Source code for aslack.core

"""Core API wrapper functionality, adapted from `Flash Services`_.

.. _Flash Services:

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from os import getenv
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urljoin, urlsplit, urlunsplit

[docs]class Service(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract base class for API wrapper services.""" REQUIRED = set() """:py:class:`set`: The service's required configuration keys.""" ROOT = '' """:py:class:`str`: The root URL for the API.""" @abstractmethod def __init__(self, *_, **kwargs): self.service_name = kwargs.get('name') @property def headers(self): """Get the headers for the service requests. Returns: :py:class:`dict`: The header mapping. """ return {}
[docs] def url_builder(self, endpoint, *, root=None, params=None, url_params=None): """Create a URL for the specified endpoint. Arguments: endpoint (:py:class:`str`): The API endpoint to access. root: (:py:class:`str`, optional): The root URL for the service API. params: (:py:class:`dict`, optional): The values for format into the created URL (defaults to ``None``). url_params: (:py:class:`dict`, optional): Parameters to add to the end of the URL (defaults to ``None``). Returns: :py:class:`str`: The resulting URL. """ if root is None: root = self.ROOT scheme, netloc, path, _, _ = urlsplit(root) return urlunsplit(( scheme, netloc, urljoin(path, endpoint), urlencode(url_params or {}), '', )).format(**params or {})
[docs]class TokenAuthMixin: """Mix-in class for implementing token authentication. Arguments: api_token (:py:class:`str`): A valid API token. """ TOKEN_ENV_VAR = None """:py:class:`str`: The environment variable holding the token.""" def __init__(self, *, api_token, **kwargs): self.api_token = api_token super().__init__(**kwargs) @classmethod
[docs] def from_env(cls): """Create a service instance from an environment variable.""" token = getenv(cls.TOKEN_ENV_VAR) if token is None: msg = 'missing environment variable: {!r}'.format(cls.TOKEN_ENV_VAR) raise ValueError(msg) return cls(api_token=token)
[docs]class UrlParamMixin(TokenAuthMixin): """Mix-in class for implementing URL parameter authentication.""" AUTH_PARAM = None """:py:class:`str`: The name of the URL parameter."""
[docs] def url_builder(self, endpoint, params=None, url_params=None): """Add authentication URL parameter.""" if url_params is None: url_params = OrderedDict() url_params[self.AUTH_PARAM] = self.api_token return super().url_builder( endpoint, params=params, url_params=url_params, )