Source code for anybox.recipe.openerp.server

# coding: utf-8
import os
from os.path import join
import sys
import shutil
import logging
import subprocess
import zc.buildout
from zc.buildout import UserError
from anybox.recipe.openerp import devtools
from .base import BaseRecipe
from .utils import option_splitlines, option_strip

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SERVER_COMMA_LIST_OPTIONS = ('log_handler', )

[docs]class ServerRecipe(BaseRecipe): """Recipe for server install and config """ release_filenames = { '5.0': 'openerp-server-%s.tar.gz', '6.0': 'openerp-server-%s.tar.gz', '6.1': 'openerp-%s.tar.gz', # no more release after that, only nightlies } nightly_filenames = { # the switch from release to nightlies occured during 6.1 '6.1': 'openerp-6.1-%s.tar.gz', '7.0': 'openerp-7.0-%s.tar.gz', '8.0': 'odoo_8.0-%s.tar.gz', 'trunk': 'odoo_9.0alpha1-%s.tar.gz' } recipe_requirements = ('babel',) requirements = ('pychart', 'anybox.recipe.openerp') soft_requirements = ('openerp-command',) with_openerp_command = False with_gunicorn = False with_upgrade = True ws = None template_upgrade_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '') server_wide_modules = () def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super(ServerRecipe, self).__init__(*a, **kw) opt = self.options self.with_devtools = ( opt.get('with_devtools', 'false').lower() == 'true') self.with_upgrade = self.options.get('upgrade_script') != '' # discarding, because we have a special behaviour with custom # interpreters opt.pop('interpreter', None) self.openerp_scripts = {} self.missing_deps_instructions.update({ 'openerp-command': ("Please provide it with 'develop' or " "'gp.vcsdevelop'. " "You may download it on " ""), }) sw_modules = option_splitlines(opt.get('server_wide_modules')) if sw_modules and 'web' not in sw_modules: sw_modules = ('web', ) + sw_modules self.server_wide_modules = sw_modules
[docs] def apply_version_dependent_decisions(self): """Store some booleans depending on detected version. Also does some options normalization accordingly. """ gunicorn = self.options.get('gunicorn', '').strip().lower() self.with_gunicorn = bool(gunicorn) if gunicorn and self.major_version == (6, 1): entries = dict(direct='core', proxied='proxied') self.gunicorn_entry = entries.get(gunicorn) assert self.gunicorn_entry is not None, ( "In OpenERP 6.1, gunicorn option value must be " "one of %r" % entries.keys()) elif self.major_version >= (6, 2) and gunicorn == 'proxied': self.options['options.proxy_mode'] = 'True' logger.warn("'gunicorn = proxied' now superseded in this OpenERP " "version by the 'proxy_mode' OpenERP server option ") self.with_openerp_command = ( (self.with_devtools and self.major_version >= (6, 2) or self.major_version >= (7, 3)))
[docs] def merge_requirements(self): """Prepare for installation by zc.recipe.egg - add Pillow iff PIL not present in eggs option. - (OpenERP >= 6.1) develop the openerp distribution and require it - gunicorn's related dependencies if needed For PIL, extracted requirements are not taken into account. This way, if at some point, OpenERP introduce a hard dependency on PIL, we'll still install Pillow. The only case where PIL will have precedence over Pillow will thus be the case of a legacy buildout. See Once 'openerp' is required, zc.recipe.egg will take it into account and put it in needed scripts, interpreters etc. """ if self.major_version < (6, 0): self.requirements.extend( self.archeo_requirements.get(self.major_version)) setup_has_pil = False if 'PIL' not in option_splitlines(self.options.get('eggs', '')): if 'PIL' in self.requirements: setup_has_pil = True self.requirements.remove('PIL') self.requirements.append('Pillow') if self.major_version >= (6, 1): openerp_dir = getattr(self, 'openerp_dir', None) openerp_project_name = 'openerp' if openerp_dir is not None: # happens in unit tests openerp_project_name = self.develop( openerp_dir, setup_has_pil=setup_has_pil) self.requirements.append(openerp_project_name) if self.with_gunicorn: self.requirements.extend(('psutil', 'gunicorn')) if self.with_devtools: self.requirements.extend(devtools.requirements) if self.with_openerp_command and self.major_version < (7, 3): self.requirements.append('openerp-command') BaseRecipe.merge_requirements(self)
def _create_default_config(self): """Have OpenERP generate its default config file. """ self.options.setdefault('options.admin_passwd', '') if self.major_version <= (6, 0): # root-path not available as command-line option os.chdir(join(self.openerp_dir, 'bin')) subprocess.check_call([self.script_path, '--stop-after-init', '-s', ]) else: sys.path.extend([self.openerp_dir]) sys.path.extend([egg.location for egg in]) from import configmanager configmanager(self.config_path).save() def _create_gunicorn_conf(self, qualified_name): """Put a script in /etc. Derived from the standard shipping with OpenERP. """ gunicorn_options = dict( workers='4', timeout='240', max_requests='2000', qualified_name=qualified_name, bind='%s:%s' % ( self.options.get('options.xmlrpc_interface', ''), self.options.get('options.xmlrpc_port', '8069') )) gunicorn_prefix = 'gunicorn.' gunicorn_options.update((k[len(gunicorn_prefix):], v) for k, v in self.options.items() if k.startswith(gunicorn_prefix)) gunicorn_options['server_wide_modules'] = list( self.server_wide_modules) if self.server_wide_modules else ['web'] f = open(join(self.etc, qualified_name + ''), 'w') conf = """'''Gunicorn configuration script. Generated by buildout. Do NOT edit.''' import openerp bind = %(bind)r pidfile = %(qualified_name)r + '.pid' workers = %(workers)s if openerp.release.major_version == '6.1': on_starting = openerp.wsgi.core.on_starting try: when_ready = openerp.wsgi.core.when_ready except AttributeError: # not in current head of 6.1 pass pre_request = openerp.wsgi.core.pre_request post_request = openerp.wsgi.core.post_request timeout = %(timeout)s max_requests = %(max_requests)s openerp.multi_process = True # needed even with only one worker openerp.conf.server_wide_modules = %(server_wide_modules)r conf = """ % gunicorn_options # forwarding specified options prefix = 'options.' for opt, val in self.options.items(): if not opt.startswith(prefix): continue opt = opt[len(prefix):] if opt == 'log_level': # blindly following the sample script val = dict(DEBUG=10, DEBUG_RPC=8, DEBUG_RPC_ANSWER=6, DEBUG_SQL=5, INFO=20, WARNING=30, ERROR=40, CRITICAL=50).get(val.strip().upper(), 30) if opt in SERVER_COMMA_LIST_OPTIONS: val = [i.strip() for i in val.split(',')] conf += 'conf[%r] = %r' % (opt, val) + os.linesep preload_dbs = option_splitlines(self.options.get( 'gunicorn.preload_databases')) if preload_dbs: conf += os.linesep.join(( "", "def post_fork(server, worker):", " '''Preload databases specified in buildout conf.'''", " from openerp.modules.registry import RegistryManager", " preload_dbs = %r" % preload_dbs, " for db_name in preload_dbs:", "'Worker loading database %r',", " db_name)", " RegistryManager.get(db_name)", "'OpenERP databases %r loaded, '", " 'worker ready '", " 'to serve requests', preload_dbs)", )) f.write(conf) f.close() def _get_server_command(self): """Return a full path to the main OpenERP server command.""" if self.major_version <= (6, 0): server_cmd = join('bin', '') else: server_cmd = 'openerp-server' return join(self.openerp_dir, server_cmd) def _parse_openerp_scripts(self): """Parse required scripts from conf.""" scripts = self.openerp_scripts if 'openerp_scripts' not in self.options: return for line in option_splitlines(self.options.get('openerp_scripts')): line = line.split() naming = line[0].split('=') if not naming or len(naming) > 2: raise UserError("Invalid script specification %r" % line[0]) elif len(naming) == 1: name = '_'.join((naming[0], else: name = naming[1] cl_options = [] desc = scripts[name] = dict(entry=naming[0], command_line_options=cl_options) opt_prefix = 'command-line-options=' arg_prefix = 'arguments=' log_prefix = 'openerp-log-level=' for token in line[1:]: if token.startswith(opt_prefix): cl_options.extend(token[len(opt_prefix):].split(',')) elif token.startswith(arg_prefix): desc['arguments'] = token[len(arg_prefix):] elif token.startswith(log_prefix): level = token[len(log_prefix):].upper() if level not in dir(logging): raise UserError("In script %r, improper logging " "level %r" % (name, level)) desc['openerp_log_level'] = level else: raise UserError( "Invalid token for script %r: %r" % (name, token)) def _get_or_create_script(self, entry, name=None): """Retrieve or create a registered script by its entry point. If create_name is not given, no creation will occur, will return None if not found. In all other cases, return return (script_name, desc). """ for script_name, desc in self.openerp_scripts.iteritems(): if desc['entry'] == entry: return script_name, desc if name is not None: desc = self.openerp_scripts[name] = dict(entry=entry) return name, desc def _register_main_startup_script(self, qualified_name): """Register main startup script, usually ``start_openerp`` for install. """ desc = self._get_or_create_script('openerp_starter', name=qualified_name)[1] arguments = '%r, %r, version=%r' % (self._get_server_command(), self.config_path, self.major_version) if self.major_version >= (7, 3): arguments += ', gevent_script_path=%r' % self.gevent_script_path if self.server_wide_modules: arguments += ', server_wide_modules=%r' % ( self.server_wide_modules,) desc.update(arguments=arguments) startup_delay = float(self.options.get('startup_delay', 0)) initialization = [''] if self.with_devtools: initialization.extend(( 'from anybox.recipe.openerp import devtools', 'devtools.load(for_tests=False)', '')) if startup_delay: initialization.extend( ('print("sleeping %s seconds...")' % startup_delay, 'import time', 'time.sleep(%f)' % startup_delay)) desc['initialization'] = os.linesep.join((initialization)) def _register_test_script(self, qualified_name): """Register the main test script for installation. """ desc = self._get_or_create_script('openerp_tester', name=qualified_name)[1] arguments = '%r, %r, version=%r, just_test=True' % ( self._get_server_command(), self.config_path, self.major_version) if self.major_version >= (7, 3): arguments += ', gevent_script_path=%r' % self.gevent_script_path desc.update( entry='openerp_starter', initialization=os.linesep.join(( "from anybox.recipe.openerp import devtools", "devtools.load(for_tests=True)", "")), arguments=arguments ) def _register_upgrade_script(self, qualified_name): desc = self._get_or_create_script('openerp_upgrader', name=qualified_name)[1] script_opt = option_strip(self.options.get('upgrade_script', ' run')) script = script_opt.split() if len(script) != 2: # TODO add console script entry point support raise zc.buildout.UserError( ("upgrade_script option must take the form " "SOURCE_FILE CALLABLE (got '%r')" % script)) script_source_path = self.make_absolute(script[0]) desc.update( entry='openerp_upgrader', arguments='%r, %r, %r, %r' % ( script_source_path, script[1], self.config_path, self.buildout_dir), ) if not os.path.exists(script_source_path): logger.warning("Ugrade script source %s does not exist." "Initializing it for you", script_source_path) shutil.copy(self.template_upgrade_script, script_source_path) def _register_gunicorn_startup_script(self, qualified_name): """Register a gunicorn foreground start script for installation. The produced script is suitable for external process management, such as provided by supervisor. """ desc = self._get_or_create_script('gunicorn', name=qualified_name)[1] gunicorn_options = {} gunicorn_prefix = 'gunicorn.' gunicorn_options.update((k[len(gunicorn_prefix):], v) for k, v in self.options.items() if k.startswith(gunicorn_prefix)) gunicorn_entry_point = gunicorn_options.get('entry_point') if gunicorn_entry_point is None: if self.major_version >= (6, 2): # proxy vs direct now handled by an OpenERP server option gunicorn_entry_point = ('openerp:' 'service.wsgi_server.application') else: gunicorn_entry_point = ( 'openerp:wsgi.%s.application' % self.gunicorn_entry) # gunicorn's main() does not take arguments, that's why we have # to resort on hacking sys.argv desc['initialization'] = ( "from sys import argv; argv[1:] = ['%s', '-c', '']" % ( gunicorn_entry_point, join(self.etc, qualified_name))) def _register_openerp_command(self, qualified_name): """Register for install. """ if self.major_version < (7, 3): logger.warn("Installing separate openerp-command as %r. " "In OpenERP 7, openerp-command used to be " "an independent python distribution, ready for " "development operations, but not ready for " "production operation. You are supposed to make " "this distribution available in some way (alternate " "PyPI server, develop, gp.vcs_develop...)", qualified_name) desc = self._get_or_create_script('oe', name=qualified_name)[1] # can't reuse self.addons here, because the true addons path maybe # different depending on addons options, such as subdir addons = ':'.join(self.addons_paths) initialization = [] if addons is not None: initialization.extend(( "import os", "os.environ['OPENERP_ADDONS'] = %r" % addons, '')) if self.with_devtools: initialization.extend(( 'from anybox.recipe.openerp import devtools', 'devtools.load(for_tests=True)', '')) desc['initialization'] = os.linesep.join(initialization) def _register_gevent_script(self, qualified_name): """Register the gevent startup script """ desc = self._get_or_create_script('openerp-gevent', name=qualified_name)[1] initialization = [ "import gevent.monkey", "gevent.monkey.patch_all()", "import psycogreen.gevent", "psycogreen.gevent.patch_psycopg()", ""] if self.with_devtools: initialization.extend([ 'from anybox.recipe.openerp import devtools', 'devtools.load(for_tests=False)', '']) desc['initialization'] = os.linesep.join(initialization) def _register_cron_worker_startup_script(self, qualified_name): """Register the cron worker script for installation. This worker script has been introduced in openobject-server, rev 4184 together with changes in the main code that it requires. These changes appeared in nightly build 6.1-20120530-233414. The worker script itself does not appear in nightly builds. """ script_src = join(self.openerp_dir, 'openerp-cron-worker') if not os.path.isfile(script_src): version = self.version_detected if ((version.startswith('6.1-2012') and version[4:12] < '20120530') or self.version_wanted == '6.1-1'): logger.warn( "Can't use openerp-cron-worker with version %s " "You have to run a separate regular OpenERP process " "for cron jobs to be launched.", version) return"Cron launcher openerp-cron-worker not found in " "openerp source tree (version %s). " "This is expected with some nightly builds. " "Using the launcher script distributed " "with the recipe.", version) script_src = join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'openerp-cron-worker') desc = self._get_or_create_script('openerp_cron_worker', name=qualified_name)[1] desc.update(entry='openerp_cron_worker', arguments='%r, %r' % (script_src, self.config_path), initialization='', ) def _install_interpreter(self): """Install a python interpreter with a ready-made session object.""" int_name = self.options.get('interpreter_name', None) if int_name == '': # conf requires not to build an interpreter return elif int_name is None: int_name = 'python_' + initialization = os.linesep.join(( "", "from anybox.recipe.openerp.runtime.session import Session", "session = Session(%r, %r)" % (self.config_path, self.buildout_dir), "if len(sys.argv) <= 1:", " print('To start the OpenERP working session, just do:')", " print('')", " print('or, to use the database from the buildout " "part config:')", " print('')", " print('All other options from buildout part config " "do apply.')", "" " print('Then you can issue commands such as')", " print(\" " " session.registry('res.users').browse(, 1, 1)\")" "")) reqs, ws = self.eggs_reqs, self.eggs_ws return zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts( reqs, ws, sys.executable, self.options['bin-directory'], scripts={}, interpreter=int_name, initialization=initialization, arguments=self.options.get('arguments', ''), extra_paths=self.extra_paths, # TODO investigate these options: # relative_paths=self._relative_paths, ) def _install_openerp_scripts(self): """Install scripts registered in self.openerp_scripts. If initialization string is not passed, one will be cooked for - session initialization - treatment of OpenERP options specific to this script, as required in the 'options' key of the scripts descrition (typically to add a database opening option to the provided script). """ reqs, ws = self.eggs_reqs, self.eggs_ws common_init = os.linesep.join(( "", "from anybox.recipe.openerp.runtime.session import Session", "session = Session(%r, %r)" % (self.config_path, self.buildout_dir), )) for script_name, desc in self.openerp_scripts.items(): initialization = desc.get('initialization', common_init) log_level = desc.get('openerp_log_level') if log_level: initialization = os.linesep.join(( initialization, "import logging", "logging.getLogger('openerp').setLevel" "(logging.%s)" % log_level)) options = desc.get('command_line_options') if options: initialization = os.linesep.join(( initialization, "session.handle_command_line_options(%r)" % options)) zc.buildout.easy_install.scripts( reqs, ws, sys.executable, self.bin_dir, scripts={desc['entry']: script_name}, interpreter='', initialization=initialization, arguments=desc.get('arguments', ''), # TODO investigate these options: extra_paths=self.extra_paths, # relative_paths=self._relative_paths, ) self.openerp_installed.append(join(self.bin_dir, script_name)) def _install_startup_scripts(self): """install startup and control scripts. """ self._parse_openerp_scripts() # provide additional needed entry points for main start/test scripts self.eggs_reqs.extend(( ('openerp_starter', 'anybox.recipe.openerp.runtime.start_openerp', 'main'), ('openerp_cron_worker', 'anybox.recipe.openerp.runtime.start_openerp', 'main'), ('openerp_upgrader', 'anybox.recipe.openerp.runtime.upgrade', 'upgrade'), )) if self.major_version >= (7, 3): self.eggs_reqs.append(('oe', 'openerpcommand.main', 'run')) self.eggs_reqs.append(('openerp-gevent', 'openerp.cli', 'main')) self._install_interpreter() main_script = self.options.get('script_name', 'start_' + if self.major_version >= (7, 3): gevent_script_name = self.options.get('gevent_script_name', 'gevent_%s' % self._register_gevent_script(gevent_script_name) self.gevent_script_path = join(self.bin_dir, gevent_script_name) self._register_main_startup_script(main_script) self.script_path = join(self.bin_dir, main_script) if self.with_openerp_command: self._register_openerp_command( self.options.get('openerp_command_name', '%s_command' % if self.with_devtools: self._register_test_script( self.options.get('test_script_name', 'test_' + if self.with_gunicorn: qualified_name = self.options.get('gunicorn_script_name', 'gunicorn_%s' % self._create_gunicorn_conf(qualified_name) self._register_gunicorn_startup_script(qualified_name) qualified_name = self.options.get('cron_worker_script_name', 'cron_worker_%s' % self._register_cron_worker_startup_script(qualified_name) if self.with_upgrade: qualified_name = self.options.get('upgrade_script_name', 'upgrade_%s' % self._register_upgrade_script(qualified_name) self._install_openerp_scripts() def _60_fix_root_path(self): """Correction of root path for OpenERP 6.0 pure python install""" if 'options.root_path' not in self.options: self.options['options.root_path'] = join(self.openerp_dir, 'bin') archeo_requirements = { (5, 0): ['psycopg2', 'pytz', 'lxml', 'egenix-mx-base', 'reportlab', 'pydot', ], }