Prepare scripts

ArchiCOW supports a method of preparing the source location for backup allowing for a backup job to execute a script on the remote server which prepares the data for backup and passes back a path to the prepared data.

This setup can be used for example for creating snapshots of volumes, dumping database contents before backup, etc.

The script, specified by prepare_script configuration parameter, is called through SSH on the remote host, with command line argument PREPARE followed by value of source_path. Standard output of the script is read back as the new value for source_path parameter used for the backup process.

After the backup (succesful or not) the script is called with an argument CLEANUP followed by the original source_path value. However in case of abrupt termination of the backup process the CLEANUP call may not get through.

The synopsis for calling the scripts is as follows:

prepare_script ("PREPARE" | "CLEANUP") source_path

The script should print just one line on standard output, which will be used as a value for source_path.

In case of error, the script should terminate with non-zero exit code, printing error description on standard error.

Scripts included in ArchiCOW distribution are covered in following sections.

Mount bind –

Bind-mount (mount -o bind) the source filesystem to another path before backup. This may be needed mostly for the root filesystem to get a clean view, without other filesystems mounted over it.

Expects source_path value with these components, separated by spaces:

The original mount moint.
New mount point to bind-mount to.

LVM snapshot –

Create a snapshot of LVM volume for consistency before backup. The snapshot will be mounted to a new directory under /mnt/archicow/ and it’s path will be returned.

Expects source_path value with three components, separated by spaces:

Volume group name.
Logical volume name.
Maximum size of the snapshot, in physical extents. The actual size will be limited by free space in the volume group.

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