Using ASTKit ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rendering --------- ASTKit provides a source code renderer astkit.render.SourceCodeRenderer that will transform an ast.Node tree into syntactically correct Python source code. This is easy to do. Have a look at the following example:: >>> import ast >>> call = ast.Call(func=ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id='somemodule'), ... attr='somefunc'), ... args=[ast.Num(n=8), ... ast.Num(n=15), ... ], ... keywords=[]) >>> from astkit.render import SourceCodeRenderer >>> SourceCodeRenderer.render(call) 'somemodule.somefunc(8, 15)' In the example, you can see that we create an ast.Call node; this node represents a function call. Specifically, it is a call to the function 'somefunc' from the module 'somemodule' with two arguments: 8 and 15. You can see that when we call SourceCodeRenderer.render on it we get 'somemodule.somefunc(8, 15)', which is just what we would expect.