Source code for aslack.utils

"""Utility functionality."""

from aiohttp import web_exceptions

[docs]class FriendlyError(Exception): """Exception with friendlier error messages. Notes: The ``err_msg`` is resolved in :py:attr:`EXPECTED_ERRORS`, or passed through as-is if not found there. Arguments: err_msg (:py:class:`str`): The error message to attempt to resolve. *args (:py:class:`tuple`): Any additional positional arguments. """ EXPECTED_ERRORS = {} """Friendly messages for expected errors.""" def __init__(self, err_msg, *args): super().__init__(self.EXPECTED_ERRORS.get(err_msg, err_msg), *args)
[docs]def raise_for_status(response): """Raise an appropriate error for a given response. Arguments: response (:py:class:`aiohttp.ClientResponse`): The API response. Raises: :py:class:`aiohttp.web_exceptions.HTTPException`: The appropriate error for the response's status. """ for err_name in web_exceptions.__all__: err = getattr(web_exceptions, err_name) if err.status_code == response.status: payload = dict( headers=response.headers, reason=response.reason, ) if issubclass(err, web_exceptions._HTTPMove): # pylint: disable=protected-access raise err(response.headers['Location'], **payload) raise err(**payload)
[docs]def truncate(text, max_len=350, end='...'): """Truncate the supplied text for display. Arguments: text (:py:class:`str`): The text to truncate. max_len (:py:class:`int`, optional): The maximum length of the text before truncation (defaults to 350 characters). end (:py:class:`str`, optional): The ending to use to show that the text was truncated (defaults to ``'...'``). Returns: :py:class:`str`: The truncated text. """ if len(text) <= max_len: return text return text[:max_len].rsplit(' ', maxsplit=1)[0] + end