Source code for auromat.mapping.cdf

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

from __future__ import division, print_function

import os
import collections

import numpy as np
import as ma

from spacepy import pycdf

from auromat.mapping.mapping import BaseMappingProvider, \
    sanitize_data, BaseMapping, ArrayImageMixin, GenericMapping
from auromat.util.decorators import inherit_docs
import auromat.utils

[docs]class CDFMappingProvider(BaseMappingProvider): def __init__(self, cdfPaths, maxTimeOffset=3): self.cdfPaths = cdfPaths self.maxTimeOffset = maxTimeOffset # create mapping from date to (path index, cdf index) # cdf index is the index inside the cdf file # currently we only store 1 image in each, but this could change # e.g. storing multiple downsampled images in one file datemap = {} for path_idx, path in enumerate(cdfPaths): with pycdf.CDF(path) as root: dates = root['Epoch'][:] for cdf_idx, date in enumerate(dates): if date in datemap: raise ValueError('The date ' + str(date) + ' is appearing twice ' + 'in the CDF files ' + path + ' and ' + cdfPaths[datemap[date][0]]) datemap[date] = (path_idx, cdf_idx) self.datemap = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(datemap.items())) def __len__(self): return len(self.datemap) @property def range(self): return list(self.datemap.keys())[0], list(self.datemap.keys())[-1]
[docs] def contains(self, date): dates = list(self.datemap.keys()) idx = auromat.utils.findNearest(dates, date) offset = abs(dates[idx]-date).total_seconds() return offset <= self.maxTimeOffset
[docs] def get(self, date): dates = list(self.datemap.keys()) idx = auromat.utils.findNearest(dates, date) offset = abs(dates[idx]-date).total_seconds() if offset > self.maxTimeOffset: raise ValueError('Closest mapping found at ' + str(dates[idx]) + ' but offset > ' + str(self.maxTimeOffset) + ' seconds, ' + 'requested: ' + str(date)) path_idx, cdf_idx = self.datemap[dates[idx]] return CDFMapping(self.cdfPaths[path_idx], cdf_idx)
[docs] def getById(self, identifier): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getSequence(self, dateBegin=None, dateEnd=None): if not dateBegin: dateBegin = self.range[0] if not dateEnd: dateEnd = self.range[1] dates = filter(lambda d: dateBegin <= d <= dateEnd, self.datemap.keys()) for date in dates: path_idx, cdf_idx = self.datemap[date] yield CDFMapping(self.cdfPaths[path_idx], cdf_idx)
@sanitize_data @inherit_docs class CDFMapping(ArrayImageMixin, BaseMapping): # variable names in the cdf files as produced by auromat.export.cdf var_altitude = 'altitude' var_cameraPos = 'camera_pos' var_photoTime = 'Epoch' var_img = 'img' var_img_red = 'img_red' var_img_green = 'img_green' var_img_blue = 'img_blue' var_latsCenter = 'lat' var_lonsCenter = 'lon' var_zenithAngle = 'zenith_angle' def __init__(self, cdfPath, i=0): with pycdf.CDF(cdfPath) as root: var = root altitude = var[self.var_altitude][...]/1000 cameraPosGCRS = var[self.var_cameraPos][i] photoTime = var[self.var_photoTime][i] # for three channels (RGB), each channel is stored as a # separate variable: img_red, img_green, img_blue # for grayscale, the single variable is called 'img' try: fillval = var[self.var_img].attrs['FILLVAL'] img = np.atleast_3d(var[self.var_img][i]) img = _convertImgDtype(img, fillval) except: fillval = var[self.var_img_red].attrs['FILLVAL'] img_red = _convertImgDtype(var[self.var_img_red][i], fillval) img_green = _convertImgDtype(var[self.var_img_green][i], fillval) img_blue = _convertImgDtype(var[self.var_img_blue][i], fillval) img = ma.dstack((img_red, img_green, img_blue)) latsCenter = var[self.var_latsCenter][i] lonsCenter = var[self.var_lonsCenter][i] lats = var[var[self.var_latsCenter].attrs['bounds']][i] lons = var[var[self.var_lonsCenter].attrs['bounds']][i] # TODO read in MLat/MLT as well if available self._latsCenter = ma.masked_invalid(latsCenter) self._lonsCenter = ma.masked_invalid(lonsCenter) self._lats = ma.masked_invalid(lats) self._lons = ma.masked_invalid(lons) self._elevation = ma.masked_invalid(90 - var[self.var_zenithAngle][i]) metadata = root.attrs assert var[self.var_altitude].attrs['UNITS'] == 'meters' assert var[self.var_cameraPos].attrs['UNITS'] == 'kilometers' identifier = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cdfPath))[0] BaseMapping.__init__(self, altitude, cameraPosGCRS, photoTime, identifier, metadata=metadata) ArrayImageMixin.__init__(self, img) @property def lats(self): return self._lats @property def lons(self): return self._lons @property def latsCenter(self): return self._latsCenter @property def lonsCenter(self): return self._lonsCenter @property def elevation(self): return self._elevation def createResampled(self, lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, img): mapping = GenericMapping(lats, lons, latsCenter, lonsCenter, elevation, self.altitude, img, self.cameraPosGCRS, self.photoTime, self.identifier, metadata=self.metadata) return mapping def _convertImgDtype(arr, fillval): if arr.dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32]: return arr arr = ma.masked_equal(arr, fillval, copy=False) if arr.dtype == np.int16: assert 0 <= np.min(arr) <= np.max(arr) <= np.iinfo(np.uint8).max return arr.astype(np.uint8) elif arr.dtype == np.int32: assert 0 <= np.min(arr) <= np.max(arr) <= np.iinfo(np.uint16).max return arr.astype(np.uint16) elif arr.dtype == np.int64: assert 0 <= np.min(arr) <= np.max(arr) <= np.iinfo(np.uint32).max return arr.astype(np.uint32) else: raise NotImplementedError('Data type not supported: ' + str(arr.dtype))