Source code for aquaduct.geom.cluster

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module provides functions for clusterization.
Clusterization is done by :mod:`scikit-learn` module.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import Birch, DBSCAN, AffinityPropagation, KMeans, MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

# problems with clustering methods and size of set
# DBSCAN:              n > 0
# AffinityPropagation: n > 0
# KMeans:              n > clusters
# MeanShift:           n > 6

AVAILABLE_METHODS = ['dbscan','kmeans', 'affprop', 'meanshift', 'birch','barber']

[docs]def get_required_params(method): if method == 'kmeans': return ['n_clusters']
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import Auto from aquaduct.utils import clui
[docs]class BarberClusterResult(object):
[docs] def __init__(self,labels_): self.labels_ = np.array(labels_)
[docs]class BarberCluster(object):
[docs] def fit(self,coords,radii=None): friends = {} for nr,(coord,radius) in enumerate(zip(coords,radii)): distances = cdist([coord],coords,metric='euclidean').flatten() - np.array(radii) - radius # less then zero are intersecting if (distances<=0).any(): friends.update({nr:np.argwhere(distances<=0).flatten().tolist()}) # loop over friends' groups clustered = [] clusters = [] for leader,group in friends.iteritems(): if leader in clustered: continue cluster = [] + group last_size = -1 while len(cluster) != last_size: last_size = len(cluster) for leader2,group2 in friends.iteritems(): if leader2 in clustered: continue if set(cluster).intersection(set(group2)): cluster += group2 cluster = list(set(cluster)) clustered += cluster clusters.append(cluster) clusters.sort(key=lambda x: len(x),reverse=True) # make labels labels = [None]*len(coords) for nr,cluster in enumerate(clusters): for c in cluster: labels[c] = nr return BarberClusterResult(labels)
[docs]def MeanShiftBandwidth(X, **kwargs): if 'bandwidth' in kwargs: if kwargs['bandwidth'] is Auto: bandwidth = estimate_bandwidth(np.array(X), quantile=0.5) # TODO: change it to the default value of 0.3 or use it as option? kwargs.update({'bandwidth': bandwidth}) clui.message("Meanshift automatic bandwidth calculation: bandwidth = %f" % float( bandwidth)) # TODO: make it properly return kwargs
[docs]class PerformClustering(object): # aqeuduct clustering helper class
[docs] def __init__(self, method, **kwargs): self.method = method self.method_kwargs = kwargs self.method_results = None self.clusters = None
[docs] def __str__(self): out = str(self.method.__name__) return out
[docs] def __call__(self, coords, radii=None): # compatibility return, radii=radii)
[docs] def _get_noclusters(self, n): return [0] * n
[docs] def fit(self, coords, radii=None): # radii are used for Barber only if len(coords) < 2: self.clusters = self._get_noclusters(len(coords)) return self.clusters # special cases if self.method is BarberCluster: method = self.method() self.method_results =,radii) self.clusters = map(int, self.method_results.labels_ + 1) else: if self.method is MeanShift: if len(coords) < 6: self.clusters = self._get_noclusters(len(coords)) clui.message("Number of objects %d < 6 is too small for MeanShift method. Skipping." % (len(coords))) return self.clusters method = self.method(**MeanShiftBandwidth(coords, **self.method_kwargs)) else: if self.method is KMeans: if 'n_clusters' in self.method_kwargs: if len(coords) < self.method_kwargs['n_clusters']: self.clusters = self._get_noclusters(len(coords)) clui.message( "Number of objects %d < %d is too small for KMeans method. Skipping." % ( len(coords), self.method_kwargs['n_clusters'])) return self.clusters method = self.method(**self.method_kwargs) self.method_results = self.clusters = map(int, self.method_results.labels_ + 1) return self.clusters
[docs] def centers(self): assert self.clusters is not None, "Perform clusterization first." assert self.method_results is not None, "Perform clusterization first." if hasattr(self.method_results, 'cluster_centers_'): return self.method_results.cluster_centers_ raise NotImplementedError('Cluster centers is not implemented for %r method yet.' % self.method)