Source code for auromat.coordinates.ephem

# Copyright European Space Agency, 2013

from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function

import warnings
import calendar
import datetime

import numpy as np

from astropy import units
from astropy import coordinates as coord

import ephem

[docs]class EphemerisCalculator: """ Calculates J2000 positions using a set of TLEs for a *single* satellite. TLEs are read once into a string to serve as a cache. Use the :mod:`~auromat.coordinates.spacetrack` module for downloading TLE data. Note that this module assumes continuous TLE data as created by the :mod:`~auromat.coordinates.spacetrack` module. Example:: from datetime import datetime from auromat.coordinates.spacetrack import Spacetrack from auromat.coordinates.ephem import EphemerisCalculator path = 'iss_tles.txt' st = Spacetrack('user', 'pass') st.updateTLEs(25544, path) iss = EphemerisCalculator(path) j2000_xyz = iss(datetime(2012,1,1,12,30,0)) print(j2000_xyz) """ def __init__(self, tleFilePath): """ :param string tleFilePath: path to file containing TLE sets """ with open(tleFilePath, 'r') as t: self.tles = t.readlines() assert len(self.tles) > 0 assert len(self.tles) % 2 == 0 def __call__(self, date): """ Return the J2000 position of the space object for the given date. :param datetime.datetime date: :return: x,y,z position as array :rtype: ndarray of shape (3,) """ return self.getPosition(date) @property def noradId(self): """ The NORAD ID as read from the first TLE. :rtype: str """ return self.tles[0][2:7] @property def firstEpoch(self): """ The earliest epoch in the TLE file. :rtype: datetime.datetime """ tle = ephem.readtle('foo', self.tles[0], self.tles[1]) date = self._toDateTime(tle._epoch) return date @property def lastEpoch(self): """ The latest epoch in the TLE file. :rtype: datetime.datetime """ tle = ephem.readtle('foo', self.tles[-2], self.tles[-1]) date = self._toDateTime(tle._epoch) return date
[docs] def contains(self, date): """ Return whether firstEpoch <= date <= lastEpoch holds. :type date: datetime.datetime """ return self.firstEpoch <= date <= self.lastEpoch
@staticmethod def _toDateTime(ephemDate): """ Converts PyEphem dates to datetime objects. """ timestamp = calendar.timegm(ephemDate.tuple()) return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
[docs] def getTLE(self, date): date = ephem.Date(date) tleCount = len(self.tles) // 2 lo = 0 hi = tleCount while lo < hi: # equals bisect.bisect_left mid = (lo+hi)//2 tle = ephem.readtle('foo', self.tles[mid*2], self.tles[mid*2 + 1]) if tle._epoch < date: lo = mid+1 else: hi = mid tleIdx = lo-1 # equals find_lt (rightmost TLE with epoch less than given date) return self.tles[tleIdx*2], self.tles[tleIdx*2 + 1]
[docs] def getPosition(self, date): """ Return the J2000 position of the space object for the given date. Note that you can also use the call operator:: iss = EphemerisCalculator(path) iss(date) :type date: datetime.datetime :rtype: ndarray of xyz J2000 coordinates in km """ tlelines = self.getTLE(date) tle = ephem.readtle('foo', tlelines[0], tlelines[1]) date = ephem.Date(date) if tle._epoch > date: raise Exception("The epoch of the earliest available TLE is AFTER the requested date. " + "Are you missing historic TLE data?") if (date - tle._epoch > 24*ephem.hour): warnings.warn('closest TLE epoch is ' + str((date - tle._epoch)*24) + 'h away from photo time') tle.compute(date) # see earthRadiusPyEphem = 6378.16 * distanceEarthCenter = tle.elevation*units.m + earthRadiusPyEphem xyz = coord.distances.spherical_to_cartesian(, tle.a_dec, tle.a_ra) return np.array(xyz)
def _getPositionX(self, date): """ experimental: uses sgp4 library NOTE: returns TEME coordinates (true equator mean equinox) :param datetime date: :rtype: GCRSCoordinates """ from sgp4.earth_gravity import wgs72 from import twoline2rv from sgp4.ext import jday jdate = jday(date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute, date.second) tleCount = len(self.tles) // 2 lo = 0 hi = tleCount while lo < hi: # equals bisect.bisect_left mid = (lo+hi)//2 tle = twoline2rv(self.tles[mid*2], self.tles[mid*2 + 1], wgs72) if tle.jdsatepoch < jdate: lo = mid+1 else: hi = mid tleIdx = lo-1 # equals find_lt (rightmost TLE with epoch less than given date) tle = twoline2rv(self.tles[tleIdx*2], self.tles[tleIdx*2 + 1], wgs72) if tle.jdsatepoch > jdate: raise Exception("The epoch of the earliest available TLE is AFTER the requested date. " + "Are you missing historic TLE data?") if (jdate - tle.jdsatepoch > 10*ephem.hour): warnings.warn('closest TLE epoch is ' + str((date - tle.jdsatepoch)*24) + 'h away from photo time') position, _ = tle.propagate(date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute, date.second) x,y,z =, position) # FIXME this is wrong, conversion TEME-J2000 is missing # -> need skyfield library for that, but too heavy currently # see return np.array([x,y,z])