Source code for audiolazy.lazy_lpc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of AudioLazy, the signal processing Python package.
# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Danilo de Jesus da Silva Bellini
# AudioLazy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) module

from __future__ import division
from functools import reduce
import operator

# Audiolazy internal imports
from .lazy_stream import Stream
from .lazy_filters import ZFilter, z
from .lazy_math import phase
from .lazy_core import StrategyDict
from .lazy_misc import blocks
from .lazy_compat import xrange, xzip
from .lazy_analysis import acorr, lag_matrix

__all__ = ["ParCorError", "toeplitz", "levinson_durbin", "lpc", "parcor",
           "parcor_stable", "lsf", "lsf_stable"]

[docs]class ParCorError(ZeroDivisionError): """ Error when trying to find the partial correlation coefficients (reflection coefficients) and there's no way to find them. """
[docs]def toeplitz(vect): """ Find the toeplitz matrix as a list of lists given its first line/column. """ return [[vect[abs(i-j)] for i in xrange(len(vect))] for j in xrange(len(vect))]
[docs]def levinson_durbin(acdata, order=None): """ Solve the Yule-Walker linear system of equations. They're given by: .. math:: R . a = r where :math:`R` is a simmetric Toeplitz matrix where each element are lags from the given autocorrelation list. :math:`R` and :math:`r` are defined (Python indexing starts with zero and slices don't include the last element): .. math:: R[i][j] = acdata[abs(j - i)] r = acdata[1 : order + 1] Parameters ---------- acdata : Autocorrelation lag list, commonly the ``acorr`` function output. order : The order of the resulting ZFilter object. Defaults to ``len(acdata) - 1``. Returns ------- A FIR filter, as a ZFilter object. The mean squared error over the given data (variance of the white noise) is in its "error" attribute. See Also -------- acorr: Calculate the autocorrelation of a given block. lpc : Calculate the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients. parcor : Partial correlation coefficients (PARCOR), or reflection coefficients, relative to the lattice implementation of a filter, obtained by reversing the Levinson-Durbin algorithm. Examples -------- >>> data = [2, 2, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1] >>> acdata = acorr(data) >>> acdata [12, 6, 0, -3, -6, -3, 0, 2, 4, 2] >>> ldfilt = levinson_durbin(acorr(data), 3) >>> ldfilt 1 - 0.625 * z^-1 + 0.25 * z^-2 + 0.125 * z^-3 >>> ldfilt.error # Squared! See lpc for more information about this 7.875 Notes ----- The Levinson-Durbin algorithm used to solve the equations needs :math:`O(order^2)` floating point operations. """ if order is None: order = len(acdata) - 1 elif order >= len(acdata): acdata = Stream(acdata).append(0).take(order + 1) # Inner product for filters based on above statistics def inner(a, b): # Be careful, this depends on acdata !!! return sum(acdata[abs(i-j)] * ai * bj for i, ai in enumerate(a.numlist) for j, bj in enumerate(b.numlist) ) try: A = ZFilter(1) for m in xrange(1, order + 1): B = A(1 / z) * z ** -m A -= inner(A, z ** -m) / inner(B, B) * B except ZeroDivisionError: raise ParCorError("Can't find next PARCOR coefficient") A.error = inner(A, A) return A
lpc = StrategyDict("lpc") @lpc.strategy("autocor", "acorr", "autocorrelation", "auto_correlation") def lpc(blk, order=None): """ Find the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients as a ZFilter object, the analysis whitening filter. This implementation uses the autocorrelation method, using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm or Numpy pseudo-inverse for linear system solving, when needed. Parameters ---------- blk : An iterable with well-defined length. Don't use this function with Stream objects! order : The order of the resulting ZFilter object. Defaults to ``len(blk) - 1``. Returns ------- A FIR filter, as a ZFilter object. The mean squared error over the given block is in its "error" attribute. Hint ---- See ``lpc.kautocor`` example, which should apply equally for this strategy. See Also -------- levinson_durbin : Levinson-Durbin algorithm for solving Yule-Walker equations (Toeplitz matrix linear system). lpc.nautocor: LPC coefficients from linear system solved with Numpy pseudo-inverse. lpc.kautocor: LPC coefficients obtained with Levinson-Durbin algorithm. """ if order < 100: return lpc.nautocor(blk, order) try: return lpc.kautocor(blk, order) except ParCorError: return lpc.nautocor(blk, order) @lpc.strategy("nautocor", "nacorr", "nautocorrelation", "nauto_correlation") def lpc(blk, order=None): """ Find the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients as a ZFilter object, the analysis whitening filter. This implementation uses the autocorrelation method, using numpy.linalg.pinv as a linear system solver. Parameters ---------- blk : An iterable with well-defined length. Don't use this function with Stream objects! order : The order of the resulting ZFilter object. Defaults to ``len(blk) - 1``. Returns ------- A FIR filter, as a ZFilter object. The mean squared error over the given block is in its "error" attribute. Hint ---- See ``lpc.kautocor`` example, which should apply equally for this strategy. See Also -------- lpc.autocor: LPC coefficients by using one of the autocorrelation method strategies. lpc.kautocor: LPC coefficients obtained with Levinson-Durbin algorithm. """ from numpy import matrix from numpy.linalg import pinv acdata = acorr(blk, order) coeffs = pinv(toeplitz(acdata[:-1])) * -matrix(acdata[1:]).T coeffs = coeffs.T.tolist()[0] filt = 1 + sum(ai * z ** -i for i, ai in enumerate(coeffs, 1)) filt.error = acdata[0] + sum(a * c for a, c in xzip(acdata[1:], coeffs)) return filt @lpc.strategy("kautocor", "kacorr", "kautocorrelation", "kauto_correlation") def lpc(blk, order=None): """ Find the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients as a ZFilter object, the analysis whitening filter. This implementation uses the autocorrelation method, using the Levinson-Durbin algorithm. Parameters ---------- blk : An iterable with well-defined length. Don't use this function with Stream objects! order : The order of the resulting ZFilter object. Defaults to ``len(blk) - 1``. Returns ------- A FIR filter, as a ZFilter object. The mean squared error over the given block is in its "error" attribute. Examples -------- >>> data = [-1, 0, 1, 0] * 4 >>> len(data) # Small data 16 >>> filt = lpc.kautocor(data, 2) >>> filt # The analysis filter 1 + 0.875 * z^-2 >>> filt.numerator # List of coefficients [1, 0.0, 0.875] >>> filt.error # Prediction error (squared!) 1.875 See Also -------- levinson_durbin : Levinson-Durbin algorithm for solving Yule-Walker equations (Toeplitz matrix linear system). lpc.autocor: LPC coefficients by using one of the autocorrelation method strategies. lpc.nautocor: LPC coefficients from linear system solved with Numpy pseudo-inverse. """ return levinson_durbin(acorr(blk, order), order) @lpc.strategy("covar", "cov", "covariance", "ncovar", "ncov", "ncovariance") def lpc(blk, order=None): """ Find the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients as a ZFilter object, the analysis whitening filter. This implementation uses the covariance method, assuming a zero-mean stochastic process, using numpy.linalg.pinv as a linear system solver. """ from numpy import matrix from numpy.linalg import pinv lagm = lag_matrix(blk, order) phi = matrix(lagm) psi = phi[1:, 0] coeffs = pinv(phi[1:, 1:]) * -psi coeffs = coeffs.T.tolist()[0] filt = 1 + sum(ai * z ** -i for i, ai in enumerate(coeffs, 1)) filt.error = phi[0, 0] + sum(a * c for a, c in xzip(lagm[0][1:], coeffs)) return filt @lpc.strategy("kcovar", "kcov", "kcovariance") def lpc(blk, order=None): """ Find the Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients as a ZFilter object, the analysis whitening filter. This implementation is based on the covariance method, assuming a zero-mean stochastic process, finding the coefficients iteratively and greedily like the lattice implementation in Levinson-Durbin algorithm, although the lag matrix found from the given block don't have to be toeplitz. Slow, but this strategy don't need NumPy. """ # Calculate the covariance for each lag pair phi = lag_matrix(blk, order) order = len(phi) - 1 # Inner product for filters based on above statistics def inner(a, b): return sum(phi[i][j] * ai * bj for i, ai in enumerate(a.numlist) for j, bj in enumerate(b.numlist) ) A = ZFilter(1) B = [z ** -1] beta = [inner(B[0], B[0])] m = 1 while True: try: k = -inner(A, z ** -m) / beta[m - 1] # Last one is really a PARCOR coeff except ZeroDivisionError: raise ZeroDivisionError("Can't find next coefficient") if k >= 1 or k <= -1: raise ValueError("Unstable filter") A += k * B[m - 1] if m >= order: A.error = inner(A, A) return A gamma = [inner(z ** -(m + 1), B[q]) / beta[q] for q in xrange(m)] B.append(z ** -(m + 1) - sum(gamma[q] * B[q] for q in xrange(m))) beta.append(inner(B[m], B[m])) m += 1
[docs]def parcor(fir_filt): """ Find the partial correlation coefficients (PARCOR), or reflection coefficients, relative to the lattice implementation of a given LTI FIR LinearFilter with a constant denominator (i.e., LPC analysis filter, or any filter without feedback). Parameters ---------- fir_filt : A ZFilter object, causal, LTI and with a constant denominator. Returns ------- A generator that results in each partial correlation coefficient from iterative decomposition, reversing the Levinson-Durbin algorithm. Examples -------- >>> filt = levinson_durbin([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, 1]) >>> filt 1 - 0.275 * z^-1 - 0.275 * z^-2 - 0.4125 * z^-3 + 1.5 * z^-4 """\ """- 0.9125 * z^-5 - 0.275 * z^-6 - 0.275 * z^-7 >>> round(filt.error, 4) 1.9125 >>> k_generator = parcor(filt) >>> k_generator <generator object parcor at ...> >>> [round(k, 7) for k in k_generator] [-0.275, -0.3793103, -1.4166667, -0.2, -0.25, -0.3333333, -2.0] See Also -------- levinson_durbin : Levinson-Durbin algorithm for solving Yule-Walker equations (Toeplitz matrix linear system). """ den = fir_filt.denominator if len(den) != 1: raise ValueError("Filter has feedback") elif den[0] != 1: # So we don't have to worry with the denominator anymore fir_filt /= den[0] for m in xrange(len(fir_filt.numerator) - 1, 0, -1): k = fir_filt.numpoly[m] yield k zB = fir_filt(1 / z) * z ** -m try: fir_filt = (fir_filt - k * zB) / (1 - k ** 2) except ZeroDivisionError: raise ParCorError("Can't find next PARCOR coefficient") fir_filt = (fir_filt - fir_filt.numpoly[0]) + 1 # Avoid rounding errors
[docs]def parcor_stable(filt): """ Tests whether the given filter is stable or not by using the partial correlation coefficients (reflection coefficients) of the given filter. Parameters ---------- filt : A LTI filter as a LinearFilter object. Returns ------- A boolean that is true only when all correlation coefficients are inside the unit circle. Critical stability (i.e., when outer coefficient has magnitude equals to one) is seem as an instability, and returns False. See Also -------- parcor : Partial correlation coefficients generator. lsf_stable : Tests filter stability with Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) values. """ try: return all(abs(k) < 1 for k in parcor(ZFilter(filt.denpoly))) except ParCorError: return False
[docs]def lsf(fir_filt): """ Find the Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) from a given FIR filter. Parameters ---------- filt : A LTI FIR filter as a LinearFilter object. Returns ------- A tuple with all LSFs in rad/sample, alternating from the forward prediction and backward prediction filters, starting with the lowest LSF value. """ den = fir_filt.denominator if len(den) != 1: raise ValueError("Filter has feedback") elif den[0] != 1: # So we don't have to worry with the denominator anymore fir_filt /= den[0] from numpy import roots rev_filt = ZFilter(fir_filt.numerator[::-1]) * z ** -1 P = fir_filt + rev_filt Q = fir_filt - rev_filt roots_p = roots(P.numerator[::-1]) roots_q = roots(Q.numerator[::-1]) lsf_p = sorted(phase(roots_p)) lsf_q = sorted(phase(roots_q)) return reduce(operator.concat, xzip(*sorted([lsf_p, lsf_q])), tuple())
[docs]def lsf_stable(filt): """ Tests whether the given filter is stable or not by using the Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF) of the given filter. Needs NumPy. Parameters ---------- filt : A LTI filter as a LinearFilter object. Returns ------- A boolean that is true only when the LSF values from forward and backward prediction filters alternates. Critical stability (both forward and backward filters has the same LSF value) is seem as an instability, and returns False. See Also -------- lsf : Gets the Line Spectral Frequencies from a filter. Needs NumPy. parcor_stable : Tests filter stability with partial correlation coefficients (reflection coefficients). """ lsf_data = lsf(ZFilter(filt.denpoly)) return all(a < b for a, b in blocks(lsf_data, size=2, hop=1))