Source code for auromat.coordinates.transform

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

from __future__ import division, print_function

from auromat.coordinates.igrf import IGRF_DEFINED_UNTIL_YEAR

__doc__ = """
This module contains fast and memory-efficient algorithms to convert
coordinates between different reference frames or representations.

Note that some functions depend on the IGRF model whose parameters are
defined in the :mod:`igrf` module. In this version, parameters are defined
until the year {}.

import time

from math import sin, atan2, cos, sqrt, pi, fmod, atan
import numpy as np
from numpy.core.umath_tests import matrix_multiply

    from numexpr import evaluate as ne
except ImportError:
    ne = None

from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import astropy.units as u

from auromat.coordinates.geodesic import wgs84A, wgs84B, Location
from auromat.coordinates.igrf import calcG11, calcH11, calcG01
import auromat.coordinates.transformations

rotation_matrix = auromat.coordinates.transformations.rotation_matrix

def _spherical_to_cartesian_np(r, lat, lon, astuple=True):
    As astropy.coordinates.distances.spherical_to_cartesian but more
    optimized. lat and lon must be arrays.
    # using (3,..) instead of (...,3) as shape has better memory access performance
    # x, y, and z are then each a contiguous block of memory
    res = np.empty((3,) + lat.shape, lat.dtype)
    x = res[0]
    y = res[1]
    z = res[2]
    np.cos(lat, x)
    if r is not None:
        x *= r
    y[:] = x
    x *= np.cos(lon)
    y *= np.sin(lon)
    np.sin(lat, z)
    if r is not None:
        z *= r
    if astuple:
        return x,y,z
        res = np.rollaxis(res, 0, res.ndim)
        return res

def _spherical_to_cartesian_ne(r, lat, lon, astuple=True):
    # using (3,..) instead of (...,3) as shape has better memory access performance
    # x, y, and z are then each a contiguous block of memory
    res = np.empty((3,) + lat.shape, lat.dtype)
    x = res[0]
    y = res[1]
    z = res[2]
    if r is None:
        ne('cos(lat)', out=x)
        ne('r * cos(lat)', out=x)
    y[:] = x
    ne('x * cos(lon)', out=x)
    ne('y * sin(lon)', out=y)
    if r is None:
        ne('sin(lat)', out=z)
        ne('r * sin(lat)', out=z)
    if astuple:
        return x,y,z
        res = np.rollaxis(res, 0, res.ndim)
        return res

[docs]def spherical_to_cartesian(r, lat, lon, astuple=True): """ Convert spherical to cartesian coordinates. Inputs must be arrays. Equivalent to `astropy.coordinates.distances.spherical_to_cartesian` for array inputs but uses less memory and is faster. :type r: ndarray or None (=1) :rtype: tuple (x,y,z) of ndarray's with shape as input """ if ne: return _spherical_to_cartesian_ne(r, lat, lon, astuple) else: return _spherical_to_cartesian_np(r, lat, lon, astuple)
def _cartesian_to_spherical_np(x, y, z, with_radius=True): xsq = x*x ysq = y*y zsq = z*z if with_radius: r = xsq + ysq r += zsq np.sqrt(r, r) s = xsq s += ysq np.sqrt(s, s) lon = ysq np.arctan2(y, x, lon) lat = zsq np.arctan2(z, s, lat) if with_radius: return r, lat, lon else: return lat, lon def _cartesian_to_spherical_ne(x, y, z, with_radius=True): if with_radius: xy = ne('x*x + y*y') r = ne('sqrt(xy + z*z)') lat = ne('arctan2(z, sqrt(xy))') lon = xy ne('arctan2(y, x)', out=lon) return r, lat, lon else: lat = ne('arctan2(z, sqrt(x*x + y*y))') lon = ne('arctan2(y, x)') return lat, lon
[docs]def cartesian_to_spherical(x, y, z, with_radius=True): """ Convert cartesian to spherical coordinates. Inputs must be arrays. Equivalent to `astropy.coordinates.distances.cartesian_to_spherical` for array inputs but uses less memory and is faster. :rtype: tuple (r,lat,lon) or (lat,lon) of ndarray's with shape as input """ if ne: return _cartesian_to_spherical_ne(x, y, z, with_radius) else: return _cartesian_to_spherical_np(x, y, z, with_radius)
[docs]def geodetic2Ecef(lat, lon, h, a=wgs84A, b=wgs84B): """ Converts geodetic to Earth Centered, Earth Fixed coordinates. Parameters h, a, and b must be given in the same unit. The values of the return tuple then also have this unit. :param lat: latitude(s) in radians :param lon: longitude(s) in radians :param h: height(s) :param a: equatorial axis of the ellipsoid of revolution :param b: polar axis of the ellipsoid of revolution :rtype: tuple (x,y,z) """ lat, lon, h = np.asarray(lat), np.asarray(lon), np.asarray(h) e2 = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) # first eccentricity squared n = a / np.sqrt(1 - e2*np.sin(lat)**2) latCos = np.cos(lat) nh = n+h x = nh*latCos*np.cos(lon) y = nh*latCos*np.sin(lon) z = (n*(1-e2)+h)*np.sin(lat) return x,y,z
[docs]def geodetic2EcefZero(lat, lon, a=wgs84A, b=wgs84B): """ Fast version of :func:`geodetic2Ecef` for `h=0`. :param lat: latitude(s) in radians :param lon: longitude(s) in radians :param a: equatorial axis of the ellipsoid of revolution :param b: polar axis of the ellipsoid of revolution :rtype: tuple (x,y,z) """ lat, lon = np.asarray(lat), np.asarray(lon) e2 = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) # first eccentricity squared n = a / np.sqrt(1 - e2*np.sin(lat)**2) latn = n*np.cos(lat) x = latn*np.cos(lon) y = latn*np.sin(lon) z = n*(1-e2)*np.sin(lat) return x,y,z
[docs]def ecef2Geodetic(x, y, z, a=wgs84A, b=wgs84B): """ Convert ECEF to geodetic coordinates. This function uses the Bowring algorithm from 1985. The accuracy is at least 11 decimals (in degrees). :param x,y,z: ECEF coordinates :param a: equatorial axis of the ellipsoid of revolution :param b: polar axis of the ellipsoid of revolution :rtype: tuple (lat,lon) in radians """ x, y, z = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y), np.asarray(z) if x.ndim > 0: return _ecef2GeodeticOptimized(x, y, z, a, b) e2 = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) # first eccentricity squared d = (a*a - b*b) / b p2 = np.square(x) + np.square(y) p = np.sqrt(p2) r = np.sqrt(p2 + z*z) tu = b*z*(1 + d/r)/(a*p) tu2 = tu*tu cu3 = (1/np.sqrt(1 + tu2))**3 su3 = cu3*tu2*tu tp = (z + d*su3)/(p - e2*a*cu3) lat = np.arctan(tp) lon = np.arctan2(y,x) return lat, lon
def _ecef2GeodeticOptimized_ne(x, y, z, a=wgs84A, b=wgs84B): x, y, z = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y), np.asarray(z) e2 = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) # first eccentricity squared d = (a*a - b*b) / b p2 = ne('x*x + y*y') p = ne('sqrt(p2)') tu = p2 ne('b*z*(1 + d/sqrt(p2 + z*z))/(a*p)', out=tu) tu2 = ne('tu*tu') cu3 = ne('(1/sqrt(1 + tu2))**3') lat = p2 ne('arctan((z + d*cu3*tu2*tu)/(p - e2*a*cu3))', out=lat) lon = p ne('arctan2(y,x)', out=lon) return lat, lon def _ecef2GeodeticOptimized_np(x, y, z, a=wgs84A, b=wgs84B): """ array-only, memory-efficient version of ecef2Geodetic, around 10-30% faster """ e2 = (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) d = (a*a - b*b) / b p2 = np.square(x) y2 = np.square(y) p2 += y2 p = y2 np.sqrt(p2, p) r = p2 z2 = z*z r += z2 np.sqrt(r, r) tu = z2 np.divide(d, r, tu) tu += 1 tu *= b tu *= z ap = a*p tu /= ap np.square(tu, r) tu2 = r cu3 = ap np.add(1, tu2, cu3) np.sqrt(cu3, cu3) np.reciprocal(cu3, cu3) cu3 **= 3 # don't replace by the faster cu3*cu3*cu3, it's less accurate! su3 = tu su3 *= cu3 su3 *= tu2 tp = tu2 np.multiply(d, su3, tp) tp += z pm = p cu3m = cu3 cu3m *= e2*a pm -= cu3m tp /= pm np.arctan(tp, tp) lat = tp lon = cu3 np.arctan2(y,x, lon) return lat, lon _ecef2GeodeticOptimized = _ecef2GeodeticOptimized_ne if ne else _ecef2GeodeticOptimized_np def rotatePole(lats, lons, altitude, angle=90, axis=[1,0,0]): """ Rotates the given geodetic lat/lon coordinates around the origin. :param lats, lons: shape (n,) in radians :param altitude: in km :param angle: degrees :param axis: [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], or [0, 0, 1] for x y z axis :rtype: tuple (lats, lons) in radians """ assert lats.ndim == 1 and lons.ndim == 1 assert len(axis) == 3 x,y,z = geodetic2Ecef(lats, lons, altitude, wgs84A, wgs84B) xyz = np.asarray([x,y,z]).T alpha = np.deg2rad(angle) rot = rotation_matrix(alpha, axis)[:3,:3] xyzRot = matrix_multiply(rot,xyz[...,np.newaxis]).reshape(xyz.shape) lats, lons = ecef2Geodetic(xyzRot[:,0], xyzRot[:,1], xyzRot[:,2], wgs84A, wgs84B) return lats, lons
[docs]def j2000ToLatLon(j2000Vecs, time_): """ Convert cartesian J2000 coordinates to geodetic coordinates. :param j2000Vecs: shape (n,3) :param datetime time_: :rtype: tuple (latitudes, longitudes) in degrees """ t0 = time.time() j2000Vecs = np.asarray(j2000Vecs) geoX, geoY, geoZ = j2000_to_geo(time_, j2000Vecs).T print('convert J2000-GEO:', time.time()-t0, 's') t0 = time.time() lat, lon = ecef2Geodetic(geoX, geoY, geoZ, wgs84A, wgs84B) np.rad2deg(lat, lat) np.rad2deg(lon, lon) print('convert GEO-LatLon:', time.time()-t0, 's') return lat, lon
[docs]def latLonToJ2000(lat, lon, h, time_): """ Convert geodetic coordinates to cartesian J2000 coordinates. :param lat: scalar or 1d-array, degrees :param lon: scalar or 1d-array, degrees :param h: scalar or 1d-array :param datetime time_: :rtype: tuple (latitudes, longitudes) in degrees """ t0 = time.time() lat = np.deg2rad(lat) lon = np.deg2rad(lon) geoX, geoY, geoZ = geodetic2Ecef(lat, lon, h) geoVecs = np.asarray([geoX, geoY, geoZ]).T isScalar = geoVecs.ndim == 1 if isScalar: geoVecs = np.array([geoVecs]) print('convert LatLon-GEO:', time.time()-t0, 's') t0 = time.time() j2000 = geo_to_j2000(time_, geoVecs).T if isScalar: j2000 = j2000[:,0] print('convert GEO-J2000:', time.time()-t0, 's') return j2000
[docs]def smLonToMLT(smlons, out=None): """ Convert solar magnetic longitudes to magnetic local time. :param smlons: in degrees [-180,180] :return: magnetic local time [0,24] """ if out is not None: np.multiply(smlons, 24/360, out) mlt = out else: mlt = smlons*(24/360) mlt += 12 return mlt
[docs]def mltToSmLon(mlt, out=None): """ Convert magnetic local time to solar magnetic longitudes. :param mlt: in hours [0,24] :return: solar magnetic longitudes in degrees [-180,180] """ if out is not None: np.subtract(mlt, 12, out) smlon = out else: smlon = mlt-12 smlon /= (24/360) return smlon
[docs]def j2000ToMLatMLT(j2000Vecs, time_): """ Convert cartesian J2000 coordinates to MLat/MLT coordinates using the IGRF model. MLat = geomagnetic latitude MLT = magnetic local time :param j2000Vecs: shape (n,3) :param datetime time_: :rtype: tuple (mlat, mlt) in (degrees,hours) """ t0 = time.time() j2000Vecs = np.asarray(j2000Vecs) smX, smY, smZ = j2000_to_sm(time_, j2000Vecs).T print('convert J2000-SM:', time.time()-t0, 's') t0 = time.time() _, smlat, smlon = cartesian_to_spherical(smX, smY, smZ) np.rad2deg(smlat, smlat) np.rad2deg(smlon, smlon) mlat = smlat smLonToMLT(smlon, smlon) mlt = smlon print('convert SM-MLat/MLT:', time.time()-t0, 's') return mlat, mlt
[docs]def geoToMLatMLT(geoVecs, time_): """ Convert ECEF coordinates to MLat/MLT coordinates using the IGRF model. MLat = geomagnetic latitude MLT = magnetic local time :param geoVecs: shape (n,3) :param datetime time_: :rtype: tuple (mlat, mlt) in (degrees,hours) """ t0 = time.time() geoVecs = np.asarray(geoVecs) smX, smY, smZ = geo_to_sm(time_, geoVecs).T print('convert GEO-SM:', time.time()-t0, 's') t0 = time.time() _, smlat, smlon = cartesian_to_spherical(smX, smY, smZ) np.rad2deg(smlat, smlat) np.rad2deg(smlon, smlon) mlat = smlat smLonToMLT(smlon, smlon) mlt = smlon print('convert SM-MLat/MLT:', time.time()-t0, 's') return mlat, mlt
[docs]def smToLatLon(smlats, smlons, time_): """ Convert solar magnetic to geodetic coordinates using the IGRF model. :param smlats: in degrees [-90,90] :param smlons: in degrees [-180,180] :param time_: :rtype: tuple (latitudes, longitudes) in degrees """ t0 = time.time() smlats, smlons = np.deg2rad(smlats), np.deg2rad(smlons) smX, smY, smZ = spherical_to_cartesian(1, smlats.ravel(), smlons.ravel()) smVecs = np.array([smX,smY,smZ]).T geoX, geoY, geoZ = sm_to_geo(time_, smVecs).T print('convert SM-GEO:', time.time()-t0, 's') t0 = time.time() lats, lons = ecef2Geodetic(geoX, geoY, geoZ) np.rad2deg(lats, lats) np.rad2deg(lons, lons) lats = lats.reshape(smlats.shape) lons = lons.reshape(smlons.shape) print('convert GEO-LatLon:', time.time()-t0, 's') return lats, lons # The following functions are adapted from cxform_manual.c of NASA's cxform library. # The below versions are much faster as they pre-calculate and multiply multiple rotation matrices # before converting coordinates. # the following axis directions for gohlke's rotation_matrix match it with hapgood_matrix defined in cxform
X = [-1,0,0] Y = [0,1,0] Z = [0,0,-1] def mag_lon(et): """ Longitude of Earth's magnetic pole in radians """ fracYearIndex = (et+3155803200.0)/157788000.0 fracYear = fmod(fracYearIndex, 1.0) g11 = calcG11(fracYearIndex, fracYear) h11 = calcH11(fracYearIndex, fracYear) lambda0 = atan2(h11, g11) + pi return lambda0 def mag_lat(et): """ Latitude of Earth's magnetic pole in radians """ fracYearIndex = (et+3155803200.0)/157788000.0 fracYear = fmod(fracYearIndex, 1.0) g01 = calcG01(fracYearIndex, fracYear) g11 = calcG11(fracYearIndex, fracYear) h11 = calcH11(fracYearIndex, fracYear) lambda0 = mag_lon(et) phi0 = pi/2 - atan((g11*cos(lambda0) + h11*sin(lambda0))/g01) return phi0 def date2es(date): """ Converts UTC to ephemeris seconds. """ jd = Time(date, scale='utc').jd return (jd - 2451545) * 86400 # cxform used the following which limits precision unnecessarily to 1sec: # return long(round((jd - 2451545) * 86400)) def T0(et): """ Julian Centuries from a certain time to 1 Jan 2000 12:00 """ return (et / 86400.0)/36525.0 def H(et): """ time, in hours, since preceding UT midnight """ jd = (et / 86400.0) - 0.5 dfrac = jd - int(jd) hh = dfrac * 24.0 if (hh < 0.0): hh += 24.0 return hh def lambda0(et): """ Sun's ecliptic longitude in degrees """ M = 357.528 + 35999.050 * T0(et) lambd = 280.460 + 36000.772 * T0(et) lambda0 = lambd + (1.915 - 0.0048 * T0(et)) * sin(np.deg2rad(M)) + 0.020 * sin(np.deg2rad(2 * M)) return lambda0 def epsilon(et): """ The obliquity of the ecliptic in degrees """ return 23.439 - 0.013 * T0(et) def mat_P(et): """ J2000 to GEI matrix """ t0 = T0(et) mat = rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(-1.0*(0.64062 * t0 + 0.00030 * t0*t0)), Z) mat_tmp = rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(0.55675 * t0 - 0.00012 * t0*t0), Y) mat =, mat_tmp) mat_tmp = rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(-1.0*(0.64062 * t0 + 0.00008 * t0*t0)), Z) mat =, mat_tmp) return mat[:3,:3] def mat_T1(et): """ GEI to GEO matrix """ theta = 100.461 + 36000.770 * T0(et) + 360.0*(H(et)/24.0) mat = rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(theta), Z) return mat[:3,:3] def mat_T2(et): """ GEI to GSE matrix """ mat = rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(lambda0(et)), Z) mat_tmp = rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(epsilon(et)), X) mat =, mat_tmp) return mat[:3,:3] def vec_Qe(et): """ don't ask. [sic] """ lat = mag_lat(et) lon = mag_lon(et) cos_lat = cos(lat) sin_lat = sin(lat) cos_lon = cos(lon) sin_lon = sin(lon) Qg = [cos_lat * cos_lon, cos_lat * sin_lon, sin_lat] mat = mat_T2(et) mat_tmp = mat_T1(et).T mat =, mat_tmp) Qe =, Qg) return Qe def mat_T3(et): """ GSE to GSM matrix """ Qe = vec_Qe(et) psi = atan2(np.deg2rad(Qe[1]), np.deg2rad(Qe[2])) mat = rotation_matrix(-psi, X) return mat[:3,:3] def mat_T4(et): """ GSM to SM matrix """ Qe = vec_Qe(et) mu = atan2(np.deg2rad(Qe[0]), np.deg2rad(sqrt(Qe[1]*Qe[1] + Qe[2]*Qe[2]))) mat = rotation_matrix(-mu, Y) return mat[:3,:3] def mat_T5(et): """ GEO to MAG matrix """ mat = rotation_matrix(mag_lat(et) - np.deg2rad(90.0), Y) mat_tmp = rotation_matrix(mag_lon(et), Z) mat =, mat_tmp) return mat[:3,:3] # def hapgood_matrix(theta, axis): # if axis==[1,0,0]: # axis = 0 # elif axis==[0,1,0]: # axis = 1 # elif axis==[0,0,1]: # axis = 2 # # sin_theta = np.sin(theta) # cos_theta = np.cos(theta) # # t1 = (axis+1) % 3 # t2 = (axis+2) % 3 # if (t1 > t2): # tmp = t1 # t1 = t2 # t2 = tmp # # mat = np.zeros((3,3)) # # mat[axis,axis] = 1.0 # mat[t1,t1] = cos_theta # mat[t2,t2] = cos_theta # # mat[t1,t2] = sin_theta # mat[t2,t1] = -sin_theta # return mat # Note that the cxform functions of this module (including rotation_matrix) were # as a test fully implemented using sympy (arbitrary precision floats) to check # whether the repeated matrix multiplications (see below) had a significant effect # on accuracy due to float rounding errors. The result was that the maximum error # of any element in the rotation matrices was in the order of e-14. def mat_j2000_to_geo(et): # j2000_twixt_gei -> gei_twixt_geo mat =, mat_P(et)) return mat def mat_j2000_to_sm(et): # j2000_twixt_gei -> gei_twixt_gse -> gse_twixt_gsm -> gsm_twixt_sm mat = mat_T4(et).dot(mat_T3(et)).dot(mat_T2(et)).dot(mat_P(et)) return mat def mat_geo_to_sm(et): # gei_twixt_geo (reverse) -> gei_twixt_gse -> gse_twixt_gsm -> gsm_twixt_sm mat = mat_T4(et).dot(mat_T3(et)).dot(mat_T2(et)).dot(mat_T1(et).T) return mat def j2000_to_geo(date, vecsJ2000): return x_to_y(mat_j2000_to_geo, date, vecsJ2000) def geo_to_j2000(date, vecsGeo): return x_to_y(mat_j2000_to_geo, date, vecsGeo, reverse=True) def j2000_to_sm(date, vecsJ2000): return x_to_y(mat_j2000_to_sm, date, vecsJ2000) def geo_to_sm(date, vecsGEO): return x_to_y(mat_geo_to_sm, date, vecsGEO) def sm_to_geo(date, vecsSM): return x_to_y(mat_geo_to_sm, date, vecsSM, reverse=True) def gei_to_geo(date, vecsGEI): return x_to_y(mat_T1, date, vecsGEI) def geo_to_gei(date, vecsGEO): return x_to_y(mat_T1, date, vecsGEO, reverse=True) def gei_to_gse(date, vecsGEI): return x_to_y(mat_T2, date, vecsGEI) def gse_to_gsm(date, vecsGSE): return x_to_y(mat_T3, date, vecsGSE) def gsm_to_sm(date, vecsGSM): return x_to_y(mat_T4, date, vecsGSM) def x_to_y(matFn, date, vecs, reverse=False): vecs = np.asarray(vecs) assert vecs.ndim == 2 assert vecs.shape[1] == 3 et = date2es(date) mat = matFn(et) if reverse: mat = mat.T vecsOut = matrix_multiply(mat, vecs[...,np.newaxis]).reshape(vecs.shape) return vecsOut
[docs]def northGeomagneticPoleLocation(date): """ Calculate the approximate position of the north geomagnetic pole for the given date using the IGRF model. :param datetime date: :rtype: named (latitude, longitude) tuple, in degrees """ # TODO are these geocentric or geodetic coordinates?? et = date2es(date) lat, lon = mag_lat(et), mag_lon(et) lat = np.rad2deg(lat) lon = Angle(lon * u.rad).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree return Location(lat, lon)
__all__ = map(lambda f: f.__name__, [spherical_to_cartesian, cartesian_to_spherical, geodetic2Ecef, geodetic2EcefZero, ecef2Geodetic, j2000ToLatLon, latLonToJ2000, smLonToMLT, mltToSmLon, j2000ToMLatMLT, geoToMLatMLT, smToLatLon, northGeomagneticPoleLocation]) if __name__ == '__main__': from datetime import datetime d = datetime(2010,1,1) print('Geomagnetic pole at ' + str(d) + ':') print(northGeomagneticPoleLocation(d))