef, heightsRef = getL2Data(cdfL2CacheFolder, station) if altitude*1000 in heightsRef: refIdx = np.where(heightsRef==altitude*1000)[0][0] lats, lons = latsRef[refIdx], lonsRef[refIdx] else: # TODO reprojection leads to border artifacts (long polygons) for minElevationToPlot <= 3 refIdx = 0 lats, lons = reproject(latLonASI, latsRef[refIdx], lonsRef[refIdx], heightsRef[refIdx], altitude) # THEMIS mappings don't span across the discontinuity # so it is easy to calculate the pixel centers latsCenter = (lats[:-1,:-1] + lats[1:,:-1] + lats[:-1,1:] + lats[1:,1:])/4 lonsCenter = (lons[:-1,:-1] + lons[1:,:-1] + lons[:-1,1:] + lons[1:,1:])/4 # img = maskByL2(mask, img) # for THEMIS, downsampling is only useful if the resolution should be *much* lower # otherwise downsampling with similar pixel density just introduces additional visible artifacts #lats, lons, img = auromat.resample.resample(lats, lons, img, skipDiscontinuityCheck=True, skipPoleCheck=True) # 2500 is the _offset value which is equal in all THEMIS L2 files for all pixels. # The multipliers _multiply and _flat are all 1.0 still. Should this change in the future, # then it has to be changed here as well (by properly applying the matrices). For now, # this is a fast short-cut. img -= 2500 latASI, lonASI = latLonASI cameraPosGCRS = latLonToJ2000(latASI, lonASI, 0, imgDate) mapping = ThemisMapping(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, el, altitude, img, cameraPosGCRS, imgDate, station, minBrightness, maxBrightness) # THEMIS L2 data seems to be partly wrong at very low elevation angles. # Therefore we already apply a mask here, otherwise a possible resampling # step by the enduser would lead to errors. mapping = mapping.maskedByElevation(1) return mapping
[docs]def getMappings(photoTime, cdfL1CacheFolder, cdfL2CacheFolder, altitude=110, maxTimeOffset=2, minBrightness=None, maxBrightness=None, offline=False): """ Returns a mapping collection for all available ASIs. """ mappings = [] for station in stations: mapping = mappingSingleASI(station, photoTime, cdfL1CacheFolder, cdfL2CacheFolder, maxTimeOffset=maxTimeOffset, altitude=altitude, minBrightness=minBrightness, maxBrightness=maxBrightness, offline=offline) if mapping is None: continue mappings.append(mapping) identifier = 'THEMIS.' + photoTime.strftime('%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S') mappingColl = MappingCollection(mappings, identifier, mayOverlap=True) return mappingColl
if __name__ == '__main__': import auromat.draw; 'OPTIONAL' cdfL1CacheFolder = '/home/mriecher/data/themis/l1' cdfL2CacheFolder = '/home/mriecher/data/themis/l2' date = datetime(2012,2,4,7,56,26) mappings = getMappings(date, cdfL1CacheFolder, cdfL2CacheFolder) mappings = mappings.maskedByElevation(10) auromat.draw.saveFig('themis_stereo.png', auromat.draw.drawStereographic(mappings))