

usage: archicow [-h] (--config FILE | --version) [--verbose] JOB [JOB ...]

ArchiCOW - Backup system supporting copy-on-write storage.

positional arguments:
  JOB                   backup job(s) to execute

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config FILE, -c FILE
                        config file name
  --version, -V         show version and exit
  --verbose, -v         verbose output

For example to start a job named server_backup defined in the configuration file (described in later sections), you would use:

archicow -c /etc/archicow.conf server_backup

Configuration file


Configuration file structure is similar to INI files. It consists of sections, led by a [section] header and followed by name: value entries, with continuations in the style of RFC 822 (see section 3.1.1, “LONG HEADER FIELDS”); name=value is also accepted. Note that leading whitespace is removed from values.

Values can contain format strings in the form %(name)s which refer to other values in the same section, or values in a special DEFAULT section.

Configuration files may include comments, prefixed by specific characters (# and ;). Comments may appear on their own in an otherwise empty line, or may be entered in lines holding values or section names. In the latter case, they need to be preceded by a whitespace character to be recognized as a comment. Only semicolon ; starts an inline comment, while hash-sign # does not.

Job specification

Configuration file consists of a special DEFAULT section and sections describing individual backup jobs. Parameters in the default section are used as default values for every job unless they are overriden in the job section.

Sections defining backup jobs are named by the job name with JOB: prefix.

Job specification contains these common parameters:

Module files to load in Python import format. To load module files that are part of the ArchiCOW distribution, prefix the base file name with either or archicow.process. for storage and process modules respectively, e.g. modules: archicow.process.rsync
One of supported backup modules to use for the job.
Storage module to use.
Path to directory on remote host to be backed up. If using prepare scripts, this value will serve as input to the prepare script which will return the real source path. See section on prepare scripts later in this document.
Base path under which storage module operates.
Path under target_base directory for the backup. Will be created as either file or directory, depending on the process module used. Furthermore, storage modules which support history will append a timestamp and possibly a status suffix to this name as described in Storage modules section later in this document.
Path to remote prepare script. The script is executed before backup. It receives source_path value as command line argument and a new value of source_path is read from the script’s standard output, which is then used as source of the backup. Scripts supplied with ArchiCOW are described in their own section later in this document.

Other parameters are used by the process modules. Please see their respective sections later in this document.

Configuration file example

target_base = /var/lib/archicow/backup
process = RsyncProcess
storage = HardlinkStorage
# user defined parameter:
config_dir = /etc/archicow


# remote SSH user (optional)
user = rbackup

# remote host
host =

# SSH key to use (optional)
key_path = %(config_dir)s/keys/example_key

# Source path on remote host
source_path = /home/rbackup

# Target path below target_base
target_path = %(host)s/rbackup

# Exclude list for rsync, patterns separated by ||
exclude = file2||file3

# Use sudo for remote rsync and prepare script
remote_sudo = 1
# Same for local rsync

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