Source code for auromat.export.cdf

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

This module exports :class:`auromat.mapping.mapping.BaseMapping` objects
into NASA's CDF file format following the ISTP/IACG guidelines.
Each mapping is exported as a single self-contained file.

See and for details.

Where no guidelines exist, the ones from the :mod:`auromat.export.netcdf`
module are used, in particular the `geospatial_*` attributes for describing
the bounding box, and the `crs` attributes for describing the coordinate

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import numpy as np
from spacepy import pycdf

from auromat.coordinates.transform import northGeomagneticPoleLocation
import sys

[docs]def write(outputPath, mapping, metadata={}, includeBounds=True, includeMagCoords=True, includeGeoCoords=True, compress=True, useTT2000=True): """ :param str outputPath: :param auromat.mapping.mapping.BaseMapping mapping: :param dict metadata: additional metadata, overwrites `mapping.metadata` entries if existing, a dictionary of root attributes, e.g.:: {'Project': '..', 'Source_name': '..', 'Discipline': 'Space Physics>Magnetospheric Science', 'Descriptor': '..' } See :param bool includeBounds: stores the coordinates of each pixel corner (in addition to the center) :param bool includeMagCoords: include geomagnetic latitude-magnetic local time coordinates :param bool includeGeoCoords: include geodetic coordinates :param bool compress: use compression for variables :param bool useTT2000: Whether to use the CDF_TIME_TT2000 type for storing times. If False, then the CDF_EPOCH type is used. See for the advantages of using CDF_TIME_TT2000. Note that this requires CDF 3.4.0 or higher both for reading and writing. """ # for CDF_TIME_TT2000 backward compatible mode must be off pycdf.lib.set_backward(not useTT2000) if compress: compress = pycdf.const.GZIP_COMPRESSION else: compress = pycdf.const.NO_COMPRESSION with pycdf.CDF(outputPath, '') as root: # ROOT ATTRIBUTES metadata = dict(list(mapping.metadata.items()) + list(metadata.items())) for k,v in metadata.items(): if isinstance(v, bool): v = int(v) try: root.attrs[k] = v except TypeError: print('Cannot store global attribute "{}" with value {}'.format(k,repr(v)), file=sys.stderr) raise # NODC conventions: root.attrs['geospatial_lat_min'] = mapping.boundingBox.latSouth root.attrs['geospatial_lat_max'] = mapping.boundingBox.latNorth root.attrs['geospatial_lon_min'] = mapping.boundingBox.lonWest root.attrs['geospatial_lon_max'] = mapping.boundingBox.lonEast root.attrs['geospatial_lat_units'] = 'degrees_north' root.attrs['geospatial_lon_units'] = 'degrees_east' # VARIABLES if useTT2000:'Epoch', [mapping.photoTime], type=pycdf.const.CDF_TIME_TT2000) else: # uses CDF_EPOCH by default root['Epoch'] = [mapping.photoTime] time = root['Epoch'] time.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data' if includeGeoCoords:'lat', mapping.latsCenter[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) lat = root['lat'] lat.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' lat.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' lat.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_pixel' lat.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_pixel' lat.attrs['UNITS'] = 'degrees' lat.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = -90.0 lat.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 90.0 lat.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Latitude of pixel center' lat.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = 'Geodetic latitude' lat.attrs['crs'] = 'crs''lon', mapping.lonsCenter[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) lon = root['lon'] lon.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' lon.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' lon.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_pixel' lon.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_pixel' lon.attrs['UNITS'] = 'degrees' lon.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = -180.0 lon.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 180.0 lon.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Longitude of pixel center' lon.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = 'Geodetic longitude' lon.attrs['crs'] = 'crs' if includeBounds: lat.attrs['bounds'] = 'lat_bounds' lon.attrs['bounds'] = 'lon_bounds''lat_bounds', mapping.lats[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) lat_bounds = root['lat_bounds'] lat_bounds.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' lat_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' lat_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_corner' lat_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_corner' lat_bounds.attrs['UNITS'] = 'degrees' lat_bounds.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = -90.0 lat_bounds.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 90.0 lat_bounds.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Latitude of pixel corner' lat_bounds.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = 'Geodetic latitude' lat_bounds.attrs['crs'] = 'crs''lon_bounds', mapping.lons[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) lon_bounds = root['lon_bounds'] lon_bounds.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' lon_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' lon_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_corner' lon_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_corner' lon_bounds.attrs['UNITS'] = 'degrees' lon_bounds.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = -180.0 lon_bounds.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 180.0 lon_bounds.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Longitude of pixel corner' lon_bounds.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = 'Geodetic longitude' lon_bounds.attrs['crs'] = 'crs''altitude', mapping.altitude * 1000, recVary=False) altitude = root['altitude'] altitude.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data' altitude.attrs['UNITS'] = 'meters' altitude.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Height above reference ellipsoid' altitude.attrs['crs'] = 'crs' if includeMagCoords: mlats, mlts = mapping.mLatMltCenter'mlat', mlats[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) mlat = root['mlat'] mlat.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' mlat.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' mlat.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_pixel' mlat.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_pixel' mlat.attrs['UNITS'] = 'degrees' mlat.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = -90.0 mlat.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 90.0 mlat.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Geomagnetic latitude of pixel center' mlat.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = '' mlat.attrs['crs'] = 'mcrs''mlt', mlts[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) mlt = root['mlt'] mlt.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' mlt.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' mlt.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_center' mlt.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_center' mlt.attrs['UNITS'] = 'hours' mlt.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = 0.0 mlt.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 24.0 mlt.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Magnetic local time of pixel center' mlt.attrs['crs'] = 'mcrs' if includeBounds: mlat.attrs['bounds'] = 'mlat_bounds' mlt.attrs['bounds'] = 'mlt_bounds' mlats, mlts = mapping.mLatMlt'mlat_bounds', mlats[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) mlat_bounds = root['mlat_bounds'] mlat_bounds.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' mlat_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' mlat_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_corner' mlat_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_corner' mlat_bounds.attrs['UNITS'] = 'degrees' mlat_bounds.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = -90.0 mlat_bounds.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 90.0 mlat_bounds.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Geomagnetic latitude of pixel corner' mlat_bounds.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = '' mlat_bounds.attrs['crs'] = 'mcrs''mlt_bounds', mlts[np.newaxis,:], compress=compress) mlt_bounds = root['mlt_bounds'] mlt_bounds.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' mlt_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' mlt_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_corner' mlt_bounds.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_corner' mlt_bounds.attrs['UNITS'] = 'hours' mlt_bounds.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = 0.0 mlt_bounds.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 24.0 mlt_bounds.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Magnetic local time of pixel corner' mlt_bounds.attrs['crs'] = 'mcrs' magPoleLat, magPoleLon = northGeomagneticPoleLocation(mapping.photoTime)'mcrs', 0, recVary=False) # holds no actual data mcrs = root['mcrs'] mcrs.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data' mcrs.attrs['north_geomagnetic_pole_lat'] = magPoleLat mcrs.attrs['north_geomagnetic_pole_lon'] = magPoleLon mcrs.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = 'Geocentric MLat/MLT system based on the given geomagnetic pole position' if np.any(mapping.img.mask): # CDF supports much more types than netCDF imgDtypeMap = {np.dtype(np.uint8): np.int16, # no overhead (compared to a separate int8 mask) np.dtype(np.uint16): np.int32, # 1 Byte overhead per pixel np.dtype(np.uint32): np.int64 # 2 Byte overhead per pixel } if not mapping.img.dtype in imgDtypeMap.keys(): raise NotImplementedError('Image data type not supported: ' + str(mapping.img.dtype)) imgDtype = imgDtypeMap[mapping.img.dtype] imgFillval = imgDtype(np.iinfo(imgDtype).min) img_ = mapping.img.astype(imgDtype).filled(imgFillval) else: imgDtype = mapping.img.dtype img_ = imgFillval = None if img_.shape[2] == 1: bands = ['img'] elif img_.shape[2] == 3: bands = ['img_red', 'img_green', 'img_blue'] else: raise NotImplementedError for i, band in enumerate(bands):, img_[np.newaxis,:,:,i], compress=compress) img = root[band] img.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' img.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' img.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_pixel' img.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_pixel' img.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = '' img.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = np.iinfo(mapping.img.dtype).min img.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = np.iinfo(mapping.img.dtype).max if imgFillval: img.attrs['FILLVAL'] = imgFillval img.attrs['UNITS'] = 'unitless' zen = 90 - mapping.elevation[np.newaxis,:].astype(np.float32)'zenith_angle', zen, compress=compress) zenith_angle = root['zenith_angle'] zenith_angle.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'data' zenith_angle.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' zenith_angle.attrs['DEPEND_1'] = 'y_pixel' zenith_angle.attrs['DEPEND_2'] = 'x_pixel' zenith_angle.attrs['UNITS'] = 'degrees' zenith_angle.attrs['VALIDMIN'] = 0.0 zenith_angle.attrs['VALIDMAX'] = 90.0 zenith_angle.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Absolute sensor zenith angle of pixel center' root['camera_pos'] = np.array([mapping.cameraPosGCRS]) cameraPos = root['camera_pos'] cameraPos.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data' cameraPos.attrs['DEPEND_0'] = 'Epoch' cameraPos.attrs['UNITS'] = 'kilometers' cameraPos.attrs['FIELDNAM'] = 'Camera position in cartesian GCRS coordinates' cameraPos.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = 'Axis order: xyz''crs', 0, recVary=False) # holds no actual data crs = root['crs'] crs.attrs['VAR_TYPE'] = 'support_data' crs.attrs['semi_major_axis'] = 6378137.0 crs.attrs['inverse_flattening'] = 298.257223563 crs.attrs['VAR_NOTES'] = 'Geographic Coordinate System, WGS 84'