Development =========== The ``asr`` toolkit is developed by Martin Thoma. The development began in November 2014. It is developed on GitHub: You can file issues and feature requests there. Alternatively, you can send me an email: Tools ----- * ``nosetests`` for unit testing * ``pylint`` to find code smug * GitHub for hosting the source code * for hosting the documentation Code coverage can be tested with .. code:: bash $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package asr --logging-level=INFO --cover-html and uploaded to with .. code:: bash $ coveralls Documentation ------------- The documentation is generated with `Sphinx `_. On Debian derivates it can be installed with .. code:: bash $ sudo apt-get install python-sphinx Sphinx makes use of `reStructured Text `_ The documentation can be built with ``make html``. Project structure ----------------- The project structure is :: . ├── asr ├── bin ├── docs └── tests where the folder ``bin`` contains all scripts that can directly be used, ``asr`` contains all modules and ``tests`` contains unittests written with nosetools.